Friday, December 30, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Entrance: H-13.1 While shepherds watched their flocks by night / "Winchester Old"
Gloria: (7:30 AM) Mass VIII; (all others) Mass of the Shepherds / Yon
Psalm 67: May God bless us in his mercy / Alstott
Alleluia: Alleluia for Christmas Season / BMP, adapted from "Divinum Mysterium", Mode V
Offertory: H-30 The first Nowell / English
Sanctus and Agnus Dei:
-- (7:30 AM) Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst; (all others) Mass of the Shepherds / Yon
Memorial: We proclaim your death / BMP, Holy Angels Mass
Amen: Dresden
Communion: W-374 Lo! how a rose e'er blooming / "Es ist ein ros' entsprungen"
Meditation: H-44 In the bleak midwinter / Holst
Recessional: H-42 Angels we have heard on high / "Gloria"
Monday, December 26, 2011
Last time I had a New Year's Eve Wedding was at Holy Name (it was the daughter of a couple that sang in the gospel choir there). This time, it's at Sacred Heart.
Entrance: Prince of Denmark's March / Clarke
Psalm 128: O blessed are those who fear the Lord / Gelineau
Alleluia for Christmas Season / BMP, adapted from "Divinum Mysterium", Mode V
Offertory: Ave Maria / Schubert
Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
Memorial: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass) / BMP
Dresden Amen
Communion: Panis Angelicus / Franck
Recessional: Trumpet Tune / Purcell
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Anyhoo, the music will be pretty much the usuals for both funerals.
Requiem Aeternam / Mode VI
Jesus, Lover of my soul / "Aberystwyth"
Psalm 25: To you, O Lord / Gelineau
Alleluia / BMP, adapt. from "Creator Alme"
Ave Maria / Victoria (Wed.); Bach/Gounod (Thurs.)
Sanctus XVIII
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine / "Jubilate Deo"
Dresden Amen
Lux Aeterna / Mode VIII
Jesus, Son of Mary / "Adoro Te"
I believe that my Redeemer lives / H. St. Louis
In Paradisum / Mode VII
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday XII-24-11 at 5 and 10:30 PM
Sunday XII-25-11 at 9 and 11:15 AM
Vocal quartet and brass trio at all Masses!
Choral/Brass Prelude (20 Minutes before each Mass)
1. Good Christian men, rejoice / "In Dulci Jubilo" (Brass)
2. O little town of Bethlehem / "Forest Green" (Quartet)
3. Tollite Hostias / Saint-Saƫns (Quartet)
4. In the bleak midwinter / Darke (Quartet)
5. Joseph dearest, Joseph mine / arr. Vaughan Williams (Quartet)
6. What Child is this / "Greensleeves" (Brass)
(5:00) Psalm 89: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord / BMP
(10:30) Psalm 96: Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord / Proulx/Gelineau
(9:00/11:15) Psalm 98: All the ends of the earth have seen... / Rice
ALLELUIA: BMP, adapted from Divinum Mysterium, Mode V
Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei: Mass of the Shepherds / Yon
Memorial: We proclaim your death, O Lord / BMP
Amen: Dresden
HYMNS, etc.
Entrance: W-392 O come, all ye faithful / "Adeste Fideles"
- Verse 1 in Latin, then vv. 1-4 in English, arr. Willcocks
Offertory: W-387 Hark! the herald angels sing / "Mendelssohn", arr. Willcocks
Communion: O Holy Night / Adam
Meditation: W-379 Silent night, holy night / "Stille Nacht"
Recessional: W-399 Joy to the world! the Lord is come / "Antioch"
1. Angels we have heard on high / "Gloria" (Brass only)
2. Hallelujah! (from "Messiah") / Handel (organ)
This is the way of Governor (Grinch) Chafee and similar whack-jobs!
The Perennial Tree
This holiday tree can be left up ALL YEAR!
The New Years Tree - Hang empty champagne bottles on it with silly hats and toy horns
The George Washington Tree - Hang pictures of the first President on it (or chop it down and admit it)
The Martin Luther King Tree - Hang pictures of MiLK (editing mine) and have a recording of his wonderful I Have a Dream speech playing
The Valentine's Day Tree - Hang little hearts and candy
The Lincoln's Birthday Tree - Hang log cabins with beards on them
The St. Patrick's Day Tree - Have a corned beef and cabbage dinner and decorate the tree with shamrocks (iSNARK! side note: it's GREEN, just like a Christmas tree!)
The Columbus Day Tree - Everyone go out and discover something you have never seen
The Halloween Tree - Hang pumpkins and masks from it and have children go beg it for candy
The Easter Tree - Hang colored hard-boiled eggs from it (but NOTHING with Jesus)
The Memorial Day Tree - Bring flowers, but DON'T pray
The Independence Day Tree - Parade around it and smoke lots of pot
The Thanksgiving Day Tree - Have a big turkey dinner there and hang pilgrims and Indians on it
The Christmas/Holiday Tree - Decorate with politically correct decorations, but no God talk or else!
Precious Blood Church is located at 94 Carrington Avenue (corner of Park Avenue) in Woonsocket. Parking available in the lot on Hamlet Avenue.
Some side notes:
Both the conductor and myself have served at Precious Blood at one point or another. I was at Precious Blood from 1989-1997. Henri St. Louis worked there for almost twelve years, two organists before me. He is a top notch musician. He also took care of any maintenance/repair work on the organ while I was there.
The organ is an Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1099, three manuals, 26 ranks, built in 1947.
The celebrant, Fr. Michael Wooley, is the pastor at St. Joseph's Church in Woonsocket. Too bad he's not at Precious Blood! He was a summer seminarian at Precious Blood late in my stay there.
Thursday, December 15, 2011

This is an album I grew up with as a wee one, and thanks to the owner of the Audio Archives blog, I was able to download an .mp3 of the entire album. In fact, the Audio Archives blog has numerous old albums on .mp3. I also downloaded Firestone's Volume 4, and an RCA Victor collection (RCA Victor Presents Music for the Twelve Days of Christmas).
The album in this discussion features Risƫ Stevens (mezzo), Brian Sullivan (tenor), the Columbus Boychoir (now the American Boychoir, since their 1980 move to Princeton, NJ), along with the Firestone Orchestra and Chorus.
There are twelve tracks on the album, songs done by each of the "stars" on the album. You can even sing along, as the lyrics are on the back of the album jacket. The album ends with The Twelve Days of Christmas, performed by (as appears in the credits) "Entire Company". Yup - everyone on the album! And to boot, each verse has its own arrangement, vocally and orchestrally - a different color to each verse, pretty much. Several key changes as well!
Verse 1: Key of E-flat, sung by Risƫ Stevens, backed by the Columbus Boychoir.
Verse 2: same
Verse 3: Key of A-flat, sung by Brian Sullivan.
Verse 4: same
Verse 5: Key of F, sung by Chorus.
Verse 6: Key of B-flat, sung by the Columbus Boychoir.
Verse 7: Key of E-flat, started by Risƫ Stevens, backed by the Columbus Boychoir. From this verse on, you'll see the switching off of artists for each line (6 geese, 5 rings, etc.).
Verse 8: Key of A-flat, started by Brian Sullivan.
Verse 9: Key of F, started by the men of the chorus.
Verse 10: Key of F, started by the Columbus Boychoir.
Verse 11: Key of F, started by Risƫ Stevens and Brian Sullivan.
Verse 12: Key of G, started by EVERYONE. (The only verse in a sharp key. While the other key changes are merely changes, this one is an actual modulation.)
Get the entire album here!
Funeral Mass - 9 AM Saturday XII-17-11
Requiem Aeternam / Mode VI
H-415.1 Jesus, lover of my soul / "Aberystwyth"
Psalm 25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul / Thompson/Gelineau
Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
Ave Maria / Victoria
Sanctus and Agnus XVIII
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine / "Jubilate Deo"
Amen / Dresden
Lux aeterna / Mode VIII
H-223 Jesus, Son of Mary / "Adoro Te"
I believe that my Redeemer lives / H. St. Louis
In paradisum / Mode VII
Fourth Sunday of Advent - XII-18-11
W-373 The King shall come when morning dawns / "St. Stephen"
Psalm 89: For ever I will sing / BMP
Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
W-357 O come, O come, Emmanuel / "Veni, Veni, Emmanuel"
Sanctus and Agnus / "Mass for Christian Unity"
We proclaim your death, O Lord / "Holy Angels Mass"; BMP
Amen / Dresden
Ave Maria / Arcadelt
W-364 Come, O long-expected Jesus / "Stuttgart"
W-367 O come, divine Messiah / "Veni, Divin Messie"
Sunday, December 11, 2011
ANYTHING from the Beach Boys Christmas Album.
Sleigh Ride (instrumental/orchestral version only), particularly the Boston Pops, and a really cool organ rendition by Cameron Carpenter. The only vocal versions I like would be parodies.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, by Ringo Starr (I also appreciate Gene Autry's classic version)
White Christmas, Drifters version only
Blue Christmas, Elvis version only
ANYTHING from the Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Christmas Album.
ANYTHING from Straight No Chaser.
Caroling, Caroling, Tennessee Ernie Ford version only
All I Want for Christmas Is You, Mariah Carey version only (and WITHOUT Justine Bieber!)
I'm definitely a sucker for a really good parody. I highly recommend Tom's Townie Tunes (WROR-FM, Boston) and Bob Rivers Twisted Tunes (KJR-FM, Seattle). Side note: Bob Rivers used to work with WAAF-FM (Worcester/Boston) in the 1980's (anyone remember the Bob and Zip Show?) It was Rivers that wrote the renowned classic Twelve Pains of Christmas and Grandma Got Dismembered by a Chainsaw.
Holy $&!+, It's Christmas, by Red Peters
ANYTHING done with a good choir/organ/brass. I love a good Willcocks or Vaughan Williams arrangement just as much as any other organist in his/her right mind. :)
'Twas the Night Before Christmas, written by Ken Darby, arranged by Harry Simeone (sang this in high school chorus, very haunting)
ANYTHING by the Chipmunks
The Twelve Days of Christmas, the following versions: The Chipmunks, The Muppets, the Ralph Hunter Choir (RCA Presents Music for the Twelve Days of Christmas), Tennessee Ernie Ford (Sing We Now of Christmas, a 1960's album on Capitol), and one of the "heaviest" versions you'll ever find, the entire cast of the 1963 album Firestone Presents Your Favorite Christmas Carols, Volume 2, consisting of mezzo-soprano Risƫ Stevens, tenor Brian Sullivan, the Columbus Boychoir (now the American Boychoir, since moving to Princeton, NJ, in 1980), and the Firestone Orchestra and Chorus.
ANYTHING from the album The Glorious Sound of Christmas, by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra, plus the Temple University Concert Choir, directed by Robert Page (my dad was Robert Page, but not THAT Robert Page).
Jingle Bombs, by Achmed the Dead Terrorist (via Jeff Dunham)
Finally, any parody my son Chris comes up with from out of the blue!
Entire album of RCA Presents Music for the Twelve Days of Christmas on one .mp3
Entire album of Firestone Presents Your Favorite Christmas Carols, Volume 2 on one .mp3
Source of both .mp3's - I grew up with those!
Last Wednesday, after the 6:00 Mass, my pastor said to me, "Brian, did you know your name's in the Wanderer?" My first instinct was "OK, what did I do this time?" (read: Who did I piss off this time?) Turns out it was a good thing. One, I wasn't the only one - mine was amongst a list of names. Two, it was an article by the CMAA's Jeffrey Tucker about new composers. And being up there, little old me, with the names I was listed with, makes me feel honored (and humbled).
Below is the article, in case it expires. Enjoy!
(Source - The Wanderer, XI-17-11. Links added by yours truly.)
The Revival Of Catholic Musical Creativity
Years ago, I lamented that the end of the age of Catholic musical creativity seemed to be upon us. In the 1980s, we became aware of these vast treasures of polyphony thanks to the secular popularity of the great music of the Renaissance. On CDs, we listened to the amazing work of a thousand years and we wondered: What happened? Where are Josquin, Palestrina, Victoria, Mozart, and Bruckner? What happened to smash this tradition? The documents of the Second Vatican Council talk about beauty, chant, and polyphony, but all we hear in our parishes is something else entirely.
Then chant became popular the same way. We listened in our cars, in our living rooms, on our iPods. Chant was everywhere but in our parishes. Why did all musical greatest seem to be in our past but nowhere in the present and highly unlikely in the future?
Thinking about this more, I began to understand. The liturgy was unstable, and composers aren’t drawn to that. Choirs were being disparaged and put down. Excellence in music was under attack in favor of an amateurism chic. The beautiful was unfashionable because it supposedly contradicted the real world in which we live our lives. Liturgy was supposed to be more like reality television than prayerful theater. No wonder the composers had lost interest. The musicians had all been chased away.
Well, that was all before this year. In 2011, we’ve seen an incredible outpouring of fantastic composition by excellent musicians, all of it structured for liturgical use using the musical and textual language of the liturgy itself. The books and collections are pouring out faster than even close observers can follow, and this new material is completely unlike the usual fare we’ve been treated to over the last decades, which has been essential pop music with madeup, feel-good lyrics. The new approach to composition takes the liturgy and its tradition seriously.
It is an astonishing turnaround, something that could only be expected by a person of a mighty faith and optimism.
What has inspired all of this? There are many factors. The propers of the Mass have been rediscovered as source texts after decades of neglect. The proliferation of the Extraordinary Form of Mass has given hope that order can prevail over chaos. Papal liturgy has been seriously upgraded. Gregorian Chant is back as a living form of music.
More than anything else, the appearance of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal has provided incredible encouragement that the Church has once again begun to take its liturgy task seriously. The language is solemn, rhetorically high, and dignified. It is not pop language, so it strongly suggests in its own linguistic structure that draws from something. Pop music is not the appropriate approach. It calls for chanted music that comes from the liturgy itself.
This is the thing that has inspired so much creative energy.
Most serious musicians I know are very excited about the opportunity. They sometimes wake in the morning with a melody in their heads and quickly write it out, just like in the movies. They fill in the other parts and, next thing you know, they have a Mass setting ready to go. There are many sites that are now posting these for free. Other composers have established their own commercial sites where you can buy the Mass for $ 75.00 and make as many copies as you want. Then, of course, there are the conventional sources for music.
Catholic musicians are increasingly taking these resources for granted so it can be hard to fully appreciate the difference between now and, say, five years ago. There was hardly any Catholic music online. Composers were not really doing the Catholic thing. There was little inspiration and plenty to inspire depression. The chant movement was in its infancy. The idea of the new missal had long been rumored but most people figured it was aeons away and there was not much hope for it at any point in the future.
And now suddenly, it is upon us. We are amazed to see a flurry of new names who are leading the way in new composition: Kevin Allen, Jeffrey Ostrowski, Adam Bartlett, Richard Rice, Arlene Oost- Zinner, Aristotle Esguerra, David Hughes, Fr. Samuel Weber, Brian Michael Page, Bruce Ford, Ian Williams, Kathy Pluth, David Friel, Chris Mueller, Richard Clark, Noel Jones, Jacob Bancks, and so many others. Many of these people never imagined that they would find themselves in the ranks of Catholic composers. They were reluctant to accept the role, but they still answered the call. We are all privileged to be alive in these times of the revival of the highest of the sacred arts. This is the dream of so many people for so long. Back in the sixties, a generation of musicians saw an astonishing collapse take place before their very eyes. No matter what they did, they could not stem the tide. Not only did their worst predictions come true, those predictions were surpassed and then some. Even more shocking was the collapse lasted much longer than anyone could have expected. Forty- five years is a long time to wait. And forty years is a long time to live with a missal text that was nowhere near being what it should be.
The sufferings of those generations should be kept in mind as we go forward. They worked, prayed, wrote, and did their best to keep beauty alive in times when it was not appreciated or encouraged. They knew that it would return someday, but most did not live to see this day. They are our benefactors and we should be grateful and pray for them. They kept the tradition alive, and now it is thriving again, being refurbished so that it can be handed on to the next generation.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Here goes, in almost no particular order:
2) Santa Baby (by ANYONE) Nothing like a Christmas wish list by some spoiled, greedy slut
3) Baby, It's Cold Outside (by ANYONE) Which really has nothing to do with Christmas
4) The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (by almost ANYONE)
5) I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (especially the version by John Cougar Mellencamp)
6) Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (any version where the chorus screams SAAAAAAAAAAAAANTA Claus is comin' to town; SAAAAAAAAAAAAANTA Claus is comin' to town... / that goes for Bruce Springsteen, The Jackson 5, and similar styles. However, I LOVE the arrangement by the Beach Boys.)
7) Last Christmas (Wham!) Every time I hear that song, I think it's Boy George of Culture Club (BLECH!)
8) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (by Billy Gilman - his then-boy voice sounds way too girly, or that jerk who keeps crooning "Rudy" in place of "Rudolph") (However, I'll always appreciate the classic Gene Autry version and the Ringo Starr rendition as well)
9) It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (by almost ANYONE - parodies are OK)
10) Silver Bells (by ANYONE, especially Gloria Estefan) "This is Santa's big scene?" Was Jesus' big scene first!
Honorable mention on my ScheiĆe-Liste:
We Three Kings/God Rest Ye (by Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan)
Little Drummer Boy (Bob Seger cover)
Let There Be Peace on Earth (Since when did THAT become a frickin' Christmas song?)
Merry Christmas, Darling (Carpenters - and I normally appreciate their music) "Christmasing"? Since when did "Christmas" become a VERB?
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree (by ANYONE) "New old fashioned way" just never made sense to me, and probably never will
Silent Night (by Stevie Nicks) Can't stand her voice. Period.
Where Are You Christmas? - from the "Grinch" movie. Sorry, I like the cartoon much better. The movie seems to have a very morbid, depressing backdrop, like if Tim Burton had written it. As for the song... COME ON! Christmas comes once a year, December 25. Jesus hasn't failed yet! Be patient! Be ready, but patient! The music is depressing, too.
Grown-Up Christmas List - music sounds too much like "Where Are You Christmas". BLECH!
Anything sung by Annie Lennox. I can't stand her voice!
And what the hell is that goofy ditty that the kiddies sing over the Taco Bell Cannon indeed? BORING!!!
Peace on Earth,
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Entrance hymn: H-5.2 Lo, he comes with clouds descending / "Helmsley"
Responsorial: My soul rejoices in my God / R. Rice
Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
Offertory hymn: H-10 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry / "Winchester New"
Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
We proclaim your death, O Lord: Holy Angels Mass / BMP
Amen / Dresden
Communion: Magnificat / Tone 8G/C. Grassi
Meditation hymn: H-7 Hark! the glad sound, the Savior comes / "Bristol"
Recessional hymn: H-9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding / "Merton"
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Not to mention, my conscience was in a big debate with itself over the last couple of days. Do I go to the sure thing (St. Patrick's), or do I go to the State House (where our idiot governor decided to call the tree he's lighting a "holiday tree") to join WPRO-AM's John DePetro and his flash mob to sing "O Christmas Tree" and actually DEFEND Christmas? I mean, it's great that there is a place where our faith is guaranteed. But I feel that there are those times when one feels the need to try to get back those values of faith that are being taken away. Instead, the ultimate decision was to protect my family. I'll be doing plenty of driving the next few days (including work - three Masses for the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation).
At the same time, I make my prayer for those attending BOTH ceremonies. I hope they went well at both venues. As for the State House, I hope John DePetro and his flash mob was able to make a definitive statement to Governor Grinch (Chafee).
used his fisticuffs,
Punching out a heretic
by name of Arius. (need some help finishing this one)
Inspired by a story that Jeff Miller posted on Facebook. Never knew this factoid till today.
I managed to pull this off instead after reading Jeff's link (to which he sings, I saw Santa punching Arius):
Arius got b*tch-slapped by dear Santa
with a knuckle sandwich one fine eve.
Happened at the Council of Nicaea;
Now every Sunday, we pray "I believe".
Jay Anderson also has a cool Christmas ditty relating to this event:
You better not blaspheme. You better not lie.
Or you might wind up With a black eye.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
Finally, Rich of Catholic Light finishes the I Saw Mommy song (also via Facebook):
in Nicaea where the council met last night;
the bishops were aghast, and the bruise is going to last:
he seized him with his left hand and then slapped him with the right;
Now the Emperor's pursuing Nicholas,
and wants to put him in a prison cell;
Probably neither will repent 'til their wrath is fully spent
and the heresy's condemned to hell.
Peace to you, my little snark-o-maniacs on this feast of Jolly Old St. Nicholas.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Entrance: W-708 Immaculate Mary / "Lourdes Hymn"
Psalm 98: Sing to the Lord a new song / Gelineau book (1065)
Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
Offertory: W-695 The angel Gabriel from Heaven came / "Gabriel's Message"
Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
We proclaim your death, O Lord: Holy Angels Mass / BMP
Amen / Dresden
Communion: Ave Maria / Arcadelt or Victoria
Recessional: W-702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above / "Salve Regina Caelitum"
Friday, December 2, 2011

Pep talk just before the full implementation of the Roman Missal, Third Typical Edition!

Music special for the Last Week of Ordinary Time (Christ the King and Thanksgiving Day)

Do we really have to "gloat in song" about our actions?
You'll find these ONLY on

Liturgy, music, and fun, in a way only iSNARK! can provide!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Now, just WTF is a holiday tree? And what holiday do we put this up for? Arbor Day? Valentine's Day (Look, honey, I got you a tree for Valentine's Day!)? Mother's Day (Look, mom, I grew this with my magic beans!)? How about Ides of March Day? That would be a hoot, wouldn't it?!
For cripes sakes, Governor, grow up! Your father would have never thought of these things when he was governor, or in the U.S. Senate. Who are you looking to suck up to? Certainly not the people of Rhode Island, the people you are supposed to be serving. Over 60% of Rhode Islanders are Catholic. They all celebrate Christmas. In fact, over 90% of the people in these great United States celebrate Christmas.
So, by the power invested in me, by me, and by the readers of this snarky little blog I write, I hereby award the (Dis)Honorable Lincoln Chafee, Governor of Rhode Island, the Christus Vincit WTF AWARD for December 2011. Oh, and um, Merry Christmas!
Incidentally, John DePetro of WPRO Radio (AM 630) is looking to start a flash mob to sing "O CHRISTMAS TREE" at the State House, 5:30 PM, Tuesday, December 6, the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas. If you're near the area, come join the mob!

Sunday, November 27, 2011
My wife and I have gone to concerts directed by Reuel Gifford a number of times at St. William, as well as his previous parish, St. Mary in Providence. He does not disappoint. We will be there again!
BTW, after the concert, stop in the hall for munchies!
Directions here!
Monday XI-28-11 at 10 AM / Funeral Mass
Procession to casket: Requiem aeternam / Mode VI
Procession to altar: H-415.1 Jesus, lover of my soul / "Aberystwyth"
Psalm 25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul / Thompson/Gelineau
Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
Offertory: Ave Maria / Schubert (requested)
- (Yeah, they specified Schubert this time, so I'll oblige.)
Sanctus and Agnus XVIII
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine / "Jubilate Deo"
Amen / Dresden
Communion: Lux aeterna / Mode VIII and H.223 Jesus, Son of Mary / "Adoro Te"
Commendation: I believe that my Redeemer lives / H. St. Louis
Recessional: In paradisum / Mode VII
Friday XII-2-11 at 6 PM / First Friday
Entrance: O Sacred Heart, O love divine
Psalm 27: The Lord is my light and my salvation / Proulx/Gelineau
Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / BMP (adapt. from "Creator Alme Siderum", Mode IV)
Offertory: Creator alme siderum / Mode IV
Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
We proclaim your death, O Lord: Holy Angels Mass / BMP
Amen / Dresden
Communion: Veni, veni, Emmanuel / Mode I
Recessional: To Jesus' Heart all-burning
Monday, November 21, 2011
Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / "Creator Alme Siderum", adapted by BMP

Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass / BMP

Amen: Dresden
First Sunday of Advent - November 27, 2011
Entrance hymn: H-9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding / "Merton"
Psalm 80: Lord, make us turn to you... / G. Evans
Offertory hymn: H-2 O come, O come, Emmanuel / "Veni, veni, Emmanuel" (Mode I)
Communion anthem: H-3 Wake, awake, for night is flying / "Wachet auf"
Meditation hymn: H-11 The King shall come when morning dawns / "St. Stephen"
Recessional hymn: H-1 Come, thou long-expected Jesus / "Stuttgart"
Second Sunday of Advent - December 4, 2011
Entrance hymn: H-5.2 Lo, he comes with clouds descending / "Helmsley"
Psalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness... / BMP

Offertory hymn: H-10 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry / "Winchester New"
Communion anthem: Veni, veni, Emmanuel (in Latin) / Mode I
Meditation hymn: H-7 Hark! the glad sound, the Savior comes / "Bristol"
Recessional hymn: H-9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding / "Merton"
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I'll be going solo Thursday morning for the 9:00 Mass, and I got the hymns from Father just after the 11:15 Mass this morning. So, here's the final list.
M-315 We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing / "Kremser"
Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever / Alstott
Alleluia / Murray (verse of the day to Psalm Tone 8G)
M-137 Come, ye thankful people, come / "St. George's Windsor"
Sanctus, Memorial, and Agnus / Roman Missal, 2010
Amen / adapted from the Sanctus from Mass VIII
Sing to the Lord of harvest / "Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien"
W-488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All / "Sweet Sacrament"
M-276 Now thank we all our God / "Nun Danket"
Friday, November 18, 2011

(click the picture so you can read it!)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
W-493 Rejoice, the Lord is King / "Darwall's 148th"
Gloria: Roman Missal, 2010
Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd / O. Alstott
Alleluia: A. G. Murray (verse of the day: tone 8G)
W-500 Christ is the King, O friends rejoice / "Gelobt sei Gott"
Sanctus and Memorial A: Roman Missal, 2010
Amen: adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII
Agnus: Roman Missal, 2010
Christus Vincit / BMP (see below)

W-497 To Jesus Christ, our sovereign King / "Ich Glaub an Gott"
BENEDICTION (at all Masses celebrated by the Pastor)
W-756 O Salutaris / Duguet
W-757 Tantum Ergo / "St. Thomas"
W-524 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name / "Grosser Gott"
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Ah yes, the tale of the Dirty Tree. NO, this isn't the Gospel passage for Sunday. It's part of an episode of Men from Maine that I was listening to on WROR-FM (105.7 Boston). "Lem" is at a job interview at this drugstore in Bangor, ME, when the boss gave him a test.
Boss: OK now, without using actual numbers, represent for me the number 9.
(Lem scribbles)
Boss: You just drew three trees.
Lem: That's right, 'cuz tree, plus tree, plus tree, equals nine.
Boss: Alright, alright. Represent for me the number 99.
(Lem scribbles once again)
Boss: You just drew smudges over all those trees.
Lem: That's right, 'cus dirty tree, plus dirty tree, plus dirty tree, equals ninety-nine.
Boss: Oh, alright. Just... show me the number 100.
(And again, Lem scribbles)
Boss: You just drew poop in front of all those trees.
Lem: That's right, 'cus dirty tree and a turd, times tree, equals a hundred.
Anyhoo, here's the music for Sunday 33:
H-398 We love the place, O God / "Quam Dilecta"
Gloria: Roman Missal, 2010
Blessed are those who fear the Lord / Batastini/Gelineau
Alleluia: Murray
H-573 Go, labor on! spend and be spent / "Angel's Song (Song 34)"
Sanctus and Memorial / Roman Missal chant, 2010
Amen / adapted from "Sanctus VIII"
Agnus / Roman Missal chant, 2010
Ave Verum / Perosi
H-223 Jesus, Son of Mary / "Adoro Te"
H-600 Ye holy angels bright / "Darwall's 148th"
Keep your trees clean!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
H-5.2 Lo, He comes with clouds descending / "Helmsley"
Gloria / Roman Missal chant, 2010
My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God / R. Rice
Alleluia / A. G. Murray (verse: Tone 8G)
H-4 Rejoice, rejoice, believers / "Greenland"
Sanctus and Memorial / Roman Missal chant, 2010
Amen / adapted from "Sanctus VIII"
Agnus / Roman Missal chant, 2010
Pie Jesu / G. Faure
H-223 Jesus, son of Mary / "Adoro Te Devote"
H-539.2 Soon may the last glad song arise / "Truro"
UPDATE 11/2/11: Request from the pastor, since he loved the Pie Jesu so much at the All Souls Masses that he asked me if we could repeat it this Sunday. Absolutely!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
All Saints - Tuesday, November 1, 2011 / Masses at 9 AM and 6 PM
Psalm: Lord, this is the people / J. R. Carroll/J. Gelineau
Alleluia: A. G. Murray (verse: tone 8G)
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII
Remainder of Ordinary: Roman Missal, 2010
HYMNS, etc.:
Entrance: W-706 By all your saints still striving / "St. Theodulph"
Offertory: W-707 Ye watchers and ye holy ones / "Lasst uns erfreuen"
Communion: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All / Mother A. Donnelly
Recessional: W-705 For all the saints / "Sine Nomine"
All Souls - Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - Masses at 9 Am and 7 PM
Psalm: The Lord is my Shepherd / O. Alstott
Remainder of Mass: same as 11/1
HYMNS, etc.:
Entrance: Requiem Aeternam / Mode VI
Roll call of the parish deceased 2011 (7 PM): Ave Maria / J. Arcadelt
Offertory: H-223 Jesus, Son of Mary / Adoro Te Devote
- 1) Lux Aeterna / Mode VIII
- 2) Pie Jesu / G. Faure
Recessional: W-178 In Paradisum / Mode VII
Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday) - November 4, 2011 - Mass at 6 PM
Psalm: The Lord has revealed to the nations / M. Joncas/J. Gelineau
Remainder of Mass: same as 11/1
HYMNS, etc.:
Entrance: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Offertory: Cor Jesu, Cor Amabile
Communion: Adoro Te Devote / Mode V
Recessional: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Psalm: In you, Lord, I have found my peace / R. Rice
Alleluia: R. Twynham (verse to tone 6F)
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII
Remainder of Ordinary: Roman Missal, 2010
HYMNS, etc.:
Entrance hymn (NOT "gathering song"): Praise, my soul, the King of heaven / "Lauda Anima"
Offertory hymn (NOT "preparation song"): Immortal, invisible, God only wise / "St. Denio"
Communion anthem: Let all mortal flesh keep silence / "Picardy", arr. G. Holst
Meditation hymn: Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord / "Garden"
Recessional hymn: (NOT "sending forth song"): For all the saints / "Sine Nomine"
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 16, 2011
Entrance hymn: Praise to the Holiest in the height / "Newman"
Psalm 96: Give the Lord glory and honor / R. Rice
Alleluia / R. Twynham (verse: Tone VI)
Offertory hymn: Faith of our fathers / "St. Catherine"
Sanctus, Memorial, and Agnus / Sacramentary 2010
Amen / adapted from "Sanctus VIII"
Communion anthem: Cantate Domino canticum novum / V. D'indy
Meditation hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus / "St. Elizabeth"
Recessional hymn: The Church's one foundation / "Aurelia"
Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time - October 23, 2011
Entrance hymn: Hosanna to the living Lord / "Hosanna"
Psalm 18: I love you, Lord, my strength / R. Rice
Offertory hymn: Love divine, all loves excelling / "Hyfrydol"
Communion anthem: Ubi Caritas / Mode VI
Meditation hymn: Hark, my soul! it is the Lord / "Campian"
Recessional hymn: When morning gilds the skies / "Laudes Domini"
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The compliments I usually watch out for the most, and I say this out of 30 years experience as an organist, are the ones that come from any woman who is old enough to be (but isn't) my mother. That is because most of THOSE compliments will often come with a "but". The compliment I got after 7:30 Mass this morning from a woman who fit the stereotype I just mentioned is no exception.
The woman started out with "You have an amazing voice!", to which I replied, "Thank you." "However, you never play any songs that I know."
Where the sam hell have I heard that before? Probably anywhere I've worked. I already knew what songs she was looking for, as they're the typical fare of most mainstream Catholic parishes, not to mention I did work at Sacred Heart for a brief period in 1989, under a pastor who is now retried. In 1989, Sacred Heart WAS one of those mainstream parishes. Let's go back to the conversation, shall we?
I went on to explain to the woman that I do not pick the hymns. "Well, who does?" "The pastor does. I only pick the Mass and the communion anthem." "Oh," she said with a change of tone for the droopier. "Were you looking for songs that sound more like pop music?" "Yes. In fact, I go to some of my friends' churches and they play those there." She mentioned two churches in particular. I will not mention them here. I will say that they are in neighboring towns. I explained to her, "You know, those styles of music were never meant to be played at Mass". "I know, but I miss those." "Sorry, but I'm with Father."
If I wasn't "with Father" on what the Church teaches on liturgy and music, my chances of being Sacred Heart's organist would most likely be slim and none, especially when you consider his desire to restore the liturgy to its highest beauty, something to be highly appreciated.
So here I stand. I'm with Father. And Father is with Mother - Holy Mother, the Church.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Hosanna to the living Lord / "Hosanna"
I shall live in the house of the Lord / R. Rice
Alleluia / R. Twynham (verse of the day: Tone 8G)
My God, thy table now is spread / "Rockingham"
Sanctus, Memorial, Agnus / Sacramentary, 2010
Amen / adapted from "Sanctus VIII"
Pange lingua gloriosi / C. Rossini
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless / "St. Agnes"
Ye watchers and ye holy ones / "Lasst uns erfreuen"
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Funeral for 16-year-old Matthew, who died after complications following an asthma attack. :(
Procession to casket: Requiem aeternam
Procession to altar: Amazing grace
Psalm 23: Gelineau
Alleluia: Mode VI
Offertory: Ave Maria (Schubert)
Sanctus/Memorial/Amen: Community
Agnus Dei XVIII
Communion: Lux aeterna / Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Commendation: I believe that my Redeemer lives (St. Louis)
Recessional: Nearer my God to thee
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Rosary and Benediction)
All Tuesdays in October, 2011
7 PM, October 4, 11, 18, and 25. Come spend some time with Mary!
Immaculate Mary / "Lourdes Hymn"
O Salutaris Hostia / A. Werner
(Rosary is recited in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord, followed by the Litany of Loreto)
Tantum Ergo / C. Rossini
Salve Regina / Mode V
Hail, holy Queen enthroned above / "Salve Regina Caelitum"
First Friday / Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Rosary 5:30, and Mass 6 PM - October 7, 2011
Immaculate Mary / "Lourdes Hymn"
O Salutaris Hostia / A. Werner
(Rosary is recited)
Salve Regina / Mode V
Gloria VIII
The Almighty has done great things for me / Tone 8G
Alleluia / R. Twynham
Ave Maria / J. Arcadelt
Sanctus, Memorial A, Agnus / Sacramentary chants, 2010
Amen / adapted from Sanctus VIII
Magnificat / Tone 8G and Ciro Grassi
Tantum Ergo / C. Rossini
Hail, Holy Queen enthroned above / "Salve Regina Caelitum"
PS: This Wednesday I'm playing a funeral for a 16-year-old kid who died of complications that started with an asthma attack. He just made his confirmation last year. WAY TOO YOUNG!!! These are the funerals I play with a heavy heart. Thankfully, I sit facing the pipe case in the back of the church, not having to face anyone. First funeral I've done for a teen in 22 years.
Friday, September 30, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (First of the Month Edition)
Sacred Heart, West Warwick, RI
Entrance hymn: Christ is made the sure foundation (Westminster Abbey)
Psalm 80: The vineyard of the Lord (Alstott; Respond and Acclaim)
Alleluia: Twynham (verse to Tone 6F)
Offertory hymn: O Jesus, I have promised (Day of Rest)
Sacramentary 2010 chants (Sanctus, Memorial, Agnus)
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII
Communion anthem: O sacrum convivium (Remondi)
Meditation hymn: Let thy blood in mercy poured (Luise)
Recessional hymn: Hosanna to the living Lord (Hosanna)
- (Hymnal has Hosanna in A-flat. However, I'll be using F at 7:30, G at the rest.)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Opening of Berlin Papal Mass from Rocco Palmo on Vimeo.
Did someone from Berlin attend the infamous Los Ahn-ghe-leeze Religious Mis-edu-ma-cation Congress and bring back to Berlin what they learned in LA?What the voices in the Holy Father's head must have been saying while and after listening to this garbage! Talk about "heilege scheiĆe!" And that look on his face just as this clip ends? Priceless. Can we say he's a bit "angepisst"?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Saturday Creature Double Feature Edition)
I'm sure many Southern New Englanders remember the Creature Double Feature that used to air on Saturday afternoons on Boston's WLVI-TV (Channel 56). Well, this Saturday's double feature consists of a funeral (10 AM) and an anticipated Sunday Mass (5 PM).
Funeral Mass - Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 10 AM
Requiem aeternam (Mode VI)
My shepherd is the Lord (J. Gelineau)
Alleluia (R. Twynham) (verse: tone 6F)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine (from Jubilate Deo)
Amen (adapted from Sanctus VIII)
Lux aeterna (Mode VIII)
I believe that my Redeemer lives (H. St. Louis)
In Paradisum (Mode VII)
HYMNS, etc.
Crown him with many crowns (Diademata)
Ave Maria (Victoria/reduced for baritone and organ)
Jesus, Son of Mary (Adoro Te Devote)
Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - September 24/25, 2011
Sat. 5 PM / Sun. 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
Remember your mercies, O Lord (R. Rice)
Alleluia (R. Twynham) (verse: tone 6F)
Sacramentary 2010 (Sanctus/Memorial/Agnus)
Amen (adapted from Sanctus VIII)
HYMNS, etc.
To the Name of our salvation (Oriel)
At the Name of Jesus (King's Weston)
Christus Factus Est (Cologne setting from Pius X Hymnal)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (Arlington)
Jesus, Name all names above (St. Theoctistus)
Monday, September 19, 2011
1. Here I Am, Lord. (Too late, they've already left!)
2. Be Not Afraid. (You should be... very afraid!)
3. Let us build the City of God (NO! God builds his City.)
4. Let There Be Peace on Earth (There never will be!)
5. I am the Bread of life (No, you're not! However, Jesus is!)
6. Wherever you go, I shall go (So, if I'm going to hell, are you still gonna go?)
7. Sing a new Church into being (I've got a better idea. How about we sing of the ONE TRUE Church?!)
8. What is this place? (It's called a Church, the House of God. And in it, we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where Jesus Christ has given himself up for us. Any more stupid questions?)
OK, so the last crack was mine. :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
The Lord is near to those who call on him - Richard Rice
Alleluia - Robert Twynham (verse: tone 6F)
Amen - adapted from "Sanctus VIII"
Remainder of sung ordinary - Sacramentary 2010
HYMNS, etc.
Holy Father, great Creator - "Regent Square"
There's a wideness in God's mercy - "Beecher"
Magnificat - Tone 8G and Ciro Grassi
Let all mortal flesh keep silence - "Picardy"
Crown him with many crowns - "Diademata"
Friday, September 9, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (9-1-1 edition)
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Amen: adapted from Sanctus from Mass VIII
All others: Sacramentary 2010
Psalm 103: Richard Rice
Alleluia: Robert Twynham (verse: tone 6F)
Entrance hymn: We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing / "Kremser"
Offertory hymn: My country, 'tis of thee / "America"
Communion anthem: In thee is gladness / "In Der Ist Freude"
Meditation hymn: I sought the Lord and afterward I knew / "Lacquiparle"
Recessional hymn: O beautiful for spacious skies / "Materna"
Friday, September 2, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Back to Normal Edition)
Ordinary Form - Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Music for the Ordinary of the Mass: Sacramentary 2011
Exception: Amen (adapted from Sanctus VIII)
Entrance: Christ is made the sure foundation / "Westminster Abbey"
Psalm 95: If today you hear his voice / Alstott (Respond and Acclaim)
Alleluia: Twynham (verse of the day, tone 6F)
Offertory: Faith of our fathers / "St. Catherine"
Communion: Ubi Caritas / Mode VI
Meditation: Salve Regina / Mode V
Recessional: God of our fathers / "National Hymn"
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (First Friday Edition)
Extraordinary Form - 6 PM - September 2, 2011
Sacred Heart Church - West Warwick, RI
Propers: from The Complete Proper of the Mass by Koch and Greene
Ordinary: Mass VIII
O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Cor Dulcis, Cor Amabile (harm. from the New St. Basil Hymnal)
Cor Jesu Trinitate (tune: "Gott Soll Gepriesen")
To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Would have been my dad's (+1981) 78th birthday.
To casket: Requiem aeternam
To altar: Lift High the Cross
Psalm 63: Weber
Alleluia: Mode VI
Offertory: Ave Maria (Victoria)
Mass XVIII / Mortem Tuam
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII
Communion: Lux aeterna, followed by Jesus, Son of Mary
Commendation: I believe (H. St. Louis)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII)
Subject to change in case the request line is tapped into.
Friday, August 26, 2011
We go back to the van - dead battery, and I know I didn't leave anything on! Long story short, my brother Glen gave me a jump, followed me home in case the van dies on the way home. Successful ride home, but the battery would not hold a charge for all the tea in China. Shut van off - couldn't restart.
Today was the first chance I had to get my battery, so I hit the happy bus trail - ah yes, good old public transit and its sporadic schedules. First time I've taken a bus anywhere in about four years. Before I could buy a battery, I needed to have money. So, it's off to the church to get my paycheck. I hopped a 10:40 bus from the main drag near me, got to downtown Providence by about 11:20.
The next bus I needed to West Warwick from Providence wasn't due in till 12:30, so I went to grab a cheeseburger at the roach coach across the street. I no sooner get there and some guy's looking to buy jewelry off me. The only jewelry I wear is my watch and my wedding ring. The guy says "Hey buddy, got some jewelry ya wanna sell?" "No thanks, I'm good," I reply. "How about that wedding ring? Wanna sell that?" "Nope. Not for sale." "Are you sure? I got all the money you want!" he exclaims, and proceeds to open his wallet and display his wad of bills (could be all ones for all I know). I finally said, "Look man, I'm happily married! This ring isn't going ANYWHERE!" He apologized and backed off.
Got my chizz-burger (was quite good, I must say; I should have gotten the name on the roach coach, but it was well worth the deuce), and finally hopped the 12:30 bus to West Warwick. Got a return timetable off the driver. It was 1:00 when I got off the bus at the CVS right next door to the church. I looked at the return trip timetable - the next bus going back wasn't due to hit the CVS area till 2:05. Collected my paycheck, called my wife from the rectory, then went to the church since I had all this time to kill. Went up and practiced for about a half hour, chatted with the sacristan for about five minutes before I left. Back to the bus stop at about 1:50 in case the bus runs early (it ran ten minutes late instead).
Finally - by 5:00-ish (big stress on the "ish"), with some help from my wife and my son, we got the battery on and the van fired right up. Hopefully it stays that way!
Lesson for all you bus stop peddlers:
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, Rhode Island
Fast forward to August 29, 2011 at Sacred Heart, where good music and good liturgy is actually appreciated!
E: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates - "Truro"
O: Take up your cross, the Savior said - "O Jesu, Mi Dulcissime"
M: When I survey the wondrous cross - "Rockingham"
R: Lift high the cross - "Crucifer"
Psalm 63: My soul is thirsting for you - Weber
Alleluia: Mode VI (Verse: Tone 6F)
Eucharist: People's/Danish
Communion anthem: In the cross of Christ I glory - "Charlestown", arr. BMP
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, Rhode Island
Just two more weeks before we start singing newly-translated ordinaries!
E: Christ is made the sure foundation / "Westminster Abbey"
O: O Christ, the great foundation / "Aurelia"
M: O Jesus, joy of loving hearts / "Wareham"
R: Christ's Church shall glory in his pow'r / "Ein' Feste Berg"
Psalm: Lord, your love is eternal... / Gelineau
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse: tone 6F)
Sanctus and Agnus: People's / Vermulst
Memorial C and Amen: Danish
Communion anthem: Panis Angelicus / Franck
Saturday, August 13, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Holy Day of Non-Obligation Edition)
Sacred Heart Church - West Warwick, RI
Entrance: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above / "Salve Regina Caelitum"
Psalm: The Queen stands at your right hand / BMP
- Note: the link is to the Psalm's own page at Christus Vincit Music, which not only includes the music (which you can download for free), but the YouTube version of iSNARK! TV 8, so you can learn how we interpret the Psalm AND be entertained.
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Ave Maria (Victoria or Arcadelt)
People's/Danish Mass combo (with Memorial C)
Communion: Daily, daily, sing to Mary / "Omni Die Dic Mariae"
Meditation: Salve Regina / Chant
Recessional: Immaculate Mary / "Lourdes Hymn"
Thursday, August 11, 2011
MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Church Feast Edition)
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI
Entrance: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - "Lobe den Herren"
Gloria (if sung): Pope Paul VI - Connor
Psalm: O God, let all the nations praise you - Alstott (Respond and Acclaim)
Alleluia: Mode VI (Verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: For all the saints - "Sine Nomine"
Picchi/Danish Mass combo (Saturday)
People's/Danish Mass combo (Sunday)
Communion: (1) Credo in Te (in Italian - tune: "Bethany", that is, "Nearer my God to Thee")
- (2) T'adoriam ostia divina (Italian)
Meditation: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All - "Sweet Sacrament"
Recessional: Holy God, we praise thy Name - "Grosser Gott"
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, Rhode Island
LOBE DEN HERREN: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
BMP: Lord, let us see your kindness
Mode VI Alleluia (Verse: tone 6F)
ARTAVIA: I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
People's/Danish (w/Memorial C)
KING'S WESTON: At the name of Jesus
HANOVER: O worship the King