Of course, there are bunches of those lovely Aeolian-Skinner organs all over Massachusetts (the factory was in Boston). The largest is the 240+-rank monster at the Christian Science Mother Church on Mass. Ave. in Boston. There's even a good-sized three-manual A/S in the old edifice.
Now, can you believe that in all of Rhode Island there are only FIVE Aeolian-Skinners? Yes, FIVE!

4. There is a III/28 species at Blessed Sacrament Church in Providence, Opus 1507, where I was baptized.
5. The largest Aeolian-Skinner in RI is at Central Congregational Church, Opus 1440 in Providence - III/58.
(Couldn't get photos for the last two. Sorry.)
Casavants have a pretty good count in RI, however.
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