Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Photo courtesy of the Crescat.

In fact, I just linked the Crescat today, and you'll notice I did away with the "categories" on the blogrolls, and made one DEFINITIVE blogroll.


The Crescat (aka the "Carolina Cannonball") has an interesting take on Contemporary Christian Music.

"I enjoy it more for the family friendly factor then anything. I know nothing risque or crude is going to out of the mouths of the 2 morning show hosts and they won't advertise for night clubs & strip joints. It's safe....
or is it?"

Even in the country gospel stuff, I hear a lot of "me, myself, and I" style references. "I went to church this mornin'", "I talked to Jesus", "I'm gonna take the straight and narrow".

"I sometimes wonder about the lyrics of the songs. Are they safe spiritually? Some of the songs are just so drippy that I would rather slam my head in the car door. More often then not the lyrics and the themes are just...well... self centered."

My take on the "country gospel stuff" is only a small part of that "self-centered" "religious" muzak. And I too have wondered how safe I am behind the wheel of my van when something like "I'm gonna take the straight and narrow". Mind you, going to work I have a 45-minute commute, including a 12-mile stretch of Interstate 195 and a 1-1/4 mile long bridge (the Braga). So are these songs safe? I doubt it, not spiritually, not mentally, and dang it, not even physically. The same can be said about the Hog-and-Horse-play, if you know what I mean.

"Its all so peace, love, dope Dude..."

Is this what "Christ Our Buddy" looks like? Reminds me so much of a cross between the hippy teacher on Beavis and Butthead and Jesus of the "Jesus and Pals" TV call-in show that the boys on South Park sometimes watch.

Well, that is often what much of the Hog-and-Horse-play muzak we hear at Mass makes me think of - that, and add a little, "Hey Jesus, wazzup? Wanna smoke a joint with me, man?"

Here's more from the Crescat:
"Then of course you have the hideous Marty Haugen and David Haas. So it's not just contemporary protestant music, because this is the crap heard most Sundays in the Catholic church now. So the hippy drippy love lyrcis are bound by no specific denomination. I think the root of the problem here is the "contemporary" factor. Most of this stuff is pure bile composed to specifically make the listener "feel good" and be entertained. "

Ah yes, Haugen-Haasplay, or Hog and Horseplay! And maybe a little Ned Flanders to go along with it, hehehehe!

Crescat also rightfully gives the readers the link to the famed and revered Moratorium.

So, welcome to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogosphere (Blogroll), Crescat!


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