Monday, September 19, 2011


These were collected over the last few years - mainly from a couple of priests whose names I will not mention, but they are a couple of better priests that I've worked with over the years.

1. Here I Am, Lord. (Too late, they've already left!)
2. Be Not Afraid. (You should be... very afraid!)
3. Let us build the City of God (NO! God builds his City.)
4. Let There Be Peace on Earth (There never will be!)
5. I am the Bread of life (No, you're not! However, Jesus is!)
6. Wherever you go, I shall go (So, if I'm going to hell, are you still gonna go?)
7. Sing a new Church into being (I've got a better idea. How about we sing of the ONE TRUE Church?!)
8. What is this place? (It's called a Church, the House of God. And in it, we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where Jesus Christ has given himself up for us. Any more stupid questions?)

OK, so the last crack was mine. :)

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