Some good reading - Dan at The Shrine of the Holy Whapping has a series going on "Purchasing a Parish Hymnal".
Part I asks the key questions, like "Do we really need to SEE the readings as well as HEAR them?" "What styles of music are involved?" "How much money can we dish out?", etc.
Part II describes many of the hymnals individually.
Part III, once it is posted, will cover "the decision". Stay tuned.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
OT 22 at the Cathedral
Prelude: Prelude on RUSTINGTON -- Paul Bouman
Entrance: For the Beauty of the Earth / DIX
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm 15: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service / BEACH SPRING
Sanctus, etc.: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Blest are They
Recessional: God Whose Giving Knows No Ending / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Voluntary on DIX -- Lani Smith
Entrance: For the Beauty of the Earth / DIX
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm 15: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service / BEACH SPRING
Sanctus, etc.: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Blest are They
Recessional: God Whose Giving Knows No Ending / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Voluntary on DIX -- Lani Smith
Holy Father to Hold Private Debate
His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI will be gathering some of his former theology students for a weekend of private debate on evolution and religion at Castel Gandolfo.
Full story at Yahoo!
Full story at Yahoo!

Why do you think they call it Papal Bull?
Hat tip to the Crescat.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
FUNERALS (Adoremus Bulletin 9/06 Issue)
Lucy Carroll touches on funerals - always a common sticking point of mine in terms of appropriate music, bench fees, and eulogies. I will always maintain that only sacred music is appropriate for the funeral, the bench fee (the organist's full fee) should be awarded to the parish organist when the family wants the former organist five times removed or dear Aunt Sally (whichever may be less liturgically- or less musically-inclined) to play instead of the parish organist, and for crying out loud NO eulogies at Mass. Save the talk about grandpa's beer blitzes for the wake, will ya?
If anyone has heard my podcast about eulogies, you'll hear the story of one celebrity roast I had to endure by this one lady who was once told by the deceased that she had "too much to drink". I think she had too much to drink doing the dang eulogy! But Dr. Carroll has an even funnier (yet sadder) instance:
The brother walked into the sanctuary in shorts, sneakers, and spoke of sports and such. Near the end, someone from the congregation handed something to the speaker. He held the object aloft, saying: “So, brother, here’s a toast: to you!” Pfsst! He popped open the beer can and began to drink! Immediately, from the congregation, pfsst, pfsst, pfsst, pfsst followed -- people had brought their own beer cans to Mass!
I'm seeing a very bad mental picture in that speech! I don't drink - period! But probably could have used a good stiff one after that Mass.
Incidentally, Dr. Carroll is, like me, an advocate of the use of the In Paradisum or translation thereof as the recessional (instead of How Great Thou Art or Beagle's Things).
Plenty more good stuff in the September 2006 AB. Check it out!
If anyone has heard my podcast about eulogies, you'll hear the story of one celebrity roast I had to endure by this one lady who was once told by the deceased that she had "too much to drink". I think she had too much to drink doing the dang eulogy! But Dr. Carroll has an even funnier (yet sadder) instance:
The brother walked into the sanctuary in shorts, sneakers, and spoke of sports and such. Near the end, someone from the congregation handed something to the speaker. He held the object aloft, saying: “So, brother, here’s a toast: to you!” Pfsst! He popped open the beer can and began to drink! Immediately, from the congregation, pfsst, pfsst, pfsst, pfsst followed -- people had brought their own beer cans to Mass!
I'm seeing a very bad mental picture in that speech! I don't drink - period! But probably could have used a good stiff one after that Mass.
Incidentally, Dr. Carroll is, like me, an advocate of the use of the In Paradisum or translation thereof as the recessional (instead of How Great Thou Art or Beagle's Things).
Plenty more good stuff in the September 2006 AB. Check it out!
Hat tip to Gerald.
Guess which church is hosting a poncho lady? Yup - you guessed it. Till today St. Joan of Arc has actually been quiet around much of the blogosphere. I haven't heard much about St. Joan's for at least a couple of months. Well, check this out:
Call to Action Minnesota: Womenpriests Celebrate the Eucharist. On Saturday, September 23, 4-8 pm. Call to Action invites you to a Eucharistic Celebration with Regina Nicolosi presiding. Rev. Nicolosi was ordained as a womanpriest this summer. Following the Eucharist is a presentation by SJA parishioner Dr. Dorothy Irvin on "Ancient and Contemporary Models of Womenpriests and Deacons". Supper is included. FFI contact Judy McGuire at 612.927.6825.
Will Archbishop Flynn take notice? He has less than a month to contact St. Joan's and inform them that such a "Eucharistic Celebration" would be completely invalid. This is probably the WORST of the St. Joan's goings-on that I've seen yet. But then - St. Joan's, poncho ladies, they deserve each other.
Guess which church is hosting a poncho lady? Yup - you guessed it. Till today St. Joan of Arc has actually been quiet around much of the blogosphere. I haven't heard much about St. Joan's for at least a couple of months. Well, check this out:
Call to Action Minnesota: Womenpriests Celebrate the Eucharist. On Saturday, September 23, 4-8 pm. Call to Action invites you to a Eucharistic Celebration with Regina Nicolosi presiding. Rev. Nicolosi was ordained as a womanpriest this summer. Following the Eucharist is a presentation by SJA parishioner Dr. Dorothy Irvin on "Ancient and Contemporary Models of Womenpriests and Deacons". Supper is included. FFI contact Judy McGuire at 612.927.6825.
Will Archbishop Flynn take notice? He has less than a month to contact St. Joan's and inform them that such a "Eucharistic Celebration" would be completely invalid. This is probably the WORST of the St. Joan's goings-on that I've seen yet. But then - St. Joan's, poncho ladies, they deserve each other.
Effective immediately, no more anonymous comments. You must be logged in to Blogger with a name. If you're going to post innuendos like "dirty, dirty, dirty" and post it again once I erase it, at least have a dang spine. If you're going to be relevant to the post, fine. Any type of sexual innuendos, I don't care if they're song titles, they do not belong here. Period.
Monday, August 28, 2006

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (31:20/14.3 MB)

What is a bench fee, and why is it highly supported by parish organists? This pertains primarily to funerals and weddings.
Feasts for the week: St. Augustine of Hippo; Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
Music List: Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time (We finished our third and final consecutive week of Taste and See as the responsorial Psalm)
Sanctus XVIII (Chant); Ubi Caritas (Chant, Mode VI)
Grand Frere, by Pierre Journel, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network
Commercials: Going Fourth; iPadre Podcast and Videocast; Disciples with Microphones
Christus Vincit Sports: Shamus talks about the slumping Red Sox and wishes he had steroids. Blogs mentioned: The New Liturgical Movement, Catholic Caveman
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Receiving the Holy Eucharist edition (encore from Podcast #12), brought to you by Inflatable Church
Thank you for your Podcast Alley votes this month. 14 is most votes in one month in Christus Vincit history!
Closing notes, a plug for my parish by the author of The Reform of the Reform?, and we read some feedback from our listeners.
Christus Vincit Sports: Shamus talks about the slumping Red Sox and wishes he had steroids. Blogs mentioned: The New Liturgical Movement, Catholic Caveman
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Receiving the Holy Eucharist edition (encore from Podcast #12), brought to you by Inflatable Church
Thank you for your Podcast Alley votes this month. 14 is most votes in one month in Christus Vincit history!
Closing notes, a plug for my parish by the author of The Reform of the Reform?, and we read some feedback from our listeners.
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Matthew at the Dusty Choir Loft has the next round of hymn tune voting in place:
ST. THEODULPH (All glory, laud, and honor) VS. ST. ANNE (O God, our help in ages past)
In the first two rounds:
1. ICH GLAUB AN GOTT (To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King) edged out DIADEMATA (Crown Him with many crowns)
2. SINE NOMINE (For all the saints) just downright smoked AURELIA (The Church's one foundation)
All of these are great tunes, so these could easily be a coin toss. Pit any of the hymns Matthew has listed up against "Here I am, Lord" or "Beagle's Things", then it's a smokeshow before the voting even begins (unless your taste buds for sacred music call for "easy listening" - though I have serious doubts about saying "Beagle's Things" would be easy on the ears).
ST. THEODULPH (All glory, laud, and honor) VS. ST. ANNE (O God, our help in ages past)
In the first two rounds:
1. ICH GLAUB AN GOTT (To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King) edged out DIADEMATA (Crown Him with many crowns)
2. SINE NOMINE (For all the saints) just downright smoked AURELIA (The Church's one foundation)
All of these are great tunes, so these could easily be a coin toss. Pit any of the hymns Matthew has listed up against "Here I am, Lord" or "Beagle's Things", then it's a smokeshow before the voting even begins (unless your taste buds for sacred music call for "easy listening" - though I have serious doubts about saying "Beagle's Things" would be easy on the ears).
Father Heterodox, Wanna know how to overcome this?
Then you need this.

See the Curt Jester for details.

See the Curt Jester for details.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
From the newsdesk of the Catholic Caveman (that blog ROCKS!!!):
Retiring Bishop Gossman was, I've heard, not too happy when he learned that Bishop Micheal Burbidge was taking over the Diocese of Raleigh. Neither were the Modernist priests in the Diocese. When Bishop Burbidge stepped off the plane in Raleigh, a delegation of priests was there to greet him. Their spokesman, a priest stationed at the chancery in Raleigh, stepped up to him and said, "Hello, Michael!" Our new bishop very quietly answered, "Father, I prefer to be addressed as Bishop."
Good for him! Bishop Burbidge is off to a very good start! After all, he IS a Bishop. Even if he were still an auxiliary (he was Philly's auxiliary until going to Raleigh), the proper address is STILL Bishop or Your Excellency.
Retiring Bishop Gossman was, I've heard, not too happy when he learned that Bishop Micheal Burbidge was taking over the Diocese of Raleigh. Neither were the Modernist priests in the Diocese. When Bishop Burbidge stepped off the plane in Raleigh, a delegation of priests was there to greet him. Their spokesman, a priest stationed at the chancery in Raleigh, stepped up to him and said, "Hello, Michael!" Our new bishop very quietly answered, "Father, I prefer to be addressed as Bishop."
Good for him! Bishop Burbidge is off to a very good start! After all, he IS a Bishop. Even if he were still an auxiliary (he was Philly's auxiliary until going to Raleigh), the proper address is STILL Bishop or Your Excellency.
Reminder: Choir rehearsals resume Tuesday September 5 at 7 PM in the church!!!
There's a wideness in God's mercy (IN BABILONE/423)
Penitential: parrot Father
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Glo/Sanc/Mem/Amen/AgD)
The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Alstott)
Alleluia (Murray, w/verse sung to Tone 8G)
Faith of our fathers, living still (ST. CATHERINE/484)
Chant/Snow Lord's Prayer
Remember, Lord, thy servants (Page)
I sing the mighty pow'r of God (ELLACOMBE/438)
Also, a belated welcome to our first two cantors - Jude (4:30 or 9:00) and Maria (7:30)!
Reminder: Choir rehearsals resume Tuesday September 5 at 7 PM in the church!!!
There's a wideness in God's mercy (IN BABILONE/423)
Penitential: parrot Father
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Glo/Sanc/Mem/Amen/AgD)
The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Alstott)
Alleluia (Murray, w/verse sung to Tone 8G)
Faith of our fathers, living still (ST. CATHERINE/484)
Chant/Snow Lord's Prayer
Remember, Lord, thy servants (Page)
I sing the mighty pow'r of God (ELLACOMBE/438)
Also, a belated welcome to our first two cantors - Jude (4:30 or 9:00) and Maria (7:30)!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thanks much to Fr. Thomas Kocik (author of The Reform of the Reform?) for the plug he left in a comment to this post at The New Liturgical Movement.
Though the post itself is about the reading of the Spem in Alium at St. Paul's Church in Cambridge, MA (home of the Boston Archdiocesan Choir School), Gelasius pitches this suggestion:
Perhaps one could work on a list. There is a list of Old Rite Masses and/or parishes why couldn't we do the same?
Categorize by a) good music b) ad orientem c) good liturgy 'reform of the reform type thinking'
Maybe those who post on NLM could at least contribute to it.
Fr. Kocik, who, incidentally, was the visiting celebrant at today's 4:30 PM Mass at Holy Ghost, chimed in:
In the Diocese of Providence, R.I.: Holy Ghost Church in Tiverton (Fr. Jay Finelli). Great music, orthodox preaching, generous use of Latin.
Again, Father, thanks much. And I'll see to it that Fr. Finelli sees this on his return.
Though the post itself is about the reading of the Spem in Alium at St. Paul's Church in Cambridge, MA (home of the Boston Archdiocesan Choir School), Gelasius pitches this suggestion:
Perhaps one could work on a list. There is a list of Old Rite Masses and/or parishes why couldn't we do the same?
Categorize by a) good music b) ad orientem c) good liturgy 'reform of the reform type thinking'
Maybe those who post on NLM could at least contribute to it.
Fr. Kocik, who, incidentally, was the visiting celebrant at today's 4:30 PM Mass at Holy Ghost, chimed in:
In the Diocese of Providence, R.I.: Holy Ghost Church in Tiverton (Fr. Jay Finelli). Great music, orthodox preaching, generous use of Latin.
Again, Father, thanks much. And I'll see to it that Fr. Finelli sees this on his return.
In Mean Tod Brown's diocese, where kneeling was declared a sin by him and his trusty sidekick, Fr. Martin Tran, lives a beautifully renovated church - St. John the Baptist in Costa Mesa CA. (Hat tip to Gerald, who has some nice pictures)
By checking out the parish site, I stumbled onto the parish music ministry blog, run by their music director, Bob Grant. I'd love to see his music lists. But I'm very impressed with his posts on liturgy and music. From what this east coast boy sees, Bob (IMO) is one of the best in the west!
Welcome to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll, Bob!!
By checking out the parish site, I stumbled onto the parish music ministry blog, run by their music director, Bob Grant. I'd love to see his music lists. But I'm very impressed with his posts on liturgy and music. From what this east coast boy sees, Bob (IMO) is one of the best in the west!
Welcome to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll, Bob!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Matthew's got Round 2 going in the hymn tune vote. Go check it out! (Scroll to "Hymn Tune Vote II" - links are provided)
For you non-musicians who don't know much about hymn tunes, AURELIA is the tune most commonly used with The Church's One Foundation, while SINE NOMINE is the Ralph Vaughan Williams tune that goes with For All the Saints.
Matthew also announces that in the first round, ICH GLAUB AN GOTT (To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King) beat out DIADEMATA (Crown Him with Many Crowns).
For you non-musicians who don't know much about hymn tunes, AURELIA is the tune most commonly used with The Church's One Foundation, while SINE NOMINE is the Ralph Vaughan Williams tune that goes with For All the Saints.
Matthew also announces that in the first round, ICH GLAUB AN GOTT (To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King) beat out DIADEMATA (Crown Him with Many Crowns).
RIP: Maynard Ferguson

Thanks for the music. You will be missed.
Official site.
Clips of The Boss off of YouTube:
Round Midnight
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
...will be featuring its Gregorian Chant entry on its front page Thursday! Woohoo!
BTW, on another note, while Jeffrey Tucker makes that announcement, he also points out this Wikipedia entry on the St. Louis Jesuits. SAH-LAMM! All I can say is: I didn't do it! Rest assured, it was not me, and I doubt that it was either of my trusty teammates here at Christus Vincit (don't get the wrong idea; I'm not exactly endorsing the St. Louis Jesuits either). In fact, - now here's one of the beauties of Wikipedia: being able to edit, check out this comparison page, consisting of the original entry vs. the most recently edited entry.
Also, I have the 2007 music issue at my desk here. Sure enough, some of the new SLJ album is in the new music issue. Best cuts came from John Foley (he has two that, at least melody wise, are quite good). Worst cuts: the rest of the album (at least in terms of the stuff the music issue included).
BTW, on another note, while Jeffrey Tucker makes that announcement, he also points out this Wikipedia entry on the St. Louis Jesuits. SAH-LAMM! All I can say is: I didn't do it! Rest assured, it was not me, and I doubt that it was either of my trusty teammates here at Christus Vincit (don't get the wrong idea; I'm not exactly endorsing the St. Louis Jesuits either). In fact, - now here's one of the beauties of Wikipedia: being able to edit, check out this comparison page, consisting of the original entry vs. the most recently edited entry.
Also, I have the 2007 music issue at my desk here. Sure enough, some of the new SLJ album is in the new music issue. Best cuts came from John Foley (he has two that, at least melody wise, are quite good). Worst cuts: the rest of the album (at least in terms of the stuff the music issue included).
Tightened Security Costing Musicians
The recent increase in airport security and restriction of carry-on items due to the foiled UK terror plot is wreaking havoc on the travel schedule of professional musicians: they aren't being permitted to bring their precious violins and such on board the aircraft and must check them in the cargo hold.
Read the whole article at the BBC.
Read the whole article at the BBC.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Though I've never been to England, the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll has just added the blog of my new favorite English Catholic priest, Fr. Tim Finigan. His blog, The Hermeneutic of Continuity, includes some really good posts on why "creative liturgy" is a bad thing. Excellent reading!
I kinda like that philosophy of simply reading the black and doing the red.
I kinda like that philosophy of simply reading the black and doing the red.

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (33:24/15.2 MB)
Continuing where we left off two weeks ago. 21 pieces of music added from the search engines of OCP, combing sections H and I of their "Song search" engine.
Feasts for the week:
St. Pius X; Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary; St. Rose of Lima;
St. Bartholomew; St. Louis, King of France; St. Joseph Calasanza
Music lists: Assumption (scroll to CVA #42 for the Assumption Special if you haven't done so yet) and Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand (written by yours truly)
The Church's One Foundation (tune: Aurelia); Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (tune: Grosser Gott)
Final verse of Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above, as sung by the Mater Ecclesiae Choir, Camden, NJ. (This setting really ROCKS!)
Jesu Christe, by Fugli, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network. Fugli's blog. He's mentioned CVP there.
Jesu Christe, by Fugli, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network. Fugli's blog. He's mentioned CVP there.
Christus Vincit Sports: Bishops in Sports, NFL Preseason Edition
Additional link: The New Liturgical Movement
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: John 6 edition, courtesy of Knight Writer
Podcast Alley news: a thank you, and one special favor.
Finally, listen as quarterback Brian gets sacked by linebacker Shamus at the end.
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
OK - it's all been determined by many progressive think tanks - liturgeists, LifeTeen, most religious ed folk (most, definitely not all - my parish's staff is part of the exception, thank God) - that Christian rock and sacro pop is what gets teen butts into the pews.
But - check out this interview with Dr. Barbara Resch.
Side note: NONE of my kids (ages 21, 19, 13, and 9) support sacro pop at Mass. Do they like rock and roll? Sure, they do! But not at Mass. They know where the musical line is drawn.
Hat tip to Jeffrey Tucker at the NLM. Oh, Jeff - only one spot in your whole post where I beg to differ...
For adolescents who keep current with popular music trends, much contemporary Christian music has a dated sound with a greater appeal to the "fortysomething" generation.
Not this "fortysomething". At least not in church anyways. ;)
UPDATE 10 AM EST: The Curt Jester has a nice idea in light of the above -- how about Life Tridenteen? Its Mass, and its accompanying banner (gotta have one, I guess) looks kinda like this:
Photo courtesy of the Curt Jester.
But - check out this interview with Dr. Barbara Resch.
Side note: NONE of my kids (ages 21, 19, 13, and 9) support sacro pop at Mass. Do they like rock and roll? Sure, they do! But not at Mass. They know where the musical line is drawn.
Hat tip to Jeffrey Tucker at the NLM. Oh, Jeff - only one spot in your whole post where I beg to differ...
For adolescents who keep current with popular music trends, much contemporary Christian music has a dated sound with a greater appeal to the "fortysomething" generation.
Not this "fortysomething". At least not in church anyways. ;)
UPDATE 10 AM EST: The Curt Jester has a nice idea in light of the above -- how about Life Tridenteen? Its Mass, and its accompanying banner (gotta have one, I guess) looks kinda like this:

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday 4:30 / Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30
Introit: Love divine, all loves excelling (431/Hyfrydol)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: I am the bread of life (339/Toolan)
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: Ubi caritas est vera (424/Mode VI)
Recessional: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty (19/Nicaea)
Choir rehearsals will resume on Tuesday, September 5, 2006, at 7 PM in the church. After rehearsal will be the first brief meeting of all cantors both present and interested-in-becoming.
Introit: Love divine, all loves excelling (431/Hyfrydol)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: I am the bread of life (339/Toolan)
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: Ubi caritas est vera (424/Mode VI)
Recessional: Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty (19/Nicaea)
Choir rehearsals will resume on Tuesday, September 5, 2006, at 7 PM in the church. After rehearsal will be the first brief meeting of all cantors both present and interested-in-becoming.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Check out this funny liturgy spoof from Paulinus at In Hoc Signo Vinces!
The liturgy is over – let’s go in peace and hey, be careful out there.
Hat tip to Fr. Erik, who still remembers "the icy glare I got when I told the sister who taught us 'Pastoral Liturgy' that our first concern should be to follow the rubrics."
Then there's the "cowboy church" Mass, where the dismissal is simply, Y'all come back now, ya hear?
The liturgy is over – let’s go in peace and hey, be careful out there.
Hat tip to Fr. Erik, who still remembers "the icy glare I got when I told the sister who taught us 'Pastoral Liturgy' that our first concern should be to follow the rubrics."
Then there's the "cowboy church" Mass, where the dismissal is simply, Y'all come back now, ya hear?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Funny, yet "sad but true" in the case of some Catholics.
Hat tip to Domini Sumus, who got it from Ironic Catholic.
Hat tip to Domini Sumus, who got it from Ironic Catholic.
Don't know how I missed this one, but Gerald has an excellent homily that was preached by a Texas priest on the Feast of the Transfiguration. Very long, but well worth every word.
MAKING YOU FEEL OLD, a/k/a #1 on Nick's Birthday
Well, thought I'd follow up Brian's post on birthdays......
The number one hit on US Charts on the day I was born:
Celebration (Kool and the Gang)
The number one hit on UK Charts on the day I was born:
Woman (John Lennon)
(My wife's were Physical (Olivia Newton John) and Land of Make Believe (Bucks Fizz). My younger brother's were Say You Say Me (Lionel Richie) and When the Going Gets Tough (Billy Ocean).)
PS -- looks like this is post #700 for the CV Team!
The number one hit on US Charts on the day I was born:
Celebration (Kool and the Gang)
The number one hit on UK Charts on the day I was born:
Woman (John Lennon)
(My wife's were Physical (Olivia Newton John) and Land of Make Believe (Bucks Fizz). My younger brother's were Say You Say Me (Lionel Richie) and When the Going Gets Tough (Billy Ocean).)
PS -- looks like this is post #700 for the CV Team!
Matthew Meloche at The Dusty Choir Loft is having a "vote-off" of sorts.
Click here to cast your vote.
Click here to cast your vote.
Assumption at Fatima
Ordinary: Iubilate Deo (without Credo III)
Procession: Who is She Ascends so High? (Assumpta est)
Offertory: Immaculate Mary (Lourdes)
Improv on "Stella"
Communion: O Sanctissima (Sicilian Mariner's)
Trio, Dandrieu (Magnificat, D major)
Recessional: Fugue on the Carillon of Soissons, Durufle
At the vigil, the processional and recessional were the first and last movements from the same Dandrieu Mag.
Procession: Who is She Ascends so High? (Assumpta est)
Offertory: Immaculate Mary (Lourdes)
Improv on "Stella"
Communion: O Sanctissima (Sicilian Mariner's)
Trio, Dandrieu (Magnificat, D major)
Recessional: Fugue on the Carillon of Soissons, Durufle
At the vigil, the processional and recessional were the first and last movements from the same Dandrieu Mag.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The number one hit on US Charts on the day I was born:
I Get Around (Beach Boys)
The number one hit on UK Charts on the day I was born:
It's Over (Roy Orbison)
See what was number one on the day you were born!
Hat tip to the Crescat.
I Get Around (Beach Boys)
The number one hit on UK Charts on the day I was born:
It's Over (Roy Orbison)
See what was number one on the day you were born!
Hat tip to the Crescat.
A question for you parish organists:
Ever get a call for a funeral or a wedding at the parish where you are the principal organist and/or music director, and later get those dreaded words: The family is bringing in their own musicians??? Why any parish organist in his/her right mind let something like that slide is beyond me. Consider these things:
1) That's work being taken away from the parish organist. Unless the organist gets a bench fee, which should equal his/her full fee for the Mass in question, (s)he just has been burned!
2) A funeral or wedding Mass is just as much a parish Mass as is Sunday Mass. Therefore, parish staff should be on hand. This would include celebrant, servers, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (well, only if absolutely necessary, which, in most cases, it isn't), and musicians (organist, singer(s)).
3) The parish musician would know best the music that is used regularly at his/her parish church. What (s)he normally do for funerals or weddings might not be what the outside musician does - thus that's time the musicians would need to communicate. And what if the family brings in musicians that, never mind don't know what's done at the church, don't even know a thing about Catholic music or even Catholic liturgy? Or the outside organist that, at best, is a fifth rate ripoff of a piano player?
Let's look at the Code of Ethics of the American Guild of Organists, rule number 4:
Before accepting an engagement for a wedding, funeral, or other service, members shall obtain the approval of the incumbent musician. In cases where this engagement has been requested by a third party, it is appropriate for the third party to offer the incumbent his/her customary fee. It is the responsibility of members to inform the third party of this rule.
This "customary fee" is known by some as the "bench fee". But why this fee?
1) Again, work being taken away from the parish organist that is rightfully his/hers.
2) The parish organist has the responsibility of making sure the organ is unlocked, the proper accompaniment books are available, microphones set up, etc.
3) The parish organist, in many cases, including my own, has the responsibility of approving the visiting musicians - making sure that the musician in question has experience as an organist, has experience and hands-on knowledge in Catholic liturgy and music, and is aware that certain things are not appropriate at any Mass (e.g., secular music).
4) The parish organist, in many cases, has the responsibility of approving any and all musical selections used by the outside musicians. If the outside musician turns out to be someone who could give a rat's behind, then you might be in for a battle.
I still recall getting into a big tiff with a "prominent" composer on a message board over the "bench fee", and was later told by this composer (hint: I myself am the bread of life, you and I are the bread of life - explains the intelligence) that I should surrender the organ bench to a "real pastoral musician". Well, when in doubt of what a "real pastoral musician" is, read Jason's article, which later made it to the CanticaNOVA site.
Basic rule of thumb: if having to pay two organists costs too much, use the parish organist.
Ever get a call for a funeral or a wedding at the parish where you are the principal organist and/or music director, and later get those dreaded words: The family is bringing in their own musicians??? Why any parish organist in his/her right mind let something like that slide is beyond me. Consider these things:
1) That's work being taken away from the parish organist. Unless the organist gets a bench fee, which should equal his/her full fee for the Mass in question, (s)he just has been burned!
2) A funeral or wedding Mass is just as much a parish Mass as is Sunday Mass. Therefore, parish staff should be on hand. This would include celebrant, servers, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion (well, only if absolutely necessary, which, in most cases, it isn't), and musicians (organist, singer(s)).
3) The parish musician would know best the music that is used regularly at his/her parish church. What (s)he normally do for funerals or weddings might not be what the outside musician does - thus that's time the musicians would need to communicate. And what if the family brings in musicians that, never mind don't know what's done at the church, don't even know a thing about Catholic music or even Catholic liturgy? Or the outside organist that, at best, is a fifth rate ripoff of a piano player?
Let's look at the Code of Ethics of the American Guild of Organists, rule number 4:
Before accepting an engagement for a wedding, funeral, or other service, members shall obtain the approval of the incumbent musician. In cases where this engagement has been requested by a third party, it is appropriate for the third party to offer the incumbent his/her customary fee. It is the responsibility of members to inform the third party of this rule.
This "customary fee" is known by some as the "bench fee". But why this fee?
1) Again, work being taken away from the parish organist that is rightfully his/hers.
2) The parish organist has the responsibility of making sure the organ is unlocked, the proper accompaniment books are available, microphones set up, etc.
3) The parish organist, in many cases, including my own, has the responsibility of approving the visiting musicians - making sure that the musician in question has experience as an organist, has experience and hands-on knowledge in Catholic liturgy and music, and is aware that certain things are not appropriate at any Mass (e.g., secular music).
4) The parish organist, in many cases, has the responsibility of approving any and all musical selections used by the outside musicians. If the outside musician turns out to be someone who could give a rat's behind, then you might be in for a battle.
I still recall getting into a big tiff with a "prominent" composer on a message board over the "bench fee", and was later told by this composer (hint: I myself am the bread of life, you and I are the bread of life - explains the intelligence) that I should surrender the organ bench to a "real pastoral musician". Well, when in doubt of what a "real pastoral musician" is, read Jason's article, which later made it to the CanticaNOVA site.
Basic rule of thumb: if having to pay two organists costs too much, use the parish organist.
GOING CATHOLIC: Six Roads to Rome
A new article in the Christian Century tells of the conversions of Rusty Reno (Episcopalian), Mickey Mattox (Lutheran), Bruce Marshall (Lutheran), Reinhard Hütter (Lutheran), Douglas Farrow (Canadian Anglican), and Gerald Schlabach (Mennonite). The article also examines the decisions of Carl Braaten, Ephraim Radner, and Stanley Hauerwas to remain within their respective Protestant traditions. Excellent article.
(H/T to Pontifications.)
(H/T to Pontifications.)
Monday, August 14, 2006
OT 20 at the Cathedral
Prelude: Preambule -- Vierne
Entrance: Come, Christians, Join to Sing / MADRID (alt. harm. BMP)
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All / SWEET SACRAMENT
Sanctus, etc.: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Recessional: Sent Forth by God's Blessing / THE ASH GROVE
Postlude: Allegro maestoso (Sonata 2) -- Mendelssohn
(Prelude and postlude subject to change, as I forgot to look ahead on the planning sheets and haven't been practicing them. Hope I can get them up to snuff before the bulletin goes to press!)
Entrance: Come, Christians, Join to Sing / MADRID (alt. harm. BMP)
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All / SWEET SACRAMENT
Sanctus, etc.: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Recessional: Sent Forth by God's Blessing / THE ASH GROVE
Postlude: Allegro maestoso (Sonata 2) -- Mendelssohn
(Prelude and postlude subject to change, as I forgot to look ahead on the planning sheets and haven't been practicing them. Hope I can get them up to snuff before the bulletin goes to press!)
Assumption at the Cathedral
Prelude: Alma redemptoris mater -- Callahan
Entrance: Hail Holy Queen / SALVE REGINA COELITUM
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Vigil Psalm: Grail/Gelineau
Day Psalm: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Schubert Ave Maria (cantor)
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Magnificat -- Fr. Chepponis
Recessional: Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star / STELLA MARIS
Postlude: Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Guete -- J. G. Walther
Entrance: Hail Holy Queen / SALVE REGINA COELITUM
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Vigil Psalm: Grail/Gelineau
Day Psalm: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Schubert Ave Maria (cantor)
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Magnificat -- Fr. Chepponis
Recessional: Hail Queen of Heaven, the Ocean Star / STELLA MARIS
Postlude: Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Guete -- J. G. Walther

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (37:03/16.9 MB)

Chris Cavaliere - St. Michael's RCIA Podcast
Fr. Seraphim Beshoner - Catholic: Under the Hood
Michael Kreidler and James Kurt - the Breadcast
Chris and Tanya - Life on Fire; Paul Camarata - The SaintCast
For our part, we'll be discussing the Propers for Assumption and the Vigil. We'll also discuss hymn suggestions for the day.
Feasts for the Week:
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe; Assumption; St. Stephen of Hungary;
St. Jane Frances de Chantal; St. John Eudes
Music list: Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Signum Magnum (Mode VII Chant)
The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand (written by yours truly)
Assumpta Est Maria in Caelum (Mode VIII Chant); Salve Regina (Mode V Chant)
Vivace from the (Georg Philip) Telemann Sonata in F Minor, played by Josh Jacobson, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network. Josh also has a podcast, called Just Joshin'.
Christus Vincit - the BLOG, Voice of Mary, Disciples with Microphones
News from the Blogosphere: Links included:
Stephen Colbert customizable "On Notice" Board, Gerald Augustinus - The Cafeteria Is Closed,
Argent by the Tiber, Amy Welborn - Open Book, Dad 29, Saint Cecilia Schola Cantorum,
Fr. Erik Richtsteig - Orthometer, Ed Peters - In the Light of the Law
The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand (written by yours truly)
Assumpta Est Maria in Caelum (Mode VIII Chant); Salve Regina (Mode V Chant)
Vivace from the (Georg Philip) Telemann Sonata in F Minor, played by Josh Jacobson, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network. Josh also has a podcast, called Just Joshin'.
Christus Vincit - the BLOG, Voice of Mary, Disciples with Microphones
News from the Blogosphere: Links included:
Stephen Colbert customizable "On Notice" Board, Gerald Augustinus - The Cafeteria Is Closed,
Argent by the Tiber, Amy Welborn - Open Book, Dad 29, Saint Cecilia Schola Cantorum,
Fr. Erik Richtsteig - Orthometer, Ed Peters - In the Light of the Law

Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Sunday, August 13, 2006
A hand pump organ? This still-working single-manual model comes to us from Castromocho, Spain.
Closest I've seen, as I commented to Domini Sumus in her post, is in Cumberland, Rhode Island. Saint Joseph's Church, where I was assistant organist to the late Bob Dube, has a tracker that was built in 1889 by the Welcome K. Adams and Son firm, once based in Providence. This two-manual, 11-or-so-rank instrument, still has the lever (there is only one) attached to the organ case, though it no longer functions. The organ is now run by electric blower motor. The stop jamb labeled "Bellows Signal" still sits pretty on the attached console as well, though now in vain.
For its age, the organ at St. Joseph's still sounds quite good.
For another treat - from the same person that uploaded the above to YouTube, here's a reed action organ - another single manual - good sized case. Enjoy!
Closest I've seen, as I commented to Domini Sumus in her post, is in Cumberland, Rhode Island. Saint Joseph's Church, where I was assistant organist to the late Bob Dube, has a tracker that was built in 1889 by the Welcome K. Adams and Son firm, once based in Providence. This two-manual, 11-or-so-rank instrument, still has the lever (there is only one) attached to the organ case, though it no longer functions. The organ is now run by electric blower motor. The stop jamb labeled "Bellows Signal" still sits pretty on the attached console as well, though now in vain.
For its age, the organ at St. Joseph's still sounds quite good.
For another treat - from the same person that uploaded the above to YouTube, here's a reed action organ - another single manual - good sized case. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 7:00 PM
Introit: Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing (30/Lourdes Hymn)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: The queen stands at your right hand arrayed in gold (Page)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse of the day sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: O Sanctissima (in Latin) (691/O Du Fröliche)
Eucharist: People's/Danish combo
Lord's Prayer: chanted in English
Communion: Magnificat (Tone 6F from Worship II)
Meditation: Salve Regina (692/Mode V)
Recessional: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (31/Salve Regina Caelitum)
Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 4:30 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 AM
Introit: The Church's one foundation (400/Aurelia)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse of the day sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (22/Picardy)
- (note: Holst choral arrangement at 10:30 Mass)
Eucharist: People's/Danish combo
Lord's Prayer: chanted in English
Communion: Eat this Bread (346/Batastini/Berthier)
Recessional: Holy God, we praise thy Name (34/Grosser Gott)
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - 7:00 PM
Introit: Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing (30/Lourdes Hymn)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: The queen stands at your right hand arrayed in gold (Page)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse of the day sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: O Sanctissima (in Latin) (691/O Du Fröliche)
Eucharist: People's/Danish combo
Lord's Prayer: chanted in English
Communion: Magnificat (Tone 6F from Worship II)
Meditation: Salve Regina (692/Mode V)
Recessional: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (31/Salve Regina Caelitum)
Saturday, August 19, 2006 - 4:30 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006 - 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 AM
Introit: The Church's one foundation (400/Aurelia)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse of the day sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (22/Picardy)
- (note: Holst choral arrangement at 10:30 Mass)
Eucharist: People's/Danish combo
Lord's Prayer: chanted in English
Communion: Eat this Bread (346/Batastini/Berthier)
Recessional: Holy God, we praise thy Name (34/Grosser Gott)
Friday, August 11, 2006
These came to me compliments of Charles from CA, one of our regular readers and commentors.
The House Cat
The Hip Hop Cat
The Metal Cats
The Stevie Wonder Cat
The Stoner Rock Cat
The Techno Cat
The iCat


All I know is that it was used to inflict folk Masses on innocent people, says Fr. Richtsteig.
I found this to be one of a two-fold purpose. First, of course, as a percussion instrument used for the infamous folk Masses. Second, as a weapon, which strikes the head of anyone who might oppose said folk Masses.
Remedy: return the instrument/weapon to the neighboring Pentecostal/Assembly of God/Holy Roller church that it was stolen from - if not at once, then as quickly as humanly possible. I wouldn't want to see any more good Catholics get hurt.
Hat tip to Carl Olson at Ignatius Insight Scoop.
Ed Peters, a canon lawyer, gives his take on the Poncho Ladies™, and their crimes against Catholicism.
Ed Peters, a canon lawyer, gives his take on the Poncho Ladies™, and their crimes against Catholicism.
Fr. Keyes has an excellent post, aimed at those critics who would prefer to get away with more butchering and blatant abuses of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The one thing that amazes me is that several women, people with official roles in leadership, often think that my criticism is inappropriate. In other words, brides who wear strapless gowns should be allowed to do so. This is the culture, they say. This is what everyone does, they say.
Ever notice how progressives like to use the word culture in order to get what they want, even if it's wrong? And again, just because everyone does it doesn't necessarily make it right. In fact, not everyone does it. Maybe everyone in their progressive little circles, that's about it.
I am the pastor. I am not a talk-show host or a choreographer. I am the one responsible for the liturgy at this parish and I take my responsibility seriously. We are not putting on a show here.
A million points to Fr. Keyes for correct use of the word pastor.
I remember a conversation where I said that we needed to begin to look at the liturgy from the Church's perspective. The answer came back, "we are the Church." Nope, sorry, we are not individually or collectively the church. We do not get to decide what is right or wrong or what the truth is. Truth is not based on what we might feel about something or what we might like. Jesus himself is the truth and our task is to listen, to learn and to receive his grace.
As I heard a junior choir (under its progressive director) once sing: We are the church, happy to be God's children in one fam-i-ly. Cough, choke, barf! There goes my breakfast! We are a parish, within the Church, but we are definitely not the Church. We are members of the Church, expected to uphold the Church's teachings, but we are not the Church, that can pick and choose which teachings to uphold. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble may be Water Buffaloes, by virtue of being members of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes, but they are not THE Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes in itself.
This is a way cool paragraph:
There are many who wonder how long they have to put up with me. The most telling day was when someone complained and said they wanted their church back. That very day another thanked me for bringing back reverence and beauty and they ended by saying, "thank you for giving us our church back."
You'll get plenty more with the latter, Father. You're doing everything right. As for the former, as I said at MickeyD's last Tuesday, they'll get over it. (side note: they also need to get over themselves)
The one thing that amazes me is that several women, people with official roles in leadership, often think that my criticism is inappropriate. In other words, brides who wear strapless gowns should be allowed to do so. This is the culture, they say. This is what everyone does, they say.
Ever notice how progressives like to use the word culture in order to get what they want, even if it's wrong? And again, just because everyone does it doesn't necessarily make it right. In fact, not everyone does it. Maybe everyone in their progressive little circles, that's about it.
I am the pastor. I am not a talk-show host or a choreographer. I am the one responsible for the liturgy at this parish and I take my responsibility seriously. We are not putting on a show here.
A million points to Fr. Keyes for correct use of the word pastor.
I remember a conversation where I said that we needed to begin to look at the liturgy from the Church's perspective. The answer came back, "we are the Church." Nope, sorry, we are not individually or collectively the church. We do not get to decide what is right or wrong or what the truth is. Truth is not based on what we might feel about something or what we might like. Jesus himself is the truth and our task is to listen, to learn and to receive his grace.
As I heard a junior choir (under its progressive director) once sing: We are the church, happy to be God's children in one fam-i-ly. Cough, choke, barf! There goes my breakfast! We are a parish, within the Church, but we are definitely not the Church. We are members of the Church, expected to uphold the Church's teachings, but we are not the Church, that can pick and choose which teachings to uphold. Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble may be Water Buffaloes, by virtue of being members of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes, but they are not THE Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes in itself.
This is a way cool paragraph:
There are many who wonder how long they have to put up with me. The most telling day was when someone complained and said they wanted their church back. That very day another thanked me for bringing back reverence and beauty and they ended by saying, "thank you for giving us our church back."
You'll get plenty more with the latter, Father. You're doing everything right. As for the former, as I said at MickeyD's last Tuesday, they'll get over it. (side note: they also need to get over themselves)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Hat tip to Argent
Source: CNS
Music ministers urged to focus on unity, not their own agendas
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CNS) -- Music ministers should focus on building bridges and creating unity, speakers said at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians' Western Regional Convention in Sacramento Aug. 1-4. The principle that all are one in the body of the Lord is more important than cultural, ideological, musical or liturgical differences, they said. "We need to resist going down the black hole of anger regarding how we translate our texts, what we will sing, or which musical styles are most appropriate for our Masses," said liturgical composer David Haas in an opening keynote Aug. 1. "We still have something wonderful to sing about: God is still here, calling all of us to receive what we have been given from God as gift and give it back lavishly in service to the Lord and one another," he added. About 600 people, mostly church musicians but some liturgists and clergy as well, attended the convention at the Sacramento Radisson Hotel. They came from California and more than 30 other states and several other nations.
Our own agendas? Whose agenda was it to push sacro-pop and campfire trash into our celebrations of Holy Mass in the first place? We critics of such music have only one agenda, and that is to fulfill what was prescribed by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. Is this call for so-called unity another excuse to continue to write such trash? How about some true unity in liturgy - like Latin, Gregorian Chant, those things were to hold "pride of place", instead of pseudo unity, like "here we are" and "we're here together as one". Forget Christ, who "we're here" for in the first place, right? Where is that "pride of place"? In many cases it takes a back seat to the easy listening hits of sacro-pop and campfire trash. Sad but true.
Cut the dang self-conceit and let's get to truly celebrating Holy Mass!
UPDATE: Less than one hour after I posted the above, a new program has been introduced for the Ox Files fall lineup! Click the banner below for more info.
Source: CNS
Music ministers urged to focus on unity, not their own agendas
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CNS) -- Music ministers should focus on building bridges and creating unity, speakers said at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians' Western Regional Convention in Sacramento Aug. 1-4. The principle that all are one in the body of the Lord is more important than cultural, ideological, musical or liturgical differences, they said. "We need to resist going down the black hole of anger regarding how we translate our texts, what we will sing, or which musical styles are most appropriate for our Masses," said liturgical composer David Haas in an opening keynote Aug. 1. "We still have something wonderful to sing about: God is still here, calling all of us to receive what we have been given from God as gift and give it back lavishly in service to the Lord and one another," he added. About 600 people, mostly church musicians but some liturgists and clergy as well, attended the convention at the Sacramento Radisson Hotel. They came from California and more than 30 other states and several other nations.
Our own agendas? Whose agenda was it to push sacro-pop and campfire trash into our celebrations of Holy Mass in the first place? We critics of such music have only one agenda, and that is to fulfill what was prescribed by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council. Is this call for so-called unity another excuse to continue to write such trash? How about some true unity in liturgy - like Latin, Gregorian Chant, those things were to hold "pride of place", instead of pseudo unity, like "here we are" and "we're here together as one". Forget Christ, who "we're here" for in the first place, right? Where is that "pride of place"? In many cases it takes a back seat to the easy listening hits of sacro-pop and campfire trash. Sad but true.
Cut the dang self-conceit and let's get to truly celebrating Holy Mass!
UPDATE: Less than one hour after I posted the above, a new program has been introduced for the Ox Files fall lineup! Click the banner below for more info.

Just when you thought the First Communion Mass at your local parish church is questionable at best, you ain't seen nothin' till you see this post.
BTW, welcome to the blogroll, Catholic Church Conservation!
BTW, welcome to the blogroll, Catholic Church Conservation!
Back in June, we gave you the scoop on GIA's open letter regarding the new Mass translation.
Today, in my e-mail, I got the OCP newsletter, and voila - it gave me this link to their open letter regarding the new Mass translation. Though it still seems to encourage disposable worship aids (GIA does permanent hymnals only), it's taking the new translation in a good way:
We hope you will join us in celebrating this move toward greater unity in the worldwide church and a more faithful translation of the Latin texts for Mass.
Hopefully DECENT musical settings of the new translation in Music Issues to come will be the majority and not the minority like it is today.
Today, in my e-mail, I got the OCP newsletter, and voila - it gave me this link to their open letter regarding the new Mass translation. Though it still seems to encourage disposable worship aids (GIA does permanent hymnals only), it's taking the new translation in a good way:
We hope you will join us in celebrating this move toward greater unity in the worldwide church and a more faithful translation of the Latin texts for Mass.
Hopefully DECENT musical settings of the new translation in Music Issues to come will be the majority and not the minority like it is today.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Normally I try not to get too political, in fact, Dad29 even commended me for it.
"...but they've never sunk so low as to get into politics."
But, after reading this post from the Dadmeister, and this post from the Catholic Caveman, I just had to sink that low and put my two cents in on this.
Rhode Island, in terms of land area, may be the smallest state, but...
Rhode Island has the HIGHEST state cigarette tax in the country (source), and one of only five states with a smoke tax of $2 or more per pack. Yes, of the $5-6 you pay for a pack of smokes, $2.46 per pack is state tax, and to boot, you still have to pay the 7% sales tax. So now, you are double taxed. I may no longer smoke, but I still feel the tax is horrendous.
Rhode Island has the HIGHEST state gasoline tax in the country, somewhere along the line of 31.x cents a gallon. It kinda surprises me that Connecticut's gas price is about 20 cents a gallon higher than Rhode Island.
At 7%, Rhode Island may not have the highest sales tax in the nation (only California is higher as of 1/1/06 - source), but we are the highest in New England (Maine and Connecticut are at 6%, Massachusetts and Vermont are at 5%, and New Hampshire has NO sales tax).
Reading enough classifieds lead me to conclude that the house in Rhode Island that is valued at $250K for tax purposes (and sold for $350K just to make some money) can be BOUGHT easily by the average joe consumer in other states like Missouri and Maine for $120K or less. A typical property tax rate in a city or town in Rhode Island is about $25 per thousand at 100% valuation. A typical annual tax bill for a normal down-to-earth house on a normal down-to-earth tract of land is upwards of three grand.
We complain about "Taxachusetts", but not only is Massachusetts' sales tax 2% cheaper than Rhode Island, but Massachusetts is having a sales tax holiday this weekend. In other words, this weekend, any purchase up to $2500 is TAX FREE in Massachusetts. The idea of a sales tax holiday was brought up in Rhode Island. What do our greedy politicians do? Shoot the idea down, of course!
You want to talk about tax corruption, look no further than our little pathetic state!
"...but they've never sunk so low as to get into politics."
But, after reading this post from the Dadmeister, and this post from the Catholic Caveman, I just had to sink that low and put my two cents in on this.
Rhode Island, in terms of land area, may be the smallest state, but...
Rhode Island has the HIGHEST state cigarette tax in the country (source), and one of only five states with a smoke tax of $2 or more per pack. Yes, of the $5-6 you pay for a pack of smokes, $2.46 per pack is state tax, and to boot, you still have to pay the 7% sales tax. So now, you are double taxed. I may no longer smoke, but I still feel the tax is horrendous.
Rhode Island has the HIGHEST state gasoline tax in the country, somewhere along the line of 31.x cents a gallon. It kinda surprises me that Connecticut's gas price is about 20 cents a gallon higher than Rhode Island.
At 7%, Rhode Island may not have the highest sales tax in the nation (only California is higher as of 1/1/06 - source), but we are the highest in New England (Maine and Connecticut are at 6%, Massachusetts and Vermont are at 5%, and New Hampshire has NO sales tax).
Reading enough classifieds lead me to conclude that the house in Rhode Island that is valued at $250K for tax purposes (and sold for $350K just to make some money) can be BOUGHT easily by the average joe consumer in other states like Missouri and Maine for $120K or less. A typical property tax rate in a city or town in Rhode Island is about $25 per thousand at 100% valuation. A typical annual tax bill for a normal down-to-earth house on a normal down-to-earth tract of land is upwards of three grand.
We complain about "Taxachusetts", but not only is Massachusetts' sales tax 2% cheaper than Rhode Island, but Massachusetts is having a sales tax holiday this weekend. In other words, this weekend, any purchase up to $2500 is TAX FREE in Massachusetts. The idea of a sales tax holiday was brought up in Rhode Island. What do our greedy politicians do? Shoot the idea down, of course!
You want to talk about tax corruption, look no further than our little pathetic state!
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
St. James the Greater Church in Charles Town (not to be confused with Charleston, the capital city), WV, recently dedicated their new church - nice looking new church. You can bet the music was top notch. Directing the music (organ, brass, strings, flute, timps, multiple choirs) was the parish music director, none other than CanticaNOVA's own Gary Penkala. And what a program! Here - I'll let you read it. I am impressed! Some beautiful pictures. And that altar! Reminds me of the altar at the Madeleine! Breathtaking!
A new church looking this beautiful would have been a "sin" in the 1970's.
Best of luck in the new church, Gary, and all the people and staff of St. James.
A new church looking this beautiful would have been a "sin" in the 1970's.
Best of luck in the new church, Gary, and all the people and staff of St. James.

Fr. Keyes also got a couple of good pics in the church, which you can find in his post (note: the church in the very last picture of his post is NOT Holy Ghost, but one of his other stops).
The picture of the lamb in Fr. Keyes' post is the stained glass above the door leading to the narthex at Holy Ghost. That same symbol is on Father's ring, from his order, the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. The picture with the "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus" is the top of the recently hand-built Altar of Repose of the Blessed Sacrament. This is centrally located behind the Mass altar, could nearly pass for a high altar, and houses the Tabernacle.
BTW, just to prove that I'm as low key as they come, that's a McDonalds that Father and I are sitting at (I'm on the right). I don't know too many quickie lunch joints in the neighborhood, other than McD's and Burger Dirt. Remember, I live 25 miles from the church.
The other two bloggers I got to meet were (recently) Domini Sumus, who is music director and organist at a neighboring parish, and Brad at Earl Grey and Arsenic, who sang in the schola cantorum at Holy Name of Jesus Church, where I was music director from 1999-2003. Brad is now living (for now) in Germany.
Again, it was a pleasure meeting Fr. Keyes, and I hope he enjoyed his stay in New England. My prayers for his safe return to California. BTW, you don't need an iPod to listen to our podcasts. You can use iTunes on your computer, or play directly from the "play" link onto your computer's mp3 player. Christus Vincit / iPadre
OT 19 at the Cathedral
Prelude: Prelude on HYFRYDOL -- Mark Sedio
Entrance: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Michel Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service / BEACH SPRING
Sanctus, etc: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: O Living Bread from Heaven / AURELIA
Recessional: Father, We Thank Thee / RENDEZ A DIEU
Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in F Major -- attr. to JS Bach
Entrance: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Michel Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service / BEACH SPRING
Sanctus, etc: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: O Living Bread from Heaven / AURELIA
Recessional: Father, We Thank Thee / RENDEZ A DIEU
Postlude: Prelude and Fugue in F Major -- attr. to JS Bach
Well, Podcast Alley, yeah (thanks to Rhapsody for reminding everyone on her blog), but also...
Go down to We Belong to the Lord and give your nominations for the "Worst Liturgical Music Award". I gave Hail Mary/Gentle Woman and All Are Welcome, the worst of OCP and GIA, respectively. Domini Sumus gave I Myself am the Bread of Life, which is just blatantly bad theology, and Leaping the Mountains (I assume it's the first line of Tim Manion's Lord of Glory). The reasoning for the latter being nominated is quite cute.
Go down to We Belong to the Lord and give your nominations for the "Worst Liturgical Music Award". I gave Hail Mary/Gentle Woman and All Are Welcome, the worst of OCP and GIA, respectively. Domini Sumus gave I Myself am the Bread of Life, which is just blatantly bad theology, and Leaping the Mountains (I assume it's the first line of Tim Manion's Lord of Glory). The reasoning for the latter being nominated is quite cute.
One of the "Pittsburgh 12" is on the verge of excommunication for her ordination as a Poncho Lady. Abp. Dolan of Milwaukee has written the Vatican for the excommunication of Kathy Sullivan Vandenberg. Her home parish, St. Mary's in Waukesha, in the Milwaukee Archdiocese, has also been notified.
Do I dare say: I told you so!
Entire story here.
Hat tip to Gerald. BTW, Gerald points out, "if you'll look at the original article, you'll see a Planned Parenthood ad smack in the middle of it." They would!
Do I dare say: I told you so!
Entire story here.
Hat tip to Gerald. BTW, Gerald points out, "if you'll look at the original article, you'll see a Planned Parenthood ad smack in the middle of it." They would!
Monday, August 7, 2006
Got this from the "Letters from the Editor" pages of the Adoremus Bulletin. "Letters to the Editor" is the only part of AB that appears in the print version of the paper only, and not online. Luckily, I have an Adoremus membership as an employment benefit with my parish. My contract may make it sound like a requirement to some ears, but to me, it's definitely a bene!
Anyhoo, one couple from New Hampshire wrote a letter titled What Can Be Done about Bad Songs? It begins thus:
We have requested that the song "Bread of Life", by Rory Cooney, and published by Oregon Catholic Press, be deleted from our parish's playbook.
This song contains lyrics that are simply wrong, teaching a false understanding of the Body and Blood of Christ at the very moment when we come forward to receive Him. The refrain:
I myself am the Bread of Life,
You and I are the Bread of Life,
Taken and blessed, broken and shared by Christ,
That the world might live.
The couple's letter ends with their pastor suggesting that they write to OCP and ask for an explanation. But even better is Adoremus' reply, suggesting that the couple go right to the horse's mouth, and included the address of the horse himself. Here's the tail end of the reply:
At present, the US Bishops' Conference is reviewing music for Mass, following the directives of recent Vatican Documents. You might also address your concerns about the dubious song (or others) to:
Monsignor James Moroney
Exec. Director, Secretariat
Committee on the Liturgy
3211 4th Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017-1194
Phone: (202) 541-3000
Thank you, Adoremus!
Anyhoo, one couple from New Hampshire wrote a letter titled What Can Be Done about Bad Songs? It begins thus:
We have requested that the song "Bread of Life", by Rory Cooney, and published by Oregon Catholic Press, be deleted from our parish's playbook.
This song contains lyrics that are simply wrong, teaching a false understanding of the Body and Blood of Christ at the very moment when we come forward to receive Him. The refrain:
I myself am the Bread of Life,
You and I are the Bread of Life,
Taken and blessed, broken and shared by Christ,
That the world might live.
The couple's letter ends with their pastor suggesting that they write to OCP and ask for an explanation. But even better is Adoremus' reply, suggesting that the couple go right to the horse's mouth, and included the address of the horse himself. Here's the tail end of the reply:
At present, the US Bishops' Conference is reviewing music for Mass, following the directives of recent Vatican Documents. You might also address your concerns about the dubious song (or others) to:
Monsignor James Moroney
Exec. Director, Secretariat
Committee on the Liturgy
3211 4th Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017-1194
Phone: (202) 541-3000
Thank you, Adoremus!

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (33:21/15.2 MB)

We've added two new features, one regular, called Feasts for the Week, and one rotating (as need arises), called Multiple Choice (a comic segment).
We've also ditched the Christus Vincit Weatherman, and brought back (for this week at least anyways) Christus Vincit Sports.
Feasts for the Week:
St. Sixtus II; St. Cajetan; St. Dominic; St. Edith Stein; St. Lawrence the Martyr; St. Clare of Assisi
Music List: the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (tune: Hyfrydol); Beautiful Savior (tune: St. Elizabeth)
Andante from the (Georg Philip) Telemann Sonata in F Minor, played by Josh Jacobson, courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network. Josh also has a podcast, called Just Joshin'.
Commercials: Catholic Rockers, iPadre, Disciples with Microphones
Multiple Choice: We'll be playing "five questions" with our listeners.
Note: Next continuation of the Christus Vincit Wish List will be aired in two weeks. Next week, as part of a Carnivale with Disciples with Microphones, our feature topic will be on Music for Assumption. Other podcasters who will present Assumption-themed features for the "Carnivale" will include (but not be limited to) Fr. Seraphim Beshoner, Susan Bailey, and George Leite. Should be really good!
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Many have blogged on the now-infamous Fr. Jan Larson, who, in the Inland Register (Spokane's Diocesan Newspaper), criticized the Mass as regularly televised on EWTN. I had been trying to gather thoughts on him without uttering words of the vulgar variety, which explains partially (besides being busier than a one-legged monkey in a butt-kicking contest) why I haven't posted on him yet.
Instead, I'll just refer you to Gerald, who has this post (with sources) about Fr. Larson's credibility (or lack thereof), as well as the credibility of the archbishop who ordained him.
Instead, I'll just refer you to Gerald, who has this post (with sources) about Fr. Larson's credibility (or lack thereof), as well as the credibility of the archbishop who ordained him.
Sunday, August 6, 2006
Check out Dad29's "On Notice" Board, and tell me which TWO of my favorite expressions that I often use (even on this blog) appear on his board. I KNOW y'all know ONE of them. No cheating! ;)
So, your congregation won't sing chant, eh? Well, that's what one music director used to think, according to an e-mail he sent to the fine people at the St. Cecilia Schola Cantorum.
Here's an excerpt:
I taught all of the chants (Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) in a single rehearsal and the choir sang them very well. A few grumbled "The congregation won't know them or sing along." Wrong. They did sing them, and rather loudly. Something in the collective Roman Catholic memory was stirred, and I watched with amazement as the young and old read the chants out of the worship aid and sang along almost as well as our dearly beloved "Mass of Creation." Many people complimented me after Mass and said they had never heard such beautiful music ever in that church. The soil here is very fertile....
Now all he's gotta do is ditch Massive Cremation. Don't say anything - just silently do it. It will go away nearly unnoticed.
Read the whole post here.
Here's an excerpt:
I taught all of the chants (Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) in a single rehearsal and the choir sang them very well. A few grumbled "The congregation won't know them or sing along." Wrong. They did sing them, and rather loudly. Something in the collective Roman Catholic memory was stirred, and I watched with amazement as the young and old read the chants out of the worship aid and sang along almost as well as our dearly beloved "Mass of Creation." Many people complimented me after Mass and said they had never heard such beautiful music ever in that church. The soil here is very fertile....
Now all he's gotta do is ditch Massive Cremation. Don't say anything - just silently do it. It will go away nearly unnoticed.
Read the whole post here.
Feast of the Transfiguration at Fatima Church
Procession: O Wondrous Type, (Winchester New)
Improvisation on "Tibi dixit cor meum"
Ordinary: Missa VIII
Gradual: Psalm 97
Offertory: O Thou That Tellest, Handel (Aria only)
Mysterium: Danish
Amen: Missa VIII (the opening phrase of the Sanctus)
Communion: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, J.S. Bach
Recit de Cornet, Couperin (parishes)
Recesional: Toccata Brevis, Daniel Gawthrop
Since the choir are officially on vacation still, we had an SATB schola today for the feast. I rather like the quartet sound on the Bach -- the result was a very intimate chorale rendering. Toccata Brevis is, as the name implies, short, but it's very splashy and fun for Transfiguration (or any other time, for that matter). There's a good spot to double back to make it more of a Toccata Longa (which I had to do), however for use with a long aisle and a slow verger (both of which we have).
Improvisation on "Tibi dixit cor meum"
Ordinary: Missa VIII
Gradual: Psalm 97
Offertory: O Thou That Tellest, Handel (Aria only)
Mysterium: Danish
Amen: Missa VIII (the opening phrase of the Sanctus)
Communion: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, J.S. Bach
Recit de Cornet, Couperin (parishes)
Recesional: Toccata Brevis, Daniel Gawthrop
Since the choir are officially on vacation still, we had an SATB schola today for the feast. I rather like the quartet sound on the Bach -- the result was a very intimate chorale rendering. Toccata Brevis is, as the name implies, short, but it's very splashy and fun for Transfiguration (or any other time, for that matter). There's a good spot to double back to make it more of a Toccata Longa (which I had to do), however for use with a long aisle and a slow verger (both of which we have).
Boulevard Brass Qunitet

I just returned home from a Sunday afternoon concert with the Boulevard Brass Quintet. They are five graduate students from the University of Kansas City Conservatory of Music. They are on an August tour of South Louisiana to help raise funds for charitiable organizations which help(ed) persons in Lafayette, Vermilion and Calcasieu Parishes (civil parishes, folks, not Church parishes) after Hurricane Rita. Here's the program:
Fanfare, Lemmens
Solemn Entry, R. Strauss
Praise the Lord, Karg-Elert
Toccata, Frescobaldi
Contrapunktus Nr. 9, J.S. Bach
Magnificat primi toni, Buxtehude
Symphony No. 3, "Organ", Maestoso, Saint-Saens
I joined the group at the console for the Strauss, the Karg-Elert, the Frescobaldi, and the Saint-Saens. The Buxtuhude was all mine, though, to give the guys a chance to rest before the Saint-Saens. We wish them well on their two-week tour of my area which will bring them to a number of churches between Lafayette and Lake Charles.
and the BIG 50K PARTY
Party down, y'all! CHRISTUS VINCIT - now over 50,000 hits! WOOHOO!
Introit: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (22/Picardy)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Panis Angelicus
- except 10:30: (354/Lambillotte)
- 10:30 only: (Franck/with choir)
- Sanctus/Agnus from People's Mass (Vermulst)
- Anamnesis/Amen (Danish)
- Lord's Prayer: chanted, English
Communion: Eat this Bread (346/Batastini and Berthier)
Recessional: Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (352/St. Agnes)
Introit: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (22/Picardy)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Panis Angelicus
- except 10:30: (354/Lambillotte)
- 10:30 only: (Franck/with choir)
- Sanctus/Agnus from People's Mass (Vermulst)
- Anamnesis/Amen (Danish)
- Lord's Prayer: chanted, English
Communion: Eat this Bread (346/Batastini and Berthier)
Recessional: Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (352/St. Agnes)
Saturday, August 5, 2006
GIRM Comparisons
HERE is a comparison of GIRM translations, comparing the GIRM text confirmed for use in the USA to the text confirmed for use in England and Wales.
CNS: Vatican Says That Funds Stay with Parishes
In a story published on 1 August, Cardinal Hoyos released a letter to Bp. Skylstad stating that "when a bishop suppresses a parish, its assets and liabilities must go to the parish or parishes that receive the parishioners, not to the diocese." His Eminence cites Canons 121-123 of the Code of Canon Law, and writes that he is concerned with the improper use of Canon 123 (extinction of parishes) in the US.
A parish is considered "extinct" when there is no longer a Catholic community in the area, or when pastoral activity has not taken place for 100 years. Only in this case does the assets of said parish revert to the diocese. In other cases (suppression & merger of parishes) the assets of the suppressed parish are to go to the receiving parish.
Entire article HERE.
A parish is considered "extinct" when there is no longer a Catholic community in the area, or when pastoral activity has not taken place for 100 years. Only in this case does the assets of said parish revert to the diocese. In other cases (suppression & merger of parishes) the assets of the suppressed parish are to go to the receiving parish.
Entire article HERE.
Jumping on the Bandwagon.....
PONCHO LADIES™ UPDATE: A Christus Vincit Exclusive
Coverage you will find only on the Christus Vincit Network.
Alexis Basehore, our Pittsburgh correspondant (and Nick's wife) reports what the Post-Gazette left out of their Poncho Ladies™ coverage. Her Pittsburgh sources have revealed to her that when the Majestic returned to shore and the Poncho Ladies™ disembarked, upon going to their cars, each Poncho Lady's™ car had been covered in SHAVING CREAM AND BOLOGNA and left to bake in the Pittsburgh sun. Sources also indicate that the aforementioned vehicle coverings resulted in the expected damage to the paint.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.
Alexis Basehore, our Pittsburgh correspondant (and Nick's wife) reports what the Post-Gazette left out of their Poncho Ladies™ coverage. Her Pittsburgh sources have revealed to her that when the Majestic returned to shore and the Poncho Ladies™ disembarked, upon going to their cars, each Poncho Lady's™ car had been covered in SHAVING CREAM AND BOLOGNA and left to bake in the Pittsburgh sun. Sources also indicate that the aforementioned vehicle coverings resulted in the expected damage to the paint.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.
Pennington's Notice Board
To all of the following, you have been put on notice, with a little help from Stephen Colbert!
Hat tip to Gerald, who got it from Amy Welborn. I had to get two boards. One wasn't enough!

Hat tip to Gerald, who got it from Amy Welborn. I had to get two boards. One wasn't enough!

You can make your own "On Notice" boards as well.
Friday, August 4, 2006
Go HERE to a photo contest of ugly churches, being run by the group at Totus Pius. (I love their tagline: "Because when a Pope takes the name 'Pius', you know PLAYTIME'S OVER")
(Another H/T to the newly-discovered Kristin's Ramblings. Both her and Totus Pius are being added to the definitive blogosphere shortly.)
(Another H/T to the newly-discovered Kristin's Ramblings. Both her and Totus Pius are being added to the definitive blogosphere shortly.)
A Story of Honesty...
A homeless man finds $21,000 in savings bonds and turns it in to the homeless shelter to find the rightful owners (who reward him with $100).
Read the whole story here.
(via Kristin's Ramblings.)
Read the whole story here.
(via Kristin's Ramblings.)
Something That I'm Sure Most Readers Will Relate To...
Employees Still Have No Idea What's Going on after Attending Meeting
Reading this article reminded me of some staff meetings and "parish-wide restructuring" meetings I had in my last job. I'm sure others will get a good laugh too.
Happy Friday, and remember it's always 5 o'clock somewhere....
(article courtesy of The Onion.)
Reading this article reminded me of some staff meetings and "parish-wide restructuring" meetings I had in my last job. I'm sure others will get a good laugh too.
Happy Friday, and remember it's always 5 o'clock somewhere....
(article courtesy of The Onion.)
Hat tip to Michael Kreidler at Disciples with Microphones.
(This gives the iPadre more reasons than ever to stand by his Mac!)
(some language may offend some viewers)
Now, for a really cool effect, play them both at once. It'll be just like walking through the "sight and sound" department at KMart (or whatever your favorite department store may be).
(This gives the iPadre more reasons than ever to stand by his Mac!)
(some language may offend some viewers)
Now, for a really cool effect, play them both at once. It'll be just like walking through the "sight and sound" department at KMart (or whatever your favorite department store may be).
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Well, in a way. I just downloaded a cool suite called Open Office. It's a free, open source software. If you got 93 megs to spare and you can't afford the big dollar Microsoft Office, Open Office is the way to go! It's got toys like:
- Writer (the equivalent of Word)
- Base (the equivalent of Access)
- Calc (the equivalent of Excel)
- Impress (the equivalent of Power Point)
- Draw (great for charts/graphs, etc. to insert in a document or presentation)
- Math (for formulae, etc.)
I haven't played with all the toys yet. I'm writing my show notes for the next podcast in Writer right now. What's nice is that, just like in those big buck toys in MS Office, you can convert to .pdf format with ease.
Hat tip to Fr. Keyes for the link. BTW, he's spending some vacation time in New England. Maybe we can get him to pop over to Holy Ghost for Holy Mass this weekend. ;)
- Writer (the equivalent of Word)
- Base (the equivalent of Access)
- Calc (the equivalent of Excel)
- Impress (the equivalent of Power Point)
- Draw (great for charts/graphs, etc. to insert in a document or presentation)
- Math (for formulae, etc.)
I haven't played with all the toys yet. I'm writing my show notes for the next podcast in Writer right now. What's nice is that, just like in those big buck toys in MS Office, you can convert to .pdf format with ease.
Hat tip to Fr. Keyes for the link. BTW, he's spending some vacation time in New England. Maybe we can get him to pop over to Holy Ghost for Holy Mass this weekend. ;)
R.I.P. Archbishop Montalvo
Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo Higuera, who served as the Vatican's representative in Washington from 1998 to 2005, died in Rome on August 2 after a long illness.
Requiescat in pace!
(from CWNews via +Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam+)
Requiescat in pace!
(from CWNews via +Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam+)
Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Some good lessons on the consequences of heterodoxy in this crucial episode as well!
First, Gregory Popcak presents this spin-off of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article of Joan Clark Houk, one of twelve who officially became a poncho lady yesterday. These ducks are losing their swimming abilities en route to the Tiber, where the self-inflicted excommunication sentence will sink them. Hat tip to New Advent.
The Lady in the Pew presents The Top Ten Items on the VOTF/Cardinal O'Malley Historic (or hysteric) August 4, 2006 Meeting Agenda! Really funny stuff! Hat tip to Bettnet.
First, Gregory Popcak presents this spin-off of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article of Joan Clark Houk, one of twelve who officially became a poncho lady yesterday. These ducks are losing their swimming abilities en route to the Tiber, where the self-inflicted excommunication sentence will sink them. Hat tip to New Advent.
The Lady in the Pew presents The Top Ten Items on the VOTF/Cardinal O'Malley Historic (or hysteric) August 4, 2006 Meeting Agenda! Really funny stuff! Hat tip to Bettnet.
In response to the two comments on this post (one being my own reply):
Brother Andrew had mentioned that in addition to the CMAA being represented to aid the BCL on revising two important BCL documents, Music in Catholic Worship and Liturgical Music Today, GIA and OCP will be there as well. Now, I haven't seen anything about the documents as of late on the GIA site, nor the "common repertoire" ideas, but OCP has been working on their "common repertoire", with about as much GIA stuff listed as their own.
Nineteen of the twenty musicians surveyed (hand picked, I'm sure) are unknown to me, so I will refrain from saying anything about the nineteen. There is one remaining on the panel, I will not mention the name, who I still remember to this day putting up the biggest hissy-fit on NPM's message boards for my choice to receive Holy Communion from the ordained only. But I digress and will return us back to the topic at hand. Let's explore the lists some, shall we?
The first list begins with a list of Processional Chants for Advent (Entrance Songs) - their wording. Good: the category wasn't Gathering Songs. However, look at the first two titles:
Advent Gathering Rite (Daigle)
Advent Gathering Song (Chepponis)
Now, let me remind the readers that there is NO SUCH THING as a "gathering rite". Going through the rest of the category, you'll see that only TWO titles of the twenty have hymn tunes. Those are O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and Wake, O Wake, and Sleep No Longer (which is also known by an earlier translation Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying). Best bets on that category are those two, and even better: Psalm 25 (different settings), as that Psalm covers the Introit (and Offertory) for Advent I.
One look under the Psalm Settings for Advent leads to Lectionary Psalms, as well as those Lectionary antiphons with Grail verses (as you would see in Worship III). But then you see those non-Lectionary Psalms that would serve better as Communion responsories or even music during the Offertory. One example is the song Hold Me in Life, based in part on Psalm 25. Hold Me in Life is better than most in the line of contemporary pieces, in my opinion, but is a paraphrase at best of the Psalm and does not fit the bill as a Responsorial Psalm, as prescribed by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM). I would have no problem using it at Communion, however.
Now, on the fourth list, you'll see all the music listed for funerals. Despite the categories they're placed under, much of it is nothing but the "greatest hits" collections of two of the "big three" publishers. Go a little further and you find this for Holy Thursday:
Chants to Accompany the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose
I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida (Toolan)
In the words of Jeff Foxworthy - here's your sign!
Something in these lists tell me, "Be afraid! Be very afraid!"
Brother Andrew had mentioned that in addition to the CMAA being represented to aid the BCL on revising two important BCL documents, Music in Catholic Worship and Liturgical Music Today, GIA and OCP will be there as well. Now, I haven't seen anything about the documents as of late on the GIA site, nor the "common repertoire" ideas, but OCP has been working on their "common repertoire", with about as much GIA stuff listed as their own.
Nineteen of the twenty musicians surveyed (hand picked, I'm sure) are unknown to me, so I will refrain from saying anything about the nineteen. There is one remaining on the panel, I will not mention the name, who I still remember to this day putting up the biggest hissy-fit on NPM's message boards for my choice to receive Holy Communion from the ordained only. But I digress and will return us back to the topic at hand. Let's explore the lists some, shall we?
The first list begins with a list of Processional Chants for Advent (Entrance Songs) - their wording. Good: the category wasn't Gathering Songs. However, look at the first two titles:
Advent Gathering Rite (Daigle)
Advent Gathering Song (Chepponis)
Now, let me remind the readers that there is NO SUCH THING as a "gathering rite". Going through the rest of the category, you'll see that only TWO titles of the twenty have hymn tunes. Those are O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and Wake, O Wake, and Sleep No Longer (which is also known by an earlier translation Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying). Best bets on that category are those two, and even better: Psalm 25 (different settings), as that Psalm covers the Introit (and Offertory) for Advent I.
One look under the Psalm Settings for Advent leads to Lectionary Psalms, as well as those Lectionary antiphons with Grail verses (as you would see in Worship III). But then you see those non-Lectionary Psalms that would serve better as Communion responsories or even music during the Offertory. One example is the song Hold Me in Life, based in part on Psalm 25. Hold Me in Life is better than most in the line of contemporary pieces, in my opinion, but is a paraphrase at best of the Psalm and does not fit the bill as a Responsorial Psalm, as prescribed by the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM). I would have no problem using it at Communion, however.
Now, on the fourth list, you'll see all the music listed for funerals. Despite the categories they're placed under, much of it is nothing but the "greatest hits" collections of two of the "big three" publishers. Go a little further and you find this for Holy Thursday:
Chants to Accompany the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose
I Am the Bread of Life/Yo Soy el Pan de Vida (Toolan)
In the words of Jeff Foxworthy - here's your sign!
Something in these lists tell me, "Be afraid! Be very afraid!"
Full story from Musica Sacra
On October 9, 2006, the US Bishops Subcommittee on Music and Liturgy will meet for a consultation for revisions of Music in Catholic Worship (1972) and Liturgical Music Today (1982). Two representatives from the Church Music Association of America will be there to help out:
(This clip from the post at Musica Sacra):
William Mahrt, president of the Church Music Association of America and music professor at Stanford University, has indicated his desire to represent the CMAA at this meeting. CMAA Vice-President, Horst Buchholz, Director of Sacred Music at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and Associate Professor of Music at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, will also attend the meeting on behalf of the Archdiocese of Denver.
The fact that a reputable organization like the CMAA will be represented is great news. Does anyone know if any Adoremus reps will be there?
On October 9, 2006, the US Bishops Subcommittee on Music and Liturgy will meet for a consultation for revisions of Music in Catholic Worship (1972) and Liturgical Music Today (1982). Two representatives from the Church Music Association of America will be there to help out:
(This clip from the post at Musica Sacra):
William Mahrt, president of the Church Music Association of America and music professor at Stanford University, has indicated his desire to represent the CMAA at this meeting. CMAA Vice-President, Horst Buchholz, Director of Sacred Music at the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and Associate Professor of Music at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, will also attend the meeting on behalf of the Archdiocese of Denver.
The fact that a reputable organization like the CMAA will be represented is great news. Does anyone know if any Adoremus reps will be there?
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Come sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of some heretics
That started from a Pittsburgh port, aboard a tiny ship.
The mate was a fan of labyrinths,The skipper was a nun
10 other women were on board for sacramental fun. (for sacramental fun)
The liturgy was getting rough, The litany was long,
Invoking Lilith, Gaia too, Seemed just a bit too wrong (though not to Bishop Spong)
The ship set ground in a strange new world; uncharted heresy.
With lesbians, And feminists, An acting deacon’s wife,
Peace activists, And the rest Here on Womanchurch Isle.
So this is the tale of the priestesses There here for a long, long time.
They’re sure to make a mess of things And bitch and moan and whine.
No pope! No men! No canon law! Not a dime to Peter’s Pence!
Like Lollard, Hussites, Bogomils, They’ve left out common sense.
So join us here each year my friend, There’s sure to be more fun,
With a hearty shout, “non serviam! My will, not Thine be done.”
Text: Tim Ferguson, posted as a comment to a post on Amy Welborn's Open Book.
Tune: GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, Irregular; Sherwood Schwartz and George Wyle.
That started from a Pittsburgh port, aboard a tiny ship.
The mate was a fan of labyrinths,The skipper was a nun
10 other women were on board for sacramental fun. (for sacramental fun)
The liturgy was getting rough, The litany was long,
Invoking Lilith, Gaia too, Seemed just a bit too wrong (though not to Bishop Spong)
The ship set ground in a strange new world; uncharted heresy.
With lesbians, And feminists, An acting deacon’s wife,
Peace activists, And the rest Here on Womanchurch Isle.
So this is the tale of the priestesses There here for a long, long time.
They’re sure to make a mess of things And bitch and moan and whine.
No pope! No men! No canon law! Not a dime to Peter’s Pence!
Like Lollard, Hussites, Bogomils, They’ve left out common sense.
So join us here each year my friend, There’s sure to be more fun,
With a hearty shout, “non serviam! My will, not Thine be done.”
Text: Tim Ferguson, posted as a comment to a post on Amy Welborn's Open Book.
Tune: GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, Irregular; Sherwood Schwartz and George Wyle.

First one to swim the Tiber without getting sunk by virtue of excommunication wins. Hint, the only key to victory would be full repentance. (HA - like that will happen anytime soon!)

1. Check for lice
2. Check for any signs of brain damage
3. Check for willpower (Are you willing to risk excommunication from the real Catholics and go on with this?)
4. The swearing in (By the power invested in us, the Poncho Lady Bishops, we hereby dub you Poncho Ladies)
Hat tip to Argent, who got these pics from Gerald. BTW, Gerald, I love the title of your post Grannies Gone Wild.
Argent has a few news clips in her post as well.
Transfiguration at the Cathedral
Prelude: Be Thou My Vision -- Edward Broughton
Entrance: Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here / SWABIA (alt. hamonization: Page)
Kyrie: chant
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Jay Hunstiger
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Beautiful Savior / ST. ELIZABETH
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Christ, Be Our Light
Recessional: God Has Spoken by His Prophets / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Rigaudon -- Andre Campra
Entrance: Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here / SWABIA (alt. hamonization: Page)
Kyrie: chant
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm: Jay Hunstiger
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Beautiful Savior / ST. ELIZABETH
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Christ, Be Our Light
Recessional: God Has Spoken by His Prophets / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Rigaudon -- Andre Campra
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