Wednesday, May 31, 2006

They'll know we are Christians....

In the Resource Publications discussion fora there's a discussion going HERE, and a discussion on "They'll Know We Are Christians..." reared its ugly head. A priceless quip was posted by one of the regulars.

"Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love, but they'll also know we are Catholics by our dreadful music."



(Corrected as per BMP's note in the comments. Sorry for the original mistake.)


Brian Michael Page said...

So true.

Brian Michael Page said...

Actually it's in the Easter 7 thread, but that's ok because it lead me to asking another regular a dumb question: Why would you program a patriotic hymn just because a secular holiday is the next day?

Cathy said...

Are you talking to yourself again? ;)

Why would you program a patriotic hymn just because a secular holiday is the next day?
Ooo, ooo, let me!
Um, because you don't really understand the job of a Catholic music director, or you're not clever
enough to think outside the box, like BMP and his commenter Moconner?