Psalm settings for Advent I, II, and III (all three years of the rotation) now up using both the New American Bible AND the brand spankin' new Revised Grail Psalter translations.
Psalm settings for Advent IV (all three years), Christmas, and Holy Family (all three years) are up using the NAB translation, but will soon be updated to include the RGP translation.
Psalm for this Sunday coming (Ordinary Time II, years A and B) is up using both translations.
Also included:
Holy Angels Mass, which I boasted of just a few months back
Ave Maria, a hymn/motet-like setting I wrote when I was just barely old enough to drink. Offered in two keys (A-flat and F) with parts for string quartet.
Blessed Is He Who Comes, a translation of the Gradual appointed for Christmas (Mass at Dawn), which includes an antiphon for the people, and a brief motet-style verse written in SATB.
A work in progress! Enjoy!