Monday, November 21, 2011


Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, Rhode Island

Alleluia: Alleluia for Advent Season / "Creator Alme Siderum", adapted by BMP

Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity / Vermulst
Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass / BMP

Amen: Dresden

First Sunday of Advent - November 27, 2011

Entrance hymn: H-9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding / "Merton"
Psalm 80: Lord, make us turn to you... / G. Evans
Offertory hymn: H-2 O come, O come, Emmanuel / "Veni, veni, Emmanuel" (Mode I)
Communion anthem: H-3 Wake, awake, for night is flying / "Wachet auf"
Meditation hymn: H-11 The King shall come when morning dawns / "St. Stephen"
Recessional hymn: H-1 Come, thou long-expected Jesus / "Stuttgart"

Second Sunday of Advent - December 4, 2011

Entrance hymn: H-5.2 Lo, he comes with clouds descending / "Helmsley"
Psalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness... / BMP

Offertory hymn: H-10 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry / "Winchester New"
Communion anthem: Veni, veni, Emmanuel (in Latin) / Mode I
Meditation hymn: H-7 Hark! the glad sound, the Savior comes / "Bristol"
Recessional hymn: H-9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding / "Merton"


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