What's better than a big parade in front of Macy's on the day before Black Friday? The tranquility of an hour (well, maybe a little shorter) with God to give him thanks at Holy Mass at Sacred Heart Church, of course.
I'll be going solo Thursday morning for the 9:00 Mass, and I got the hymns from Father just after the 11:15 Mass this morning. So, here's the final list.
I'll be going solo Thursday morning for the 9:00 Mass, and I got the hymns from Father just after the 11:15 Mass this morning. So, here's the final list.
M-315 We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing / "Kremser"
Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever / Alstott
Alleluia / Murray (verse of the day to Psalm Tone 8G)
M-137 Come, ye thankful people, come / "St. George's Windsor"
Sanctus, Memorial, and Agnus / Roman Missal, 2010
Amen / adapted from the Sanctus from Mass VIII
Sing to the Lord of harvest / "Wie Lieblich Ist Der Maien"
W-488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All / "Sweet Sacrament"
M-276 Now thank we all our God / "Nun Danket"
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