In the Resource Publications discussion fora there's a discussion going HERE, and a discussion on "They'll Know We Are Christians..." reared its ugly head. A priceless quip was posted by one of the regulars.
"Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love, but they'll also know we are Catholics by our dreadful music."
(Corrected as per BMP's note in the comments. Sorry for the original mistake.)
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
They'll know we are Christians....
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
(Off-topic) A NEW VERB
Is it my imagination, or is there this trend lately where "Google" has become a verb?
If you Google "The Buck Stops Here", you'll get mad hits! or
I Googled "Sixteen little red noses and a horse that sweats" and came up empty.
Next time I do a Yahoo search, don't be surprised if "Yahoo" becomes a verb!
I Yahooed "Fifteen little red noses, a horse that sweats, and one bad architect" and got mad hits!
If you Google "The Buck Stops Here", you'll get mad hits! or
I Googled "Sixteen little red noses and a horse that sweats" and came up empty.
Next time I do a Yahoo search, don't be surprised if "Yahoo" becomes a verb!
I Yahooed "Fifteen little red noses, a horse that sweats, and one bad architect" and got mad hits!

Notice how even in the most oblong of buildings, Dick Vosko can put a good-sized section of seats in the round so everyone can see. He no longer wants a celebrant at the altar, but a talk show host.
Gerald says: Spirit of Vatican II as Luther's Last Laugh. Dick Vosko PhD would make a great new age Protestant.
Jeff says: We do need some child to yell out, "The church has been stripped naked" until everybody finally agrees that boy is right.
Go ahead and buy the book. Read it too, so you'll finally get an idea on how NOT to build or renovate a church.
Pentecost at the Cathedral
Prelude: Komm, heiliger Geist, herre Gott -- Johann Gottfried Walther
Entrance: Come, Holy Ghost / LAMBILOTTE
Sprinkling Rite: Baptized in Water / BUNESSAN
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 104: Michel Guimont
Sequence: arr. Engels
Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God / ST. COLUMBA
Anthem (9:30): Come Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove -- arr. Coburn
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: At That First Eucharist / UNDE ET MEMORES
Anthem (9:30): Draw Us in The Spirit's Tether -- Harold Friedell
Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name / GROSSER GOTT
Postlude: Final, from "Choral Varie sur le Veni Creator" -- Maurice Durufle
Entrance: Come, Holy Ghost / LAMBILOTTE
Sprinkling Rite: Baptized in Water / BUNESSAN
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 104: Michel Guimont
Sequence: arr. Engels
Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God / ST. COLUMBA
Anthem (9:30): Come Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove -- arr. Coburn
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: At That First Eucharist / UNDE ET MEMORES
Anthem (9:30): Draw Us in The Spirit's Tether -- Harold Friedell
Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name / GROSSER GOTT
Postlude: Final, from "Choral Varie sur le Veni Creator" -- Maurice Durufle

Intermountain Catholic just uploaded their video of the 11:00 AM Ascension Mass from Salt Lake City's Cathedral of the Madeleine. Definitely one of the better Masses I've seen (though all their Masses I've seen, on the most part, are really good).
Some (extremely) high points (musically):
1. No song leader at the mic (though the celebrant lagged by about a half a beat at his mic)
2. Boy chorister was the Psalmist (this kid did a really nice job with the Proulx God Mounts His Throne - very impressive). I'd say he's probably about 11 or 12 - tops.
3. My eyes and ears lit up to hear the Vaughan Williams O Clap Your Hands for the first time since high school (I sang bass for it with the RI All-State Chorus). Sopranos and trebles have a nice high B-flat toward the end. I know that at least two of the sopranos in my choir can hit A-flat. Would be really nice to stretch them up just one more step! ;)
4. The Irish-built IV/79 tracker (Kenneth Jones and Associates, Bray, Ireland) is always a treat to listen to. During the postlude, the camera often shifts to the organ case and to the console as well.
I really look up to these guys!
Some (extremely) high points (musically):
1. No song leader at the mic (though the celebrant lagged by about a half a beat at his mic)
2. Boy chorister was the Psalmist (this kid did a really nice job with the Proulx God Mounts His Throne - very impressive). I'd say he's probably about 11 or 12 - tops.
3. My eyes and ears lit up to hear the Vaughan Williams O Clap Your Hands for the first time since high school (I sang bass for it with the RI All-State Chorus). Sopranos and trebles have a nice high B-flat toward the end. I know that at least two of the sopranos in my choir can hit A-flat. Would be really nice to stretch them up just one more step! ;)
4. The Irish-built IV/79 tracker (Kenneth Jones and Associates, Bray, Ireland) is always a treat to listen to. During the postlude, the camera often shifts to the organ case and to the console as well.
I really look up to these guys!
Monday, May 29, 2006
(A little off topic, but) THIS THING LOOKS WAY COOL

My wife the camera queen got this shot early yesterday evening. I'm told it's some kind of rocket cycle. Looks way cool. This is diagonally across the street from me. Some guys were hoisting this machine (which probably weighs the same as a Toyota Corolla, at least) upstairs.
110-octane racing fuel at seven bucks a gallon anyone?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, June 3, 2006 at 4:30
Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 7:30, 9, and 10:30
Introit: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest (MI-403/Lambillotte)
Penitential: whatever Father does (it's visiting priest week at Holy Ghost - the boss and 25 parishioners are off to Medugourje. We pray for their safe and prayerful journey.)
Gloria: Gloria of the Bells (Peloquin)
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Tone 8G)
- note: though the response is the same at ALL Masses, the verses are different at the Vigil
Sequence: Come, O Holy Spirit, Come/Veni, Sancte Spiritus
- English at 7:30 and 9:00; Latin at 10:30; not used at the Vigil
Alleluia: from O Filii et Filiae (Mode II)
Offertory: O Spirit of the living Lord (TM-85/Winchester New)
Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Lord's Prayer: chant in English
Agnus Dei: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Communion: Veni, Creator Spiritus (TM-84, in Latin/Mode VIII)
Recessional: Creator Spirit, by whose aid (TM-82/Lasst uns erfreuen)
Saturday, June 3, 2006 at 4:30
Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 7:30, 9, and 10:30
Introit: Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest (MI-403/Lambillotte)
Penitential: whatever Father does (it's visiting priest week at Holy Ghost - the boss and 25 parishioners are off to Medugourje. We pray for their safe and prayerful journey.)
Gloria: Gloria of the Bells (Peloquin)
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Tone 8G)
- note: though the response is the same at ALL Masses, the verses are different at the Vigil
Sequence: Come, O Holy Spirit, Come/Veni, Sancte Spiritus
- English at 7:30 and 9:00; Latin at 10:30; not used at the Vigil
Alleluia: from O Filii et Filiae (Mode II)
Offertory: O Spirit of the living Lord (TM-85/Winchester New)
Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Lord's Prayer: chant in English
Agnus Dei: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Communion: Veni, Creator Spiritus (TM-84, in Latin/Mode VIII)
Recessional: Creator Spirit, by whose aid (TM-82/Lasst uns erfreuen)
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Shuffling the Deck
The New Liturgical Movement has posted the following link to a piece by Sandro Magister on the shuffling of Curial officials that His Holiness has been doing as of late. Hat-tip to Shawn for the link.
The New Curia of Benedict XVI Looks Toward Asia
The New Curia of Benedict XVI Looks Toward Asia
Father Todd Reitmeyer, a priest of the Diocese of Sioux Falls and fellow Catholic blogger, died on May 24 in a jetski accident. He was 37.
Condolensces may be left here.
Funeral information and obituary here.
We at Christus Vincit mourn the loss of Fr. Todd. May he rest in peace.
Condolensces may be left here.
Funeral information and obituary here.
We at Christus Vincit mourn the loss of Fr. Todd. May he rest in peace.

This one is the beloved St. John Cantius in Chicago. The case looks to be that same Kilgen I posted about a while back.
Photo courtesy Nashotah House Church Tour 2005, and hat tip to Gerald

There really is another balcony underneath this organ loft.
Photo courtesy of St. Anthony Parish Website
Anyone else with a "double gallery" to share, feel free to send me a pic with any pertinant information (church, city, organ builder/description if possible).
Friday, May 26, 2006
Following Nick's link to the Trivia section of the Cyberhymnal, I stumbled onto this Psalm 43 (42) based hymn text by none other than the Sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams:
Send forth, O God, Thy light and truth,
And let them lead me still,
Undaunted, in the paths of right,
Up to Thy holy hill.
Then to Thy altar will I spring,
And in my God rejoice;
And praise shall tune the trembling string,
And gratitude my voice.
O why, my soul, art thou cast down?
Within me why distressed?
Thy hopes the God of grace shall crown;
He yet shall make thee blessed.
To Him, my never failing Friend,
I bow, and kiss the rod;
To Him shall thanks and praise ascend,
My Savior and my God.
This COULD be good material STILL for a Catholic hymnal - far better for an Entrance hymn than Here I Am, Lord or Gather Us In or even All Are Welcome. Best choice of course would be the Introit of the day, but if you MUST use a hymn (many of us musicians I'm sure still feel like we're in that situation at this point after forty years of damage), this is ideal.
(or, split the two verses into four short verses and use NEW BRITAIN, ST. ANNE, DUNDEE, ST. STEPHEN)
President Adams wrote a few hymn texts, but this one really caught my eye.
Send forth, O God, Thy light and truth,
And let them lead me still,
Undaunted, in the paths of right,
Up to Thy holy hill.
Then to Thy altar will I spring,
And in my God rejoice;
And praise shall tune the trembling string,
And gratitude my voice.
O why, my soul, art thou cast down?
Within me why distressed?
Thy hopes the God of grace shall crown;
He yet shall make thee blessed.
To Him, my never failing Friend,
I bow, and kiss the rod;
To Him shall thanks and praise ascend,
My Savior and my God.
This COULD be good material STILL for a Catholic hymnal - far better for an Entrance hymn than Here I Am, Lord or Gather Us In or even All Are Welcome. Best choice of course would be the Introit of the day, but if you MUST use a hymn (many of us musicians I'm sure still feel like we're in that situation at this point after forty years of damage), this is ideal.
(or, split the two verses into four short verses and use NEW BRITAIN, ST. ANNE, DUNDEE, ST. STEPHEN)
President Adams wrote a few hymn texts, but this one really caught my eye.
Hats Off!
From The Curt Jester.

Pope Benedict doing his Goldfinger Oddjob imitation flicks off his steel Zucchetto at a dissenting theologian who's heckling him.

Pope Benedict doing his Goldfinger Oddjob imitation flicks off his steel Zucchetto at a dissenting theologian who's heckling him.
Wesley's Rules for Singing
While browsing the Trivia section of The Cyber Hymnal, I ran across this. It's John Wesley's rules for hymn singing.
1. Learn the tune.
2. Sing them as they are printed.
3. Sing all. “If it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find a blessing.”
4. Sing lustily and with a good courage.
5. Sing modestly. Do not bawl.
6. Sing in time. Do not run before or stay behind.
7. Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually.
Perhaps #7 could be altered to "Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or the consumers who fill your bank account"??????
1. Learn the tune.
2. Sing them as they are printed.
3. Sing all. “If it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find a blessing.”
4. Sing lustily and with a good courage.
5. Sing modestly. Do not bawl.
6. Sing in time. Do not run before or stay behind.
7. Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually.
Perhaps #7 could be altered to "Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or the consumers who fill your bank account"??????
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Part II
Well it seems that Brian beat me to the punch and began discussion on this topic before I could get a post written. (Punk!)
In my research (a/k/a digging through my hymnal collection) I ran across this version in a Reformed hymnal from 1941-1960.
1. Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation. All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; join me in glad adoration!
2. Praise ye the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth, shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e'er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?
3. Praise ye the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the Amen sound from His people again: gladly for aye we adore Him. Amen.
I remembered The Cyber Hymnal, and decided to see what they have in the way of texts. They archive the "real deal"; none of these nambypamby text alterations. It appears there are a lot more than four verses. (I've also decided to add Cyber Hymnal to our links).
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.
Praise to the Lord, Who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
Praise to the Lord, Who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;
Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.
Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee.
Praise to the Lord, Who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging,
Biddeth them cease, turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.
Praise to the Lord, Who, when darkness of sin is abounding,
Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding,
Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night,
Saints with His mercy surrounding.
Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again,
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
Words: Joachim Neander, in A und Ω Glaub- und Liebesübung (Straslund: 1680); translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth, 1863.
Music: LOBE DEN HERREN, Ander Theil des Erneuerten Gesangbuch, second edition (Bremen, Germany: 1665); harmony by William S. Bennett, 1864.
From the CyberHymnal. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
In my research (a/k/a digging through my hymnal collection) I ran across this version in a Reformed hymnal from 1941-1960.
1. Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation. All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; join me in glad adoration!
2. Praise ye the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth, shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e'er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?
3. Praise ye the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the Amen sound from His people again: gladly for aye we adore Him. Amen.
I remembered The Cyber Hymnal, and decided to see what they have in the way of texts. They archive the "real deal"; none of these nambypamby text alterations. It appears there are a lot more than four verses. (I've also decided to add Cyber Hymnal to our links).
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.
Praise to the Lord, Who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
Praise to the Lord, Who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;
Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.
Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee.
Praise to the Lord, Who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging,
Biddeth them cease, turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.
Praise to the Lord, Who, when darkness of sin is abounding,
Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding,
Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night,
Saints with His mercy surrounding.
Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again,
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
Words: Joachim Neander, in A und Ω Glaub- und Liebesübung (Straslund: 1680); translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth, 1863.
Music: LOBE DEN HERREN, Ander Theil des Erneuerten Gesangbuch, second edition (Bremen, Germany: 1665); harmony by William S. Bennett, 1864.
From the CyberHymnal. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Nick's comments are really inspiring my posts as of late, snark snark!
His latest comment on this post:
"What bugs me is all the songs that are being spewed out with "me"-oriented texts...but we can't sing "Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him." (LOBE DEN HERREN, v.4) We have to sing US."
But what's funny is you still have in verse 1 "Oh MY soul praise him, for he is thy health and salvation", and not "Let OUR souls praise him..." (thank God).
Actually, here's the whole text, with typical alterations in italics
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is thy (your/our) health and salvation.
Join the great throng, Psaltery, organ, and song,
(Come, all who hear, brothers and sisters draw near)
(OR All you who hear, now to his altar/temple/presence draw near)
Sounding in glad adoration. (Joining in glad/Join in profound adoration.)
The third line, "Join the great throng, Psaltery, organ, and song" appears in Hymnal 1940, Hymnal 1982 (both Episcopal), and GIA's now-out-of-print Worship II. Now the line takes a more "gathering" focus rather than "praising God in sacred song" (notice the removal of the word "organ" - Catholic publishers get a dope slap here).
2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth (reigning)
Who as on wings of an eagle, uplifted, sustaineth (sustaining)
Hast thou (Have you) not seen All that is needful hath (had/has) been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
(I forgot what the substitute line was here, but I know it was altered).
In some Catholic hymnals this verse is completely missing. I normally would push the second line as a viable substitute for the insipid chorus of Eagle's Wings. Liturgical Press uses this substitute verse in all its worship aids:
Praise to the Lord, let us offer our gifts at the altar.
Let not our sins and offenses now cause us to falter.
Christ, the High Priest, Bids us all join in his feast,
Victims with him on the altar.
J.S. Paluch's old Monthly Missalette and its predecessor Seasonal Missalette used that verse also, from its inception in the sixties up until 1991. Seems to have that gathering motif, but at least Fr. Udulutsch, the Franciscan (Capuchin) who authored this verse, was not afraid to admit in his text that we have "sins and offenses".
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth (shall) prosper our work and defend thee (us);
Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend thee (us).
Ponder anew What the Almighty can do,
Who, with his love, doth (will) befriend thee (us).
One finds here not only an idea of who the Lord is defending, but, in two lines, the changing of tense from present to future. Now the verse has a whole new meaning!
4. Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me (us) adore him!
All that hath (has) life and breath come now with praises (rejoicing) before him.
Let the AMEN Sound from his people again,
Gladly, for aye, we adore him. (Now as we/As we here worship before him)
Even the old text has "WE adore him". Now, if you really wanted to modernize the fourth line, simply changing "aye" to "yea" or even "yes" would be totally sufficient. I think Hymnal 1940 used for a second line:
All that hath breath join with Abraham's seed to adore him. Interesting!
What say ye?
His latest comment on this post:
"What bugs me is all the songs that are being spewed out with "me"-oriented texts...but we can't sing "Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore him." (LOBE DEN HERREN, v.4) We have to sing US."
But what's funny is you still have in verse 1 "Oh MY soul praise him, for he is thy health and salvation", and not "Let OUR souls praise him..." (thank God).
Actually, here's the whole text, with typical alterations in italics
1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is thy (your/our) health and salvation.
Join the great throng, Psaltery, organ, and song,
(Come, all who hear, brothers and sisters draw near)
(OR All you who hear, now to his altar/temple/presence draw near)
Sounding in glad adoration. (Joining in glad/Join in profound adoration.)
The third line, "Join the great throng, Psaltery, organ, and song" appears in Hymnal 1940, Hymnal 1982 (both Episcopal), and GIA's now-out-of-print Worship II. Now the line takes a more "gathering" focus rather than "praising God in sacred song" (notice the removal of the word "organ" - Catholic publishers get a dope slap here).
2. Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth (reigning)
Who as on wings of an eagle, uplifted, sustaineth (sustaining)
Hast thou (Have you) not seen All that is needful hath (had/has) been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
(I forgot what the substitute line was here, but I know it was altered).
In some Catholic hymnals this verse is completely missing. I normally would push the second line as a viable substitute for the insipid chorus of Eagle's Wings. Liturgical Press uses this substitute verse in all its worship aids:
Praise to the Lord, let us offer our gifts at the altar.
Let not our sins and offenses now cause us to falter.
Christ, the High Priest, Bids us all join in his feast,
Victims with him on the altar.
J.S. Paluch's old Monthly Missalette and its predecessor Seasonal Missalette used that verse also, from its inception in the sixties up until 1991. Seems to have that gathering motif, but at least Fr. Udulutsch, the Franciscan (Capuchin) who authored this verse, was not afraid to admit in his text that we have "sins and offenses".
3. Praise to the Lord, who doth (shall) prosper our work and defend thee (us);
Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend thee (us).
Ponder anew What the Almighty can do,
Who, with his love, doth (will) befriend thee (us).
One finds here not only an idea of who the Lord is defending, but, in two lines, the changing of tense from present to future. Now the verse has a whole new meaning!
4. Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me (us) adore him!
All that hath (has) life and breath come now with praises (rejoicing) before him.
Let the AMEN Sound from his people again,
Gladly, for aye, we adore him. (Now as we/As we here worship before him)
Even the old text has "WE adore him". Now, if you really wanted to modernize the fourth line, simply changing "aye" to "yea" or even "yes" would be totally sufficient. I think Hymnal 1940 used for a second line:
All that hath breath join with Abraham's seed to adore him. Interesting!
What say ye?
Got this from my wife Ann.
At a picnic for a Catholic school, the Mother Superior stacked a pile of apples on one end of a table with a sign saying:
Take only one apple please -- remember, God is watching.
At the other end of the table, there was a large pile of delicious chocolate cookies, on which a third grade student had placed a sign saying:
Take all the cookies you want -- God is watching the apples.

Take only one apple please -- remember, God is watching.
At the other end of the table, there was a large pile of delicious chocolate cookies, on which a third grade student had placed a sign saying:
Take all the cookies you want -- God is watching the apples.
Summer Music Colloquium
Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred

The Sixteenth Annual Summer Music Colloquium
Tuesday, 20 June 2006 - Sunday, 25 June 2006
The Catholic University of AmericaWashington, D.C.Sponsored by the Center for Ward Method Studies of the Benjamin T. Rome School of Musicin collaboration with the Church Music Association of America
Download a registration form at
Liturgical Music and the Restoration of the Sacred

The Sixteenth Annual Summer Music Colloquium
Tuesday, 20 June 2006 - Sunday, 25 June 2006
The Catholic University of AmericaWashington, D.C.Sponsored by the Center for Ward Method Studies of the Benjamin T. Rome School of Musicin collaboration with the Church Music Association of America
Download a registration form at
Thursday, May 25, 2006
UPDATED 5/26/06: Correction made
June 15-17 is the three-day period during which the US Bishops will be asked to approve a new translation of the Ordo Missae. I see a triple strike happening here. Skylstad is the USCCB president. Trautman is BCL chairman. And this meeting is happening in LA - Mahony's turf.
Here's the story from Catholic News Service.
And here's some commentary from the Shawn at the New Liturgical Movement.
The USCCB already tried the "oh the people have been used to this translation for almost forty years now" bit with Rome. Arinze said, "no go! You get me a translation, and it best conform to Liturgiam Authenticam." Well, not those EXACT words, but that's pretty much the deal. It was ok for those same guys to let several centuries of liturgical tradition (and in many cases, music) to go down the toilet now, however.
In the words of my redneck hero, Larry the Cable Guy, GIT-R-DONE!
BTW, one parishioner I talked to after Mass said that in the new translation he would like to see all pronouns relating to God and Christ beginning with a capital letter again (He, His, Him - Note: not She, Her, though, yes, you could when referring to Mary, or, as Nick rightfully pointed out in his comment, when referring to Holy Mother Church)
June 15-17 is the three-day period during which the US Bishops will be asked to approve a new translation of the Ordo Missae. I see a triple strike happening here. Skylstad is the USCCB president. Trautman is BCL chairman. And this meeting is happening in LA - Mahony's turf.
Here's the story from Catholic News Service.
And here's some commentary from the Shawn at the New Liturgical Movement.
The USCCB already tried the "oh the people have been used to this translation for almost forty years now" bit with Rome. Arinze said, "no go! You get me a translation, and it best conform to Liturgiam Authenticam." Well, not those EXACT words, but that's pretty much the deal. It was ok for those same guys to let several centuries of liturgical tradition (and in many cases, music) to go down the toilet now, however.
In the words of my redneck hero, Larry the Cable Guy, GIT-R-DONE!
BTW, one parishioner I talked to after Mass said that in the new translation he would like to see all pronouns relating to God and Christ beginning with a capital letter again (He, His, Him - Note: not She, Her, though, yes, you could when referring to Mary, or, as Nick rightfully pointed out in his comment, when referring to Holy Mother Church)
Forty is the number to be counted, and the number to be counted shall be forty. JB, in his comment in Nick's liturgy sheet for Ascension points out several biblical instances where time is measured by "forty". I like this - this is interesting.
JB scribbles (the word "scribbles" has been this funny habit for me lately, no evil intentions):
- In the story of Noah and the Great Flood, it rains for "forty days and forty nights" (Gen 7:4, 12, 17; 8:6).
- It takes a full forty days to embalm the body of Jacob, according to Egyptian practice (Gen 50:3).
- Moses spends "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai when receiving the Law from God (Exod 24:18; cf. Deut 9:9-25).
- Moses spends another "forty days and forty nights" on the mountain, encountering God a second time (Exod 34:28; cf. Deut 10:10)
- The Israelite spies scout out the Promised Land for forty days (Num 13:25, 34);
but due to their lack of faith, God requires the Israelites to wander in the desert for forty years (Num 14:33-34).
- The Philistine Goliath taunts the Israelite army for forty days before David fights him (1 Sam 17:16).
- The prophet Elijah travels forty days and forty nights to Mount Horeb to encounter God (1 Kings 19:8).
- The prophet Ezekiel lies on his right side for forty days to symbolize the sins of the people of Judah (Ezek 4:6).
- The prophet Jonah preaches in the Assyrian capital, "Forty days more, and Ninevah shall be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4).
- Jesus spent "forty days" in the desert before beginning his public ministry (see Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2). Matthew's Gospel even specifies that it was "forty days and forty nights" (Matt 4:2). - After his resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples for forty days, before ascending into heaven (Acts 1:3).
To that you can add such devotional citations as the "Forty Hours Devotion" - when's the last time you've seen one of those? And even in the secular life, the average American work week is forty hours. And in a cross-breeding of entertainment and finances, Krusty the Klown once promised young viewers, "Every time you watch my show, I'll give you FORTY DOLLARS", though the disclaimer states that the checks are not negotiable.
JB scribbles (the word "scribbles" has been this funny habit for me lately, no evil intentions):
- In the story of Noah and the Great Flood, it rains for "forty days and forty nights" (Gen 7:4, 12, 17; 8:6).
- It takes a full forty days to embalm the body of Jacob, according to Egyptian practice (Gen 50:3).
- Moses spends "forty days and forty nights" on Mount Sinai when receiving the Law from God (Exod 24:18; cf. Deut 9:9-25).
- Moses spends another "forty days and forty nights" on the mountain, encountering God a second time (Exod 34:28; cf. Deut 10:10)
- The Israelite spies scout out the Promised Land for forty days (Num 13:25, 34);
but due to their lack of faith, God requires the Israelites to wander in the desert for forty years (Num 14:33-34).
- The Philistine Goliath taunts the Israelite army for forty days before David fights him (1 Sam 17:16).
- The prophet Elijah travels forty days and forty nights to Mount Horeb to encounter God (1 Kings 19:8).
- The prophet Ezekiel lies on his right side for forty days to symbolize the sins of the people of Judah (Ezek 4:6).
- The prophet Jonah preaches in the Assyrian capital, "Forty days more, and Ninevah shall be overthrown" (Jonah 3:4).
- Jesus spent "forty days" in the desert before beginning his public ministry (see Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2). Matthew's Gospel even specifies that it was "forty days and forty nights" (Matt 4:2). - After his resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples for forty days, before ascending into heaven (Acts 1:3).
To that you can add such devotional citations as the "Forty Hours Devotion" - when's the last time you've seen one of those? And even in the secular life, the average American work week is forty hours. And in a cross-breeding of entertainment and finances, Krusty the Klown once promised young viewers, "Every time you watch my show, I'll give you FORTY DOLLARS", though the disclaimer states that the checks are not negotiable.

The formal installation of Fr. Jim DeBruycker as pastor of the infamous church.
Dancing around while Father's got the Lord Jesus Christ in his hands. Funny thing is, my son Brian did two performances on stage over the last two nights, and I thought the scene had looked familiar. Wait, the kids actually did a far better dancing bit. And the kids did their dance in a more suitable environment, the Providence Performing Arts Center.
It appears Fr. DeBruycker is enjoying the show. But what about Bishop Pates, the auxiliary bishop who filled in for Archbishop Flynn? What does he think of this crap? I say borderline heretical, but I'm not a bishop. What do I know? I was only taught to show the utmost reverence to the Blessed Sacrament, not put on a freakin' Broadway act in His presence!
Easter VII at the Cathedral
(As mentioned previously, we are in the Metropolitan Province of Philadelphia, which retains the celebration of Ascension on Thursday; today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter for us.)
Prelude: Prelude on HYFRYDOL -- Mark Sedio
Entrance: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 103: Michel Guimont
Gospel: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: The Summons / KELVINGROVE
Anthem (9:30): The Gift of Love -- Hal Hopson
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Anthem (9:30): O Sacrum Convivium -- Roberto Remondi (from the St. Greg)
Recessional: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / LOBE DEN HERREN
Postlude: Lobe den Herren -- Johann Gottfried Walther
Prelude: Prelude on HYFRYDOL -- Mark Sedio
Entrance: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 103: Michel Guimont
Gospel: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: The Summons / KELVINGROVE
Anthem (9:30): The Gift of Love -- Hal Hopson
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Anthem (9:30): O Sacrum Convivium -- Roberto Remondi (from the St. Greg)
Recessional: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / LOBE DEN HERREN
Postlude: Lobe den Herren -- Johann Gottfried Walther
Ascension Thursday at the Cathedral
(The Diocese of Harrisburg is a member of the Metropolitan Province of Philadelphia, and as such, we retain the proper celebration of Ascension on Thursday.)
Prelude: Two Strophes on the Ascension Hymn -- Alexandre Guilmant
Entrance: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing / LASST UNS ERFREUEN
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm 47: Michel Guimont
Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: Crown Him with Many Crowns / DIADEMATA
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Psalm 34 -- Michel Guimont
Recessional: Go to the World / SINE NOMINE
Postlude: Andante -- John Stanley
Prelude: Two Strophes on the Ascension Hymn -- Alexandre Guilmant
Entrance: A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing / LASST UNS ERFREUEN
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Psalm 47: Michel Guimont
Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: Crown Him with Many Crowns / DIADEMATA
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Psalm 34 -- Michel Guimont
Recessional: Go to the World / SINE NOMINE
Postlude: Andante -- John Stanley
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ray from MN has this account.
"I wouldn’t call today’s service a Mass", says Ray.
"Neither would I", says Brian.
Ray describes the music for the "butchered" Mass:
"The music was all folk music, gospel or old slave “spirituals”: “What a wonderful world”; “My Lord, what a mourning”; “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”; “I come to the garden bells”; “Follow me”; “Shall we gather at the river”; “Just a closer walk with thee”; “In the sweet by and by”; “Song of soul”; “Day by day”; and “I’ll fly away”, accompanied by guitars, trumpet, keyboard and drum. Words to the songs were projected on two screens. But this congregation proved it didn’t need help. The slides stuck a couple of times but the singing continued with nary a drop in decibels til the projectionist caught up with them."
Butchered it was, but par for the course at St. Joan's. Why the Archbishop lets this kind of crap keep going is beyond me.
"I suppose it is traditional for a bishop to attend the funeral of one of his priests, but I would bet that some bishops get stomach aches now and then, too."
I know in the Providence diocese the Bishop usually not only attends the funeral, he celebrates it. And, like the case of St. Joan's, I'm sure our Bishop, as well as quite a few other Bishops, have bitten quite a few bullets, and the eternal supplies of Tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer, and Pepcid AC are all beginning to run out. But then there are several bishops out there who would long for St. Joan's to be their role model.
"I wouldn’t call today’s service a Mass", says Ray.
"Neither would I", says Brian.
Ray describes the music for the "butchered" Mass:
"The music was all folk music, gospel or old slave “spirituals”: “What a wonderful world”; “My Lord, what a mourning”; “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”; “I come to the garden bells”; “Follow me”; “Shall we gather at the river”; “Just a closer walk with thee”; “In the sweet by and by”; “Song of soul”; “Day by day”; and “I’ll fly away”, accompanied by guitars, trumpet, keyboard and drum. Words to the songs were projected on two screens. But this congregation proved it didn’t need help. The slides stuck a couple of times but the singing continued with nary a drop in decibels til the projectionist caught up with them."
Butchered it was, but par for the course at St. Joan's. Why the Archbishop lets this kind of crap keep going is beyond me.
"I suppose it is traditional for a bishop to attend the funeral of one of his priests, but I would bet that some bishops get stomach aches now and then, too."
I know in the Providence diocese the Bishop usually not only attends the funeral, he celebrates it. And, like the case of St. Joan's, I'm sure our Bishop, as well as quite a few other Bishops, have bitten quite a few bullets, and the eternal supplies of Tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer, and Pepcid AC are all beginning to run out. But then there are several bishops out there who would long for St. Joan's to be their role model.
Intermountain Catholic features Mass from the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah, plus other features from the Salt Lake Diocese. I'm listening to the Mass for V Easter right now - and the music is impressive - very impressive.
Definitely a role model to emulate!
Intermountain Catholic features Mass from the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City, Utah, plus other features from the Salt Lake Diocese. I'm listening to the Mass for V Easter right now - and the music is impressive - very impressive.
Definitely a role model to emulate!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
From another Karl Keating e-letter - he's got some good stuff, ya know!
Mr. Keating goes into the origins of hand holding, namely during the Lord's Prayer. He mentions this reply to a question to the Adoremus Bulletin:
"No gesture for the people during the Lord's Prayer is mentioned in the official documents. The late liturgist Fr. Robert Hovda promoted holding hands during this prayer, a practice he said originated in Alcoholics Anonymous. Some 'charismatic' groups took up the practice."
Says Keating:
"Periodically, on "Catholic Answers Live" I am asked about hand-holding during Mass and explain that it is contrary to the rubrics. Usually I get follow-up e-mails from people who say, "But it's my favorite part of the Mass" or "We hold hands as a family, and it makes us feel closer."
The latter reply had to come from someone with a Ned Flanders intelligence. I firmly believe in close family, but just praying together brings out closeness in many families. You can even receive Holy Communion as a family in many cases. You don't have to break the rubrics just to be close, do you? Let's break the rubrics as a family, shall we???
Now, let me attack this "favorite part of the Mass" crap. For me, the high point of the Mass is not the hand holding. It's not the celebrant's homiletic punchline. It's not even a really good hymn or Mass setting. It's receiving the Body and Blood, soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Keating closes the hand-holding portion of his e-letter with this:
"About the former comment I think, 'If this is the high point of the Mass for you, you need to take Remedial Mass 101. The Mass is not a social event. It is the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary, and it is the loftiest form of prayer. It should be attended with appropriate solemnity.'"

Some may need Remedial Mass, 101, others need this here Our Father Holding Hand (description here). And for others, perhaps Catholicism for Dummies from The Ox Files. Some just need to be laughed at (or even laughed with).
But then, some are still getting off the bottle.
Mr. Keating goes into the origins of hand holding, namely during the Lord's Prayer. He mentions this reply to a question to the Adoremus Bulletin:
"No gesture for the people during the Lord's Prayer is mentioned in the official documents. The late liturgist Fr. Robert Hovda promoted holding hands during this prayer, a practice he said originated in Alcoholics Anonymous. Some 'charismatic' groups took up the practice."
Says Keating:
"Periodically, on "Catholic Answers Live" I am asked about hand-holding during Mass and explain that it is contrary to the rubrics. Usually I get follow-up e-mails from people who say, "But it's my favorite part of the Mass" or "We hold hands as a family, and it makes us feel closer."
The latter reply had to come from someone with a Ned Flanders intelligence. I firmly believe in close family, but just praying together brings out closeness in many families. You can even receive Holy Communion as a family in many cases. You don't have to break the rubrics just to be close, do you? Let's break the rubrics as a family, shall we???
Now, let me attack this "favorite part of the Mass" crap. For me, the high point of the Mass is not the hand holding. It's not the celebrant's homiletic punchline. It's not even a really good hymn or Mass setting. It's receiving the Body and Blood, soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Keating closes the hand-holding portion of his e-letter with this:
"About the former comment I think, 'If this is the high point of the Mass for you, you need to take Remedial Mass 101. The Mass is not a social event. It is the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Calvary, and it is the loftiest form of prayer. It should be attended with appropriate solemnity.'"

Some may need Remedial Mass, 101, others need this here Our Father Holding Hand (description here). And for others, perhaps Catholicism for Dummies from The Ox Files. Some just need to be laughed at (or even laughed with).
But then, some are still getting off the bottle.

In fact, I just linked the Crescat today, and you'll notice I did away with the "categories" on the blogrolls, and made one DEFINITIVE blogroll.
The Crescat (aka the "Carolina Cannonball") has an interesting take on Contemporary Christian Music.
"I enjoy it more for the family friendly factor then anything. I know nothing risque or crude is going to out of the mouths of the 2 morning show hosts and they won't advertise for night clubs & strip joints. It's safe....
or is it?"
Even in the country gospel stuff, I hear a lot of "me, myself, and I" style references. "I went to church this mornin'", "I talked to Jesus", "I'm gonna take the straight and narrow".
"I sometimes wonder about the lyrics of the songs. Are they safe spiritually? Some of the songs are just so drippy that I would rather slam my head in the car door. More often then not the lyrics and the themes are just...well... self centered."
My take on the "country gospel stuff" is only a small part of that "self-centered" "religious" muzak. And I too have wondered how safe I am behind the wheel of my van when something like "I'm gonna take the straight and narrow". Mind you, going to work I have a 45-minute commute, including a 12-mile stretch of Interstate 195 and a 1-1/4 mile long bridge (the Braga). So are these songs safe? I doubt it, not spiritually, not mentally, and dang it, not even physically. The same can be said about the Hog-and-Horse-play, if you know what I mean.

Is this what "Christ Our Buddy" looks like? Reminds me so much of a cross between the hippy teacher on Beavis and Butthead and Jesus of the "Jesus and Pals" TV call-in show that the boys on South Park sometimes watch.
Well, that is often what much of the Hog-and-Horse-play muzak we hear at Mass makes me think of - that, and add a little, "Hey Jesus, wazzup? Wanna smoke a joint with me, man?"
Here's more from the Crescat:
"Then of course you have the hideous Marty Haugen and David Haas. So it's not just contemporary protestant music, because this is the crap heard most Sundays in the Catholic church now. So the hippy drippy love lyrcis are bound by no specific denomination. I think the root of the problem here is the "contemporary" factor. Most of this stuff is pure bile composed to specifically make the listener "feel good" and be entertained. "
Ah yes, Haugen-Haasplay, or Hog and Horseplay! And maybe a little Ned Flanders to go along with it, hehehehe!
Crescat also rightfully gives the readers the link to the famed and revered Moratorium.
So, welcome to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogosphere (Blogroll), Crescat!
Will the Real Vatican Organist Please Stand Up???
Got this from NPM of all places....
Vatican official warns against people posing as pope's organist
Vatican official warns against people posing as pope's organist
This e-letter is from Karl Keating in Catholic Answers about the Religious Education Conference in Los Angeles, aka MahonyFest '06.
Mr. Keating begins to rave about his grand-niece, and says she may end up showing real talent...
Karl Keating (KK): Or at least enough to be a liturgical dancer, a position for which high skill does not seem to be a requirement. Let me prove it to you. If you have thirteen free minutes, watch this video:
LA-REC Liturgical Dance Video - server 1 (highspeed)
LA-REC Liturgical Dance Video - server 2 (low speed)
NOTE: links open new browser window to play the video
Brian Michael Page (BMP): I didn't exactly watch the full thirteen minutes. I probably watched four to five minutes, skipping around at times to see if anything worse would come around in future frames. Don't get me wrong it was ALL bad.
KK: It was taken April 2 at the concluding Mass of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. The chief celebrant was Roger Cardinal Mahony. Total attendance at the Congress was 42,000, with 19,000 attending the final day's liturgies.
BMP: Ah yes, often referred to by my friends in the Blogosphere as "MahonyFest '06"
KK: Music at the concluding Mass was provided by what organizers called a "band": pianos, percussion instruments, guitars, electric bass, synthesizers--altogether 40 instrumentalists, plus a choir of 225. The director of music for the Congress, John Flaherty, said "we've worked diligently to inculturate the liturgy to accurately and authentically reflect the church of Los Angeles."
Inculturation has come at a high price.
BMP: Yes, at a very high price, like the expense of 19,000 souls at the final day alone, infected and infested by all this mockery.
KK: When you watch the liturgical dancers, you will shake your head over the lack of good taste. You will not mistake these folks for the June Taylor Dancers. Even if you make allowances for the dancers being amateurs, the video is painful to watch.
BMP: Painful especially for the soul. And, by the way, what was burning in that bowl of smoke one dancer was hoisting? I fear that might not have been your regular everyday approved liturgical incense. Perhaps several ounces of high-grade marijuana?
KK: Only a heartless viewer would not feel embarrassment on behalf of the dancers.
BMP: Amen, Mr. Keating!
KK: Here is what then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote about liturgical dancing in "The Spirit of the Liturgy":
"Dancing is not a form of expression for the Christian liturgy. In about the third century, there was an attempt by certain Gnostic-Docetic circles to introduce it into the liturgy. ... The cultic dances of the different religions have different purposes--incantation, imitative magic, mystical ecstasy--none of which is compatible with the essential purpose of the liturgy. ...
"It is totally absurd to try to make the liturgy 'attractive' by introducing dancing pantomimes (wherever possible performed by professional dance troupes), which frequently (and rightly, from the professionals' point of view) end with applause. Whenever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment. ...
"I myself have experienced the replacing of the penitential rite by a dance performance, which, needless to say, received a round of applause. Could there be anything further removed from true penitence? ...
"None of the Christian rites includes dancing. What people call dancing in the Ethiopian rite or the Zairean form of the Roman liturgy is in fact a rhythmically ordered procession, very much in keeping with the dignity of the occasion."
KK continues: The dancing shown in the video was not part of a "rhythmically ordered procession." (The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has many ethnic parishes, but none for Ethiopian or Zairean Catholics, so far as I know.) No, what the video presents is a "performance" intruded into the Mass--and a sorry performance at that.
Did you watch John Paul II's funeral Mass, as celebrated by Cardinal Ratzinger? Compare its dignity and stateliness to what is shown on this video. It's as though the liturgists at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress inhabit another world.
Which, perhaps, they do.
BMP: The letter pretty much ends there. But you get the picture, I think. The entire thing was dispicable. And let's not dare forget those lovely KoolAid pitchers and beer pitchers, several of them, mind you, used for storage of the Precious Blood of Our Lord. Hideous, Horrendous, Insipid, Banal, and Vapid do not describe enough how bad this was. For those who get p***ed off over a simple comical addition of KoolAid Man on one of the pitchers, please realize how many fold the insult is to the Liturgy and Our Lord when blatant liturgical abuses take place while a Cardinal sits back, relaxes, watches, enjoys, and maybe even gets his vestments wet over, in the middle of the stage! KoolAid Man's face is miniscule compared to that!
Mr. Keating begins to rave about his grand-niece, and says she may end up showing real talent...
Karl Keating (KK): Or at least enough to be a liturgical dancer, a position for which high skill does not seem to be a requirement. Let me prove it to you. If you have thirteen free minutes, watch this video:
LA-REC Liturgical Dance Video - server 1 (highspeed)
LA-REC Liturgical Dance Video - server 2 (low speed)
NOTE: links open new browser window to play the video
Brian Michael Page (BMP): I didn't exactly watch the full thirteen minutes. I probably watched four to five minutes, skipping around at times to see if anything worse would come around in future frames. Don't get me wrong it was ALL bad.
KK: It was taken April 2 at the concluding Mass of the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. The chief celebrant was Roger Cardinal Mahony. Total attendance at the Congress was 42,000, with 19,000 attending the final day's liturgies.
BMP: Ah yes, often referred to by my friends in the Blogosphere as "MahonyFest '06"
KK: Music at the concluding Mass was provided by what organizers called a "band": pianos, percussion instruments, guitars, electric bass, synthesizers--altogether 40 instrumentalists, plus a choir of 225. The director of music for the Congress, John Flaherty, said "we've worked diligently to inculturate the liturgy to accurately and authentically reflect the church of Los Angeles."
Inculturation has come at a high price.
BMP: Yes, at a very high price, like the expense of 19,000 souls at the final day alone, infected and infested by all this mockery.
KK: When you watch the liturgical dancers, you will shake your head over the lack of good taste. You will not mistake these folks for the June Taylor Dancers. Even if you make allowances for the dancers being amateurs, the video is painful to watch.
BMP: Painful especially for the soul. And, by the way, what was burning in that bowl of smoke one dancer was hoisting? I fear that might not have been your regular everyday approved liturgical incense. Perhaps several ounces of high-grade marijuana?
KK: Only a heartless viewer would not feel embarrassment on behalf of the dancers.
BMP: Amen, Mr. Keating!
KK: Here is what then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote about liturgical dancing in "The Spirit of the Liturgy":
"Dancing is not a form of expression for the Christian liturgy. In about the third century, there was an attempt by certain Gnostic-Docetic circles to introduce it into the liturgy. ... The cultic dances of the different religions have different purposes--incantation, imitative magic, mystical ecstasy--none of which is compatible with the essential purpose of the liturgy. ...
"It is totally absurd to try to make the liturgy 'attractive' by introducing dancing pantomimes (wherever possible performed by professional dance troupes), which frequently (and rightly, from the professionals' point of view) end with applause. Whenever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment. ...
"I myself have experienced the replacing of the penitential rite by a dance performance, which, needless to say, received a round of applause. Could there be anything further removed from true penitence? ...
"None of the Christian rites includes dancing. What people call dancing in the Ethiopian rite or the Zairean form of the Roman liturgy is in fact a rhythmically ordered procession, very much in keeping with the dignity of the occasion."
KK continues: The dancing shown in the video was not part of a "rhythmically ordered procession." (The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has many ethnic parishes, but none for Ethiopian or Zairean Catholics, so far as I know.) No, what the video presents is a "performance" intruded into the Mass--and a sorry performance at that.
Did you watch John Paul II's funeral Mass, as celebrated by Cardinal Ratzinger? Compare its dignity and stateliness to what is shown on this video. It's as though the liturgists at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress inhabit another world.
Which, perhaps, they do.
BMP: The letter pretty much ends there. But you get the picture, I think. The entire thing was dispicable. And let's not dare forget those lovely KoolAid pitchers and beer pitchers, several of them, mind you, used for storage of the Precious Blood of Our Lord. Hideous, Horrendous, Insipid, Banal, and Vapid do not describe enough how bad this was. For those who get p***ed off over a simple comical addition of KoolAid Man on one of the pitchers, please realize how many fold the insult is to the Liturgy and Our Lord when blatant liturgical abuses take place while a Cardinal sits back, relaxes, watches, enjoys, and maybe even gets his vestments wet over, in the middle of the stage! KoolAid Man's face is miniscule compared to that!
Easter VI Ecumenical Evening Prayer
...celebrating the anniversary of the signing of a LARC covenant (Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic) between the area bishops of said churches and ecclesial communities.
Participating Clergy:
Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades - Bishop of Diocese of Harrisburg
Rt. Rev. Michael W. Creighton - Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
Rev. A. Donald Main - Bishop of Upper Susquehanna Synod, ELCA
Rev. Carol S. Hendrix - Bishop of Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA
Evening Prayer II for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
according to the Roman Rite
Prelude: Prelude on the Hymntune EVENTIDE -- Raymond Haan
Introductory Versicles (Bp. Rhoades)
Office Hymn: "The Strife is O'er" / VICTORY
The Psalms Appointed:
Psalm 110 (LBW Tone 1)
Psalm 115 (Anglican Chant, John Goss)(Hymnal 1982, #S-230)
Revelation Canticle -- Howard Hughes
Reading: Hebrews 10:11-18 (Bp. Main)
Homily (Bp. Creighton)
Responsory -- N. Basehore
Magnificat (LBW Tone 9)
Intercessions (Bp. Hendrix)
The Lord's Prayer (arr. Snow)
Solemn Blessing and Dismissal (Bp. Rhoades)
Recessional Hymn: "The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Has Ended" / ST. CLEMENT
Postlude: Poco vivace (Kleine Praeludien und Intermezzi) -- Hermann Schroeder
Participating Clergy:
Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades - Bishop of Diocese of Harrisburg
Rt. Rev. Michael W. Creighton - Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
Rev. A. Donald Main - Bishop of Upper Susquehanna Synod, ELCA
Rev. Carol S. Hendrix - Bishop of Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA
Evening Prayer II for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
according to the Roman Rite
Prelude: Prelude on the Hymntune EVENTIDE -- Raymond Haan
Introductory Versicles (Bp. Rhoades)
Office Hymn: "The Strife is O'er" / VICTORY
The Psalms Appointed:
Psalm 110 (LBW Tone 1)
Psalm 115 (Anglican Chant, John Goss)(Hymnal 1982, #S-230)
Revelation Canticle -- Howard Hughes
Reading: Hebrews 10:11-18 (Bp. Main)
Homily (Bp. Creighton)
Responsory -- N. Basehore
Magnificat (LBW Tone 9)
Intercessions (Bp. Hendrix)
The Lord's Prayer (arr. Snow)
Solemn Blessing and Dismissal (Bp. Rhoades)
Recessional Hymn: "The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Has Ended" / ST. CLEMENT
Postlude: Poco vivace (Kleine Praeludien und Intermezzi) -- Hermann Schroeder
Monday, May 22, 2006
"California became a state. The state had no electricity. The state had no money. Almost everyone spoke Spanish. There were gun fights in the streets. -- So basically, it was just like California today except that the women had real breasts and the men didn't hold hands (even at Mass)."
That's what happened on 9/9/1850, according to Dr. Phil - No, not Dr. Phil, the shrink. Dr. Phil Blosser, the Pertinacious Papist. Speaking of Dr. Blosser, whose blog I haven't read in a bit, he's got some good liturgy musings to check out, including an article by Nicholas Postgate, the infamous Liturgical Dance videos from the Religious Education Conference in LA, aka "MahonyFest" (Gerald's pet name for the conference), and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These and more are still on his front page, so check 'em out (if you haven't yet) while you still can without having to search the archives. It's good reading.
That's what happened on 9/9/1850, according to Dr. Phil - No, not Dr. Phil, the shrink. Dr. Phil Blosser, the Pertinacious Papist. Speaking of Dr. Blosser, whose blog I haven't read in a bit, he's got some good liturgy musings to check out, including an article by Nicholas Postgate, the infamous Liturgical Dance videos from the Religious Education Conference in LA, aka "MahonyFest" (Gerald's pet name for the conference), and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. These and more are still on his front page, so check 'em out (if you haven't yet) while you still can without having to search the archives. It's good reading.

It must also be noted that Anthony, the blog's owner, plugged us at Christus Vincit as "Music Ministers who Get It". Thanks much for the plug Anthony!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
With a little help from my daughter Brittany, we came up with these:
#10 - Folding chairs in the nave (Bring your own, or rent one for a buck)
#9 - Altar is the bar room table from the old Pedro's Cafe
#8 - Fountain dispenser for the wine (behind the pictured bar)
#7 - Barstools for the folk group, er, "contemporary ensemble"
#6 - Garden hose at the baptistry (btw, don't let the scene on your left happen to you)
#5 - Movie theater seats in the choir loft, if your church even has one these days (hey, these look rather comfy, and with cup/bottle holders too)
#4 - Large screen TV to project the song lyrics - a little more high-tech than at certain gymnasium Masses in Minneapolis
#3 - Glass pitchers with KoolAid Man's face on them (oh yeah!)
(Well, well, well, look who's demonstrating!)
#2 - Couches and Love Seats in the sanctuary

#1 - Remote for large screen TV mentioned in number 4

#8 - Fountain dispenser for the wine (behind the pictured bar)

(Well, well, well, look who's demonstrating!)


#1 - Remote for large screen TV mentioned in number 4
My brother just got home from the hospital today!
(35 is a bit young to be having heart attacks, eh)
(35 is a bit young to be having heart attacks, eh)
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 - 7 PM
Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven
Celebrated as a Holy Day of Obligation in the Diocese of Providence
(and a good chunk of other right coast dioceses too)
Introit: LLANFAIR - Hail the day that sees him rise (Missalette, #79)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Page - God mounts his throne to shouts of joy, a blare of trumpets for the Lord
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Offertory: ABBOT'S LEIGH - Lord, you give the great commission (Music Issue, #362)
Eucharist: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells (includes Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: FESTIVAL CANTICLE - This is the feast of victory (Music Issue, #597)
Recessional: HYFRYDOL - Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Music Issue, #741)
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Introit: LLANFAIR - Hail the day that sees him rise (Missalette, #79)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Tone 8G - The Lord has set his throne in heaven
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
(except 10:30) ABBOT'S LEIGH - God is love, let heav'n adore him (Music Issue, #426)
(10:30) Page - God mounts his throne to shouts of joy
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
Meditation (10:30): Lotti - Regina caeli
Recessional: HYFRYDOL - Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Music Issue, #741)
SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2006 - 11 AM on WLNE Channel 6 (Providence RI/New Bedford MA)
The Seventh Sunday of Easter (taped yesterday 5/20, will air 5/28)
We'll see how much editing will be done between the TV station and the Fall River diocesan communications department. Mind you, this Mass only gets a half-hour slot on TV.
Celebrant: Fr. Thomas Kocik, author of The Reform of the Reform?
Introit: Mode I - Exaudi, Domine, vocem meam (Gregorian Missal, page 387, antiphon only)
Penitential Rite and Gloria recited (again - that push from officials: HALF HOUR)
Responsorial Psalm: Tone 8G - The Lord has set his throne in heaven
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae (verse sung in English)
Offertory: Mode I - Ascendit Deus in jubilatione (Gregorian Missal, page 389)
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: recited
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
Recessional: (organ postlude) Campra - Rigaudon, first 16 bars (just enough to cover)
Side note: Fr. Kocik does a great Mass. I took no dough. Instead, I took pride in helping Fr. Kocik promote the reform of the reform on the small screen, and hearing music you hardly hear in the Fall River Diocese, sad to say. The organ in the chapel we taped at, however, is a Hammond. You be the judge: instrument or appliance? I also heard the tail end of a previous taping (which probably aired today), celebrated by a different priest. The usuals - Massive Cremation, and the out hymn was Rescucito! rendered on the organ like a tango. If I wanted to hear that kind of trash, I would have put on my dad's old Herb Alpert/Tijuana Brass albums and kicked back at my desk (Herb was a killer trumpeter in his day too, so don't think I don't like his music; just not at church).
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2006 - 7 PM
Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven
Celebrated as a Holy Day of Obligation in the Diocese of Providence
(and a good chunk of other right coast dioceses too)
Introit: LLANFAIR - Hail the day that sees him rise (Missalette, #79)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Page - God mounts his throne to shouts of joy, a blare of trumpets for the Lord
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Offertory: ABBOT'S LEIGH - Lord, you give the great commission (Music Issue, #362)
Eucharist: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells (includes Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: FESTIVAL CANTICLE - This is the feast of victory (Music Issue, #597)
Recessional: HYFRYDOL - Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Music Issue, #741)
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Introit: LLANFAIR - Hail the day that sees him rise (Missalette, #79)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Tone 8G - The Lord has set his throne in heaven
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
(except 10:30) ABBOT'S LEIGH - God is love, let heav'n adore him (Music Issue, #426)
(10:30) Page - God mounts his throne to shouts of joy
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
Meditation (10:30): Lotti - Regina caeli
Recessional: HYFRYDOL - Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Music Issue, #741)
SUNDAY, MAY 28, 2006 - 11 AM on WLNE Channel 6 (Providence RI/New Bedford MA)
The Seventh Sunday of Easter (taped yesterday 5/20, will air 5/28)
We'll see how much editing will be done between the TV station and the Fall River diocesan communications department. Mind you, this Mass only gets a half-hour slot on TV.
Celebrant: Fr. Thomas Kocik, author of The Reform of the Reform?
Introit: Mode I - Exaudi, Domine, vocem meam (Gregorian Missal, page 387, antiphon only)
Penitential Rite and Gloria recited (again - that push from officials: HALF HOUR)
Responsorial Psalm: Tone 8G - The Lord has set his throne in heaven
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae (verse sung in English)
Offertory: Mode I - Ascendit Deus in jubilatione (Gregorian Missal, page 389)
Eucharist: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: recited
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
Recessional: (organ postlude) Campra - Rigaudon, first 16 bars (just enough to cover)
Side note: Fr. Kocik does a great Mass. I took no dough. Instead, I took pride in helping Fr. Kocik promote the reform of the reform on the small screen, and hearing music you hardly hear in the Fall River Diocese, sad to say. The organ in the chapel we taped at, however, is a Hammond. You be the judge: instrument or appliance? I also heard the tail end of a previous taping (which probably aired today), celebrated by a different priest. The usuals - Massive Cremation, and the out hymn was Rescucito! rendered on the organ like a tango. If I wanted to hear that kind of trash, I would have put on my dad's old Herb Alpert/Tijuana Brass albums and kicked back at my desk (Herb was a killer trumpeter in his day too, so don't think I don't like his music; just not at church).
Saturday, May 20, 2006
This lovely letter got sent to Bp. Skylstad from my favorite Nigerian, Francis Cardinal Arinze, and can also be read on "Off the Record". Though Bp. Skylstad is President of the USCCB, Bp. Traut-person is chair-person of the BCL at this time.
BTW, Diogenes, you got that football play wrong, friend. There was no loss. The ball was picked off by the good Cardinal, who ran it in himself for the touchdown, then singlehandedly ran the two-point conversion. Therefore, Arinze 8, US Bishops zip. ;)
Hat tip to my left coast buddy, Gerald.
Letter follows:
2 May 2006
The Most Reverend William Skylstad
Bishop of Spokane
President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Prot. n. 499/06/L
Your Excellency,
With reference to the conversation between yourself, the Vice President and General Secretary of the Conference of Bishops of which you are President, together with me and other Superiors and Officials when you kindly visited our Congregation on 27 April 2006, I wish to recall the following:
The Instruction Liturgiam authenticam is the latest document of the Holy See which guides translations from the original-language liturgical texts into the various modern languages in the Latin Church. Both this Congregation and the Bishops’ Conferences are bound to follow its directives. This Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is therefore not competent to grant the recognitio for translations that do not conform to the directives of Liturgiam authenticam. If, however, there are difficulties regarding the translation of a particular part of a text, then this Congregation is always open to dialogue in view of some mutually agreeable solution, still keeping in mind, however, that Liturgiam authenticam remains the guiding norm.
The attention of your Bishops’ Conference was also recalled to the fact that Liturgiam authenticam was issued at the directive of the Holy Father at the time, Pope John Paul II, to guide new translations as well as the revision of all translations done in the last forty years, to bring them into greater fidelity to the original-language official liturgical texts. For this reason it is not acceptable to maintain that people have become accustomed to a certain translation for the past thirty or forty years, and therefore that it is pastorally advisable to make no changes. Where there are good and strong reasons for a change, as has been determined by this Dicastery in regard to the entire translation of the Missale Romanum as well as other important texts, then the revised text should make the needed changes. The attitudes of Bishops and Priests will certainly influence the acceptance of the texts by the lay faithful as well.
Requesting Your Excellency to share these reflections with the Bishops of your Conference I assure you of the continued collaboration of this Congregation and express my religious esteem,
Devotedly yours in Christ,
+Francis Card. Arinze
Prefect, Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
BTW, Diogenes, you got that football play wrong, friend. There was no loss. The ball was picked off by the good Cardinal, who ran it in himself for the touchdown, then singlehandedly ran the two-point conversion. Therefore, Arinze 8, US Bishops zip. ;)
Hat tip to my left coast buddy, Gerald.
Letter follows:
2 May 2006
The Most Reverend William Skylstad
Bishop of Spokane
President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Prot. n. 499/06/L
Your Excellency,
With reference to the conversation between yourself, the Vice President and General Secretary of the Conference of Bishops of which you are President, together with me and other Superiors and Officials when you kindly visited our Congregation on 27 April 2006, I wish to recall the following:
The Instruction Liturgiam authenticam is the latest document of the Holy See which guides translations from the original-language liturgical texts into the various modern languages in the Latin Church. Both this Congregation and the Bishops’ Conferences are bound to follow its directives. This Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is therefore not competent to grant the recognitio for translations that do not conform to the directives of Liturgiam authenticam. If, however, there are difficulties regarding the translation of a particular part of a text, then this Congregation is always open to dialogue in view of some mutually agreeable solution, still keeping in mind, however, that Liturgiam authenticam remains the guiding norm.
The attention of your Bishops’ Conference was also recalled to the fact that Liturgiam authenticam was issued at the directive of the Holy Father at the time, Pope John Paul II, to guide new translations as well as the revision of all translations done in the last forty years, to bring them into greater fidelity to the original-language official liturgical texts. For this reason it is not acceptable to maintain that people have become accustomed to a certain translation for the past thirty or forty years, and therefore that it is pastorally advisable to make no changes. Where there are good and strong reasons for a change, as has been determined by this Dicastery in regard to the entire translation of the Missale Romanum as well as other important texts, then the revised text should make the needed changes. The attitudes of Bishops and Priests will certainly influence the acceptance of the texts by the lay faithful as well.
Requesting Your Excellency to share these reflections with the Bishops of your Conference I assure you of the continued collaboration of this Congregation and express my religious esteem,
Devotedly yours in Christ,
+Francis Card. Arinze
Prefect, Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Friday, May 19, 2006

Michael Kriedler, host of the Breadcast, as well as host of the blog for Disciples with Microphones, interviewed me about the Christus Vincit Podcast.
Check it out!
Easter VI at the Cathedral
Prelude: Improvisation on When Love is Found -- Aaron David Miller
Entrance: O God Beyond All Praising / THAXTED
Gloria: Melodic (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 98: Michel Guimont
Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: I Have Loved You
Anthem (9:30): If Ye Love Me -- Philip Wilby
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: At That First Eucharist / UNDE ET MEMORES
Anthem: God be in my Head -- John Rutter
Recessional: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Postlude: O God Beyond All Praising -- David Cherwien
Entrance: O God Beyond All Praising / THAXTED
Gloria: Melodic (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 98: Michel Guimont
Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: I Have Loved You
Anthem (9:30): If Ye Love Me -- Philip Wilby
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: At That First Eucharist / UNDE ET MEMORES
Anthem: God be in my Head -- John Rutter
Recessional: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Postlude: O God Beyond All Praising -- David Cherwien
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Authentic Renewal of the Liturgy
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
A long period of years must past before the liturgical edifice, which the mystical Spouse of Christ has formed in her zeal and understanding to proclaim her piety and faith, will again appear splendid with dignity and harmony, cleansed of the accumulations of age.
These words of our late Holy Father provide an appropriate backdrop as the Diocese of Providence continues the process of studying and implementing recent liturgical documents. These documents include Pope John Paul's Encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Vatican's Instruction on the Eucharist, Redemptionis Sacramentum.
The implementation of these guiding documents in our diocese will not involve major changes since we are already, for the most part, faithfully following approved liturgical norms. Nonetheless, their implementation will require us to make some adjustments to a number of particular practices. Your pastors have received detailed information about these items and will explain them to you in the days to come.As we approach this task of liturgical fine-tuning, however, there are three important points I'd like to make.
The first is that all the members of the Church - priests, deacons, teachers, lay ministers, members of the lay faithful - should be committed to carefully following required liturgical norms.
In his Encyclical Pope John Paul wrote: "These norms are a concrete expression of the authentically ecclesial nature of the Eucharist; this is their deepest meaning. Liturgy is never anyone's private property, be it of the celebrant or of the community in which the mysteries are celebrated." (#52)
Redemptionis Sacramentum continues the Pope's explanation: "priests who faithfully celebrate the Mass according to the liturgical norms, and communities which conform to these norms, quietly but eloquently demonstrate their love for the Church." (Introduction)
As the documents suggest, the observance of liturgical norms manifests the virtues of humility, obedience and reverence in approaching the sacramental mysteries of the Church. When priests (or other ministers) impose their own preferences on the liturgy they reveal a lack of proper understanding of the ecclesial nature of liturgy. Such a practice is an expression of unhealthy clericalism and a sign of disrespect for the pastoral rights and spiritual needs of others.
The second point is equally important, however. The faithful celebration of the liturgy requires much more than just a scrupulous observance of the rubrics. It has to be imbued with and oriented toward a prayerful Christian spirit.
As the Instruction explains: "A merely external observation of norms would obviously be contrary to the nature of the Sacred Liturgy, in which Christ himself wishes to gather his Church, so that together with himself she will be one body and one spirit." (#5)
And in the well-known and oft-repeated mandate of the Second Vatican Council: "mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy . . . In the restoration and promotion of the sacred liturgy this full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else; for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit." (Sacrosanctum Concilium, #14)
In other words, the celebration of the liturgy must be done in a context of prayer and with the goal of spiritual renewal. We shouldn't just do the gestures and rituals; we should understand their meaning. We shouldn't just recite the prayers; we should take them to heart. We shouldn't just talk about Christ in the liturgy; we should encounter Him and be transformed in His likeness.
The third and final point is that the liturgy, to be completely fulfilled, must be lived-out in a personal commitment to justice and love.
The Instruction insists on this point: "External action must be illuminated by faith and charity, which unite us with Christ and with one another and engender love for the poor and abandoned." (#5)
And Pope Benedict has been equally clear: "Eucharistic communion includes the reality both of being loved and of loving others in turn. A Eucharist which does not pass over into the concrete practice of love is intrinsically fragmented." (Deus Caritas Est, #14)
In other words, authentic liturgy sends us into the world to live the Gospel of Christ, proclaim the Kingdom of God and serve the needs of others. Liturgy and love walk hand in hand. Love without liturgy runs the risk of becoming mere social work. Liturgy without love is sterile and unfulfilled.
It seems to me that these fundamental attitudes about liturgy are critical as the renewal of liturgy continues in the days to come. And indeed it will. In just a year or two, as the newly translated Roman Missal is introduced in our churches, we will be asked to become familiar with many new texts and prayers of the Mass. Without a doubt it will be a challenge, but also an opportunity.
You see, the renewal of the liturgy is a normal part of the Church's life in every age. Consider, for example, that the words about the need for liturgical renewal at the beginning of this piece are indeed from our late Holy Father - Pope Pius X in 1913!
Source: The Providence Visitor, May 18, 2006 edition
Please pray for my youngest brother, Glen. He had a mild heart attack yesterday. Thank God, only mild. He's only 35. The hospital was able to clear two of his three clogged arteries yesterday. They couldn't get at the third, though thankfully he's doing much better today. If they can get his heart rate down some, he'll be out of CCU and into a regular room.

From my own experience on Rhode Island's roads, there have been so many close calls and near misses ("near hits" according to George Carlin) because someone is not paying attention to the road - and most (not all), sure enough, have a dang phone glued to their ear. Ever wonder why the line of traffic at the GREEN light is longer than necessary? Try waking the phone user up after he or she has been too busy gabbing to realize that, why yes, the light is green!
I had someone tell me, People tie up traffic in Boston because they're MEAN. People tie up traffic in Providence because they're STUPID. Man is he ever right!
Hat tip to Matthew at the Dusty Choir Loft.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
OK - it's only been about a year or so that I've heard mention of The DaVinci Code at least once a day without having a clue what the hell it was until just a couple of months ago. Never read the book, though I know now that it's about as blasphemous as it gets. Never saw the movie, though I'm reading in many blogs that it was terrible.
Didn't miss much.
Catholicism - it's the sure thing!
Didn't miss much.
Catholicism - it's the sure thing!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006


When you care enough to bring the very best.
Click here for features.
The Curt Jester says they're faster than FEMA!
Liturgical Anonymous brought to you by the Curt Jester.
Liturgical Express brought to you by Musings from a Catholic Bookstore.
I just discovered the blog Basia me, Catolica sum, by a young woman named Meredith. (I also added her to our links). In her archive she has come up with a stunning parody of "The Red and Black" / "Do You Hear the People Sing" from LES MISERABLES. Read (and laugh) on!
This was (ahem) inspired by one of the bumper stickers at Shrine of the Holy Whapping: "Say the black, do the red." I thought "Black... red... red... black - Hey!" Here and here are the original lyrics. I wish I could find sound files, but most of you probably know the tunes - which are sooooooo cool!
RED AND BLACK (at the (N)OCP Café)
It is time for us all
To decide who we are
Do we fight for the right
To a night at the opera now?
Have you asked of yourselves
What's the price you might pay?
Is it simply a game
For liturgists to play?
They screw up all the rubrics
Keep them changing day by day…
Red - the stuff you're supposed to do!
Black - the words you're supposed to say!
Red - suppressed and botched on cue!
Black - the Word explained away!
Had you been at Mass tonight
You might know how it feels
To be struck to the bone
With a cold and unutterable dread -
You'd have rather been dead
Than hear the 'songs' that they intoned,
And the rubrics' sense deranged
"It's Kafka-esque!" I said.
"Let's go home. I need a drink -
No, I need aspirin for my head!"
I sit and kneel and stand!
"I believe in unum Deum!"
Keep your missal close at hand!
Though hell-spawned liturgists betray 'em!
And moving right along...
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing polyphony and chant?
It is the music of a people
Who have thrown out trendy cant!
When the choirs all agree:
"Tra le sollicitudini!"
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the altar rail
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will bring back the rite of the free!
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing Gesualdo and Des Pres?
It is the music of a people
Come to shining Solesmes!
When the Haugens hit the road
And Palestrina marches in
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance
Against Vosko, Mahoney,
RENEW and liturgical daaaaaaaance?
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing Victoria and Byrd?
It is the music of our people
It will no more go unheard!
When the OCP is out
Our Te Deums will begin -
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!
This was (ahem) inspired by one of the bumper stickers at Shrine of the Holy Whapping: "Say the black, do the red." I thought "Black... red... red... black - Hey!" Here and here are the original lyrics. I wish I could find sound files, but most of you probably know the tunes - which are sooooooo cool!
RED AND BLACK (at the (N)OCP Café)
It is time for us all
To decide who we are
Do we fight for the right
To a night at the opera now?
Have you asked of yourselves
What's the price you might pay?
Is it simply a game
For liturgists to play?
They screw up all the rubrics
Keep them changing day by day…
Red - the stuff you're supposed to do!
Black - the words you're supposed to say!
Red - suppressed and botched on cue!
Black - the Word explained away!
Had you been at Mass tonight
You might know how it feels
To be struck to the bone
With a cold and unutterable dread -
You'd have rather been dead
Than hear the 'songs' that they intoned,
And the rubrics' sense deranged
"It's Kafka-esque!" I said.
"Let's go home. I need a drink -
No, I need aspirin for my head!"
I sit and kneel and stand!
"I believe in unum Deum!"
Keep your missal close at hand!
Though hell-spawned liturgists betray 'em!
And moving right along...
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing polyphony and chant?
It is the music of a people
Who have thrown out trendy cant!
When the choirs all agree:
"Tra le sollicitudini!"
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the altar rail
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will bring back the rite of the free!
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing Gesualdo and Des Pres?
It is the music of a people
Come to shining Solesmes!
When the Haugens hit the road
And Palestrina marches in
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!
Will you give all you can give
So that our banner may advance
Some will fall and some will live
Will you stand up and take your chance
Against Vosko, Mahoney,
RENEW and liturgical daaaaaaaance?
Do you hear the Catholics sing?
Singing Victoria and Byrd?
It is the music of our people
It will no more go unheard!
When the OCP is out
Our Te Deums will begin -
Our hymns and chants will sound
And resound again!

Today's transactions:
accepted the retirement of Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, effective June 22, 2006
traded Bishop Donald Wuerl to Washington for a bishop to be named later, effective June 22, 2006. (Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Bp. Wuerl to succeed to the see of Washington.)
Prayers and congratulations to Cdl. McCarrick and Abp.-designate Wuerl!
Hat tip to Argent
Recent editorial by the National Catholic Distorter about Bishop Finn. Is this how a Catholic periodical treats a Bishop who is more faithful than most to the teachings of the Cathoic Church?
"We have learned through difficult experience in this country that bishops are, indeed, monarchs"
That's right. And it's not just in this country. It's worldwide. It starts with the Pope and works its way down. That's how it's worked for the past couple of millenia. The Church has rules - teachings - the Catechism. My boss put it well in his homily this weekend - It's just like being in a club. You have to play by the rules. The only difference is that the Catholic Church won't throw you out if you don't. But you have to strive to do so. So many claim they're Catholic, but have a big problem with this rule, that rule, this set of teachings, etc. Instead they want to "change the church", "get the Pope to waver", etc. Church teachings can never be wavered. They can be forgiven if broken, yes. But never wavered.
"We have learned through difficult experience in this country that bishops are, indeed, monarchs"
That's right. And it's not just in this country. It's worldwide. It starts with the Pope and works its way down. That's how it's worked for the past couple of millenia. The Church has rules - teachings - the Catechism. My boss put it well in his homily this weekend - It's just like being in a club. You have to play by the rules. The only difference is that the Catholic Church won't throw you out if you don't. But you have to strive to do so. So many claim they're Catholic, but have a big problem with this rule, that rule, this set of teachings, etc. Instead they want to "change the church", "get the Pope to waver", etc. Church teachings can never be wavered. They can be forgiven if broken, yes. But never wavered.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Thursday, May 18 - 7 PM
Main Celebrant: Bishop Francis X. Roque, Retired Bishop in Residence, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of United States of America, Military Services
Bishop Roque is a wonderful and holy man. He was helping out occasionally at St. Timothy's in Warwick when I was there.
Introit: Lambillotte - Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest (Music Issue, #403)
(Gloria is omitted, as this Mass is celebrated on a weekday)
Psalm: Tone 8 - Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Anointing: Mode VIII - Veni, Creator Spiritus (Missalette, #84)
Offertory: LASST UNS ERFREUEN - Creator Spirit, by whose aid (Missalette, #82)
Mass: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: if sung, it will be the chant in English from the current Roman Missal. However, I will leave that decision up to the Bishop.
Communion: Mozart - Ave Verum
Meditation: Croatian - Ave Maria/As I kneel before you
Recessional: ST. ANNE - We walk by faith and not by sight (Music Issue, #489)
Saturday, May 20 - 4:30 PM
Sunday, May 21 - 7:30, 9, and 10:30 AM
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Introit: ABBOT'S LEIGH - God is love, let heav'n adore him (Music Issue, #426)
Penitential Rite: parrot the iPadre
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Psalm: Gelineau/Joncas - The Lord has revealed to the nations, revealed his saving pow'r.
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Offertory: LAUDA ANIMA - Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Music Issue, #565)
Mass: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: chant in English from the current Roman Missal
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
- (except 10:30) Mode VI - Regina Caeli (Missalette, #75)
- (10:30 only) Lotti - Regina Caeli (choir)
Recessional: HYMN TO JOY - Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Music Issue, #557)
Main Celebrant: Bishop Francis X. Roque, Retired Bishop in Residence, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of United States of America, Military Services
Bishop Roque is a wonderful and holy man. He was helping out occasionally at St. Timothy's in Warwick when I was there.
Introit: Lambillotte - Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest (Music Issue, #403)
(Gloria is omitted, as this Mass is celebrated on a weekday)
Psalm: Tone 8 - Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Anointing: Mode VIII - Veni, Creator Spiritus (Missalette, #84)
Offertory: LASST UNS ERFREUEN - Creator Spirit, by whose aid (Missalette, #82)
Mass: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: if sung, it will be the chant in English from the current Roman Missal. However, I will leave that decision up to the Bishop.
Communion: Mozart - Ave Verum
Meditation: Croatian - Ave Maria/As I kneel before you
Recessional: ST. ANNE - We walk by faith and not by sight (Music Issue, #489)
Saturday, May 20 - 4:30 PM
Sunday, May 21 - 7:30, 9, and 10:30 AM
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Introit: ABBOT'S LEIGH - God is love, let heav'n adore him (Music Issue, #426)
Penitential Rite: parrot the iPadre
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Psalm: Gelineau/Joncas - The Lord has revealed to the nations, revealed his saving pow'r.
Alleluia: Mode II - from O Filii et Filiae
Offertory: LAUDA ANIMA - Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Music Issue, #565)
Mass: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: chant in English from the current Roman Missal
Communion: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (Music Issue, #356)
- (except 10:30) Mode VI - Regina Caeli (Missalette, #75)
- (10:30 only) Lotti - Regina Caeli (choir)
Recessional: HYMN TO JOY - Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Music Issue, #557)
A while back I had posted a whole bunch of books and music I had found at my doorstep (come to find out, it came from my upstairs neighbor, but how he got it is still beyond me).
How about this one - THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY, 1925. Yes, 1925!!! Now, the pages are a lot smaller than the editions you see now, though the book is not much thinner at all. And, just like the current big books, you have a good chunk of advertising on either end of the book. In this edition, about 200 pages! Everything from books to vestments to furnishings (some really nice high altars back then) to schools to organs!
Page 141 - E.C. Malarkey, Girardville, PA (imagine that - in 1925 someone actually used a two-letter state abbreviation - COOL!). The console pictured is a funky looking three-manual - stops controlled via the "sore tooth" method (stop tabs that toggle up/down).
Austin has a full-page ad on page 152.
Kilgen has a full-page ad on page 153, and this ad includes a picture of Professor Remigio Renzi, who was Vatican Organist at the time, at the three-manual Kilgen console at St. John Cantius in Chicago. (BTW, Ma Beck, does that Kilgen still exist there?) This letter from Prof. Renzi to George Kilgen himself also appears in the ad (originally in Italian, but translated in English in the ad):
Chicago, Illinois
September 2nd, 1924
Esteemed Friend Mr. Kilgen:
I wish to congratulate you on the magnificent organ of the St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, Ill. The tone qualities are marvelous, the mechanical action answers to every emergency of the modern technique.
No doubt you are doing the church a great service on furnishing them organs of such quality and durability.
Will always be a great pleasure for me as for every other organist to play on organs of your construction.
With the greatest esteem and with the best of wishes of always better success, believe me
(Signed) Remigio Renzi
First Organist of Vaticum Basilic
Teacher in St. Cecilia's in Rome.
Blogger's note: by "First Organist", I think the good professor meant "Principal Organist".
The Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis was listed as one of its latest builds (printed simply as New Cathedral, St. Louis, Mo.)
Now, when you cruise on to this page, you'll discover that this was the original 1915 organ. The new organ, also a Kilgen, was built in the late 1940's, and rebuilt by M.P. Moller in 1984. More ranks were added in 1997 and in 2002, bringing the new rank count to 118. Nice!
And talk about longevity - Dr. Mario Salvador saw the re-dedication concerts of 1949 AND 1984! His tenure at the Cathedral-Basilica was 52 years (1940-1992)!!!
Other ads include Hall Organs of West Haven, CT, Schantz, Tellers-Kent, Hinners, Henry Pilcher's Sons, and Odell. Odell has a gorgeous case (and gorgeous church) pictured on page 157, but no indication of which church this is.
Votteler-Holtkamp and M.P. Moller also have ads, as does Mudler-Hunter, Shaefer, and even Reuter.
What surprises me is that there are no ads listed for Aeolian-Skinner or Casavant Freres.
How about this one - THE OFFICIAL CATHOLIC DIRECTORY, 1925. Yes, 1925!!! Now, the pages are a lot smaller than the editions you see now, though the book is not much thinner at all. And, just like the current big books, you have a good chunk of advertising on either end of the book. In this edition, about 200 pages! Everything from books to vestments to furnishings (some really nice high altars back then) to schools to organs!
Page 141 - E.C. Malarkey, Girardville, PA (imagine that - in 1925 someone actually used a two-letter state abbreviation - COOL!). The console pictured is a funky looking three-manual - stops controlled via the "sore tooth" method (stop tabs that toggle up/down).
Austin has a full-page ad on page 152.
Kilgen has a full-page ad on page 153, and this ad includes a picture of Professor Remigio Renzi, who was Vatican Organist at the time, at the three-manual Kilgen console at St. John Cantius in Chicago. (BTW, Ma Beck, does that Kilgen still exist there?) This letter from Prof. Renzi to George Kilgen himself also appears in the ad (originally in Italian, but translated in English in the ad):
Chicago, Illinois
September 2nd, 1924
Esteemed Friend Mr. Kilgen:
I wish to congratulate you on the magnificent organ of the St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, Ill. The tone qualities are marvelous, the mechanical action answers to every emergency of the modern technique.
No doubt you are doing the church a great service on furnishing them organs of such quality and durability.
Will always be a great pleasure for me as for every other organist to play on organs of your construction.
With the greatest esteem and with the best of wishes of always better success, believe me
(Signed) Remigio Renzi
First Organist of Vaticum Basilic
Teacher in St. Cecilia's in Rome.
Blogger's note: by "First Organist", I think the good professor meant "Principal Organist".
The Cathedral-Basilica of St. Louis was listed as one of its latest builds (printed simply as New Cathedral, St. Louis, Mo.)
Now, when you cruise on to this page, you'll discover that this was the original 1915 organ. The new organ, also a Kilgen, was built in the late 1940's, and rebuilt by M.P. Moller in 1984. More ranks were added in 1997 and in 2002, bringing the new rank count to 118. Nice!
And talk about longevity - Dr. Mario Salvador saw the re-dedication concerts of 1949 AND 1984! His tenure at the Cathedral-Basilica was 52 years (1940-1992)!!!
Other ads include Hall Organs of West Haven, CT, Schantz, Tellers-Kent, Hinners, Henry Pilcher's Sons, and Odell. Odell has a gorgeous case (and gorgeous church) pictured on page 157, but no indication of which church this is.
Votteler-Holtkamp and M.P. Moller also have ads, as does Mudler-Hunter, Shaefer, and even Reuter.
What surprises me is that there are no ads listed for Aeolian-Skinner or Casavant Freres.
Happy and blessed Mothers' Day to all mothers, physical and spiritual!
Happy Mother's Day especially to my own mother, Terry, and my wife, Ann (and to her mother as well, also named Terry).
Just finished treating Ann to din-din. May nap for a little, but plan on spending more time with the wife today. Podcast #29 will be up a day late this week, as warned on my show notes from last week's episode (#28).
Happy Mother's Day especially to my own mother, Terry, and my wife, Ann (and to her mother as well, also named Terry).
Just finished treating Ann to din-din. May nap for a little, but plan on spending more time with the wife today. Podcast #29 will be up a day late this week, as warned on my show notes from last week's episode (#28).
Friday, May 12, 2006
Gerald's latest podcast compares the New American Bible translation with that of the new Ignatius Catholic Bible, using selected familiar passages. Some great work here.
Hat tip to the Curt Jester.
Here's an interview with Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke of St. Louis about the Tridentine Latin Mass (1962 Missal). Abp. Burke loves the Latin Mass to the point where he brought in the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, to his former diocese in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and then took them with him to St. Louis upon his assignment there.
It doesn't take much for Abp. Burke to grant permission. He just wants it done right, and with class.
"Certainly, any priest who requests the indult in order to be able to celebrate the Mass according to the 1962 Roman missal, I have always granted that...
I want to make sure of course that the priest is prepared. Sometimes a younger priest will request the faculty and then I always make sure he has someone to help to learn the rite so that it is celebrated with great dignity."
On how the Indult would affect the Reform of the Reform:
"It is clear to me that there has to be a continuity between the rites, both those in force in 1962, and those that are currently in force. I think the generous permission to celebrate the former rites will help us to see the richness of the 1962 missal and other sacramental celebrations, and in that way, will help us to be more faithful in carrying out the reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council."
Read the whole thing!
Here's an interview with Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke of St. Louis about the Tridentine Latin Mass (1962 Missal). Abp. Burke loves the Latin Mass to the point where he brought in the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, to his former diocese in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and then took them with him to St. Louis upon his assignment there.
It doesn't take much for Abp. Burke to grant permission. He just wants it done right, and with class.
"Certainly, any priest who requests the indult in order to be able to celebrate the Mass according to the 1962 Roman missal, I have always granted that...
I want to make sure of course that the priest is prepared. Sometimes a younger priest will request the faculty and then I always make sure he has someone to help to learn the rite so that it is celebrated with great dignity."
On how the Indult would affect the Reform of the Reform:
"It is clear to me that there has to be a continuity between the rites, both those in force in 1962, and those that are currently in force. I think the generous permission to celebrate the former rites will help us to see the richness of the 1962 missal and other sacramental celebrations, and in that way, will help us to be more faithful in carrying out the reforms mandated by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council."
Read the whole thing!
Christus Vincit SportsNet
Boston tops NYY 5-3
Philly gets a break with weather and beats Mets 2-0. Game called in the 5th inning.
Boston is 21-13 and is 1st in the AL East.
Philly is 19-15 and is 2nd in the NL East.
"Get Well Soon" wishes to Philly center fielder Aaron Rowand, who saved the game by catching the ball and getting the out, but slammed into the fence and broke his nose in the process. Top of the 1st, 2 outs, bases were loaded (all walked, no less). Xavier Nady slams a deep drive, and Rowand makes the play. He was admitted to Thomas Jefferson with no return date.
Also, kudos to Boston's Jonathan Papelbon for his 13th save, and for holding down a 0.44 ERA.
Philly gets a break with weather and beats Mets 2-0. Game called in the 5th inning.
Boston is 21-13 and is 1st in the AL East.
Philly is 19-15 and is 2nd in the NL East.
"Get Well Soon" wishes to Philly center fielder Aaron Rowand, who saved the game by catching the ball and getting the out, but slammed into the fence and broke his nose in the process. Top of the 1st, 2 outs, bases were loaded (all walked, no less). Xavier Nady slams a deep drive, and Rowand makes the play. He was admitted to Thomas Jefferson with no return date.
Also, kudos to Boston's Jonathan Papelbon for his 13th save, and for holding down a 0.44 ERA.
Thank God! This from Fr. Zuhlsdorf:
"The new pastor of St. Agnes will be Fr. John Ubel. I have known Fr. Ubel for many years. He is a highly intelligent, highly respected, and accomplished priest. He has been involved in Catholic education and is an excellent teacher. He has a great love of music and the Church’s Latin liturgy. No one need fear that Fr. Ubel will dismantle what has been accomplished at St. Agnes over the decades of service of Msgr. Bandas, Msgr. Schuler and Fr. Welzbacher. People have reason to be very happy for this appointment."
emphasis added
"The new pastor of St. Agnes will be Fr. John Ubel. I have known Fr. Ubel for many years. He is a highly intelligent, highly respected, and accomplished priest. He has been involved in Catholic education and is an excellent teacher. He has a great love of music and the Church’s Latin liturgy. No one need fear that Fr. Ubel will dismantle what has been accomplished at St. Agnes over the decades of service of Msgr. Bandas, Msgr. Schuler and Fr. Welzbacher. People have reason to be very happy for this appointment."
emphasis added
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Groundbreaking expected to take place Spring 2007.
Related posts: Society of Saint Barbara and The New Liturgical Movement
Impressive! Basilica quality, if you ask me!

Quite nice!
For more schematics, click here.
Related story: The New Liturgical Movement
Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral
(Monday, May 15, transferred from May 14, observed in Cathedral only because of the transferral)
Prelude: Finale from Sonata VI -- Mendelssohn
Entrance: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Ps. 122: Gelineau
Offertory: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation / ST. THOMAS
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Psalm 34 -- Michel Guimont
Recessional: O God Beyond All Praising / THAXTED
Postlude: Tu es Petrus -- Jeanne Demessieux
Prelude: Finale from Sonata VI -- Mendelssohn
Entrance: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews
Ps. 122: Gelineau
Offertory: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation / ST. THOMAS
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Psalm 34 -- Michel Guimont
Recessional: O God Beyond All Praising / THAXTED
Postlude: Tu es Petrus -- Jeanne Demessieux
Easter V at the Cathedral
Prelude: Finale from Sonata VI -- Mendelssohn
Entrance: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 22: Gelineau
Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia - Christopher Walker
Offertory: I Know that My Redeemer Lives / DUKE STREET
Anthem (9:30): A Vineyard Grows -- K. Lee Scott
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Unless a Grain of Wheat
Anthem (9:30): A Gaelic Blessing -- John Rutter
May Crowning (9:30): Be Joyful, Mary / REGINA CAELI
Recessional: Sing with all the Saints in Glory / HYMN TO JOY
Postlude: Little Prelude and Fugue in C Major -- attr. Bach
Entrance: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 22: Gelineau
Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia - Christopher Walker
Offertory: I Know that My Redeemer Lives / DUKE STREET
Anthem (9:30): A Vineyard Grows -- K. Lee Scott
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Unless a Grain of Wheat
Anthem (9:30): A Gaelic Blessing -- John Rutter
May Crowning (9:30): Be Joyful, Mary / REGINA CAELI
Recessional: Sing with all the Saints in Glory / HYMN TO JOY
Postlude: Little Prelude and Fugue in C Major -- attr. Bach
Presented here in Latin and in English by Fr. Zuhlsdorf. God knows our English translators (especially under its current leadership) need all the prayers they can get. And don't forget the Novena for the Renewal of Sacred Liturgy by Adoremus.
Adoremus also has a section on translating sacred texts, with links to related articles and documents within and outside of the Adoremus Bulletin and the Vatican. I'm gonna go read now. ;)
Adoremus also has a section on translating sacred texts, with links to related articles and documents within and outside of the Adoremus Bulletin and the Vatican. I'm gonna go read now. ;)
Bishop Robert Finn, of the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese. Another supporter of the Latin Mass, he just made an Oratory for the Traditional (1962) Latin Mass community out of a recently-closed parish church. WOOHOO!
There is a great bishop on both sides of the state of Missouri! Bishop Finn, and St. Louis' Archbishop Burke! I auditioned at a church in Springfield once. Now that's another diocese with two cities in the name - Springfield-Cape Girardeau. They have Bishop Liebrecht, who is also good, at least what I've seen (including his correspondance with Archbishop Burke regarding the suspended priest and St. Stanislaus).
Hat tip to Matthew at The New Liturgical Movement.
There is a great bishop on both sides of the state of Missouri! Bishop Finn, and St. Louis' Archbishop Burke! I auditioned at a church in Springfield once. Now that's another diocese with two cities in the name - Springfield-Cape Girardeau. They have Bishop Liebrecht, who is also good, at least what I've seen (including his correspondance with Archbishop Burke regarding the suspended priest and St. Stanislaus).
Hat tip to Matthew at The New Liturgical Movement.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Jack at Idle Mendacity is our resident Yankee fan, but he's still our friend in the blogosphere. But the Yanks did even the series by winning 7-3 tonight. Curt Schilling did cough up a few homers. And the Yankees did only commit ONE error tonight (better than the THREE last night, two off "Pay-rod").
So now we're even. ;)
PS: Wake will baffle them tomorrow night!
So now we're even. ;)
PS: Wake will baffle them tomorrow night!
(or "liturgeists" - that is, a cross between the words "Liturgist" and "Poltergeist")
I went to the CanticaNOVA site earlier this afternoon to get the link to Jason's article on The Pastoral Musician (originally posted here) for someone on one of the message boards I frequent, and ran into this article by the late Calvert Shenk. Some really good reading by these guys, I'm telling you! Anyhoo...
Mr. Shenk describes two ways of how Holy Mass begins.
1. "Before the Eucharistic celebration begins, the assembly gathers in the worship space. As the assembly sings the gathering song, the presider and other ministers enter. The presider greets the assembly and, in preparation for liturgy of Word and Eucharist, invites them to reflect on their sinfulness."
2. "Before Mass, the congregation enters the church. As the introit or the processional hymn is sung, the celebrant, deacon, lector and servers enter in procession. The celebrant, having made the sign of the cross, greets the congregation and, in preparation for the sacred mysteries, exhorts the faithful to call to mind their sins."
The former reminds me so much of what I heard as I stepped foot into one Fall River church last Saturday in between Masses (I had a 2:00 wedding and then the 4:30 Vigil Mass for Sunday):
(very slowly and clearly by a woman at the console) Good afternoon. Our gathering song is number xxx - SING TO THE MOUNTAINS, number x-x-x.
I still can't stress enough the genericness of the term worship space. It's a long-standing pet peeve of mine, along with gathering song, which is used contrary to paragraph 47 of the IGMR, which states, even in this U.S. Version:
47. After the people have gathered, the Entrance chant begins as the priest enters with the deacon and ministers.
Anyways, Mr. Shenk does a great job exploring the vocabulary of the modern-day "liturgeist". I encourage you to read the whole thing.
I went to the CanticaNOVA site earlier this afternoon to get the link to Jason's article on The Pastoral Musician (originally posted here) for someone on one of the message boards I frequent, and ran into this article by the late Calvert Shenk. Some really good reading by these guys, I'm telling you! Anyhoo...
Mr. Shenk describes two ways of how Holy Mass begins.
1. "Before the Eucharistic celebration begins, the assembly gathers in the worship space. As the assembly sings the gathering song, the presider and other ministers enter. The presider greets the assembly and, in preparation for liturgy of Word and Eucharist, invites them to reflect on their sinfulness."
2. "Before Mass, the congregation enters the church. As the introit or the processional hymn is sung, the celebrant, deacon, lector and servers enter in procession. The celebrant, having made the sign of the cross, greets the congregation and, in preparation for the sacred mysteries, exhorts the faithful to call to mind their sins."
The former reminds me so much of what I heard as I stepped foot into one Fall River church last Saturday in between Masses (I had a 2:00 wedding and then the 4:30 Vigil Mass for Sunday):
(very slowly and clearly by a woman at the console) Good afternoon. Our gathering song is number xxx - SING TO THE MOUNTAINS, number x-x-x.
I still can't stress enough the genericness of the term worship space. It's a long-standing pet peeve of mine, along with gathering song, which is used contrary to paragraph 47 of the IGMR, which states, even in this U.S. Version:
47. After the people have gathered, the Entrance chant begins as the priest enters with the deacon and ministers.
Anyways, Mr. Shenk does a great job exploring the vocabulary of the modern-day "liturgeist". I encourage you to read the whole thing.
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