Friday, September 2, 2011

MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Back to Normal Edition)

Twenty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time - September 4, 2011
Ordinary Form - Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI

Music for the Ordinary of the Mass: Sacramentary 2011
Bishop Tobin has given his flock permission to use the SUNG settings of the new translation of the Gloria, Sanctus, and Memorial Acclamation beginning 9/1/11. Nothing has changed in the Kyrie and Agnus Dei. All other sung parts must remain under the current translation until 11/26/11, as well as any RECITED texts.

Exception: Amen (adapted from Sanctus VIII)

Entrance: Christ is made the sure foundation / "Westminster Abbey"
Psalm 95: If today you hear his voice / Alstott (Respond and Acclaim)
Alleluia: Twynham (verse of the day, tone 6F)
Offertory: Faith of our fathers / "St. Catherine"
Communion: Ubi Caritas / Mode VI
Meditation: Salve Regina / Mode V
Recessional: God of our fathers / "National Hymn"



rhapsody said...

Well, this isn't exactly a SNARKY remark, so I hope it's acceptable...

I'm updating my blogroll, and am hoping this is the latest spot for the CVA blog. Thanks for keeping me on your blogroll, although the one you have was discontinued - so the original one got a facelift. =)

God bless you.

Brian Michael Page said...

Hi Rhapsody. Long time no see!
I just updated my blogroll to reflect your new (old) location.

CV the BLOG! is still the same (

Christus Vincit Podcasting and Christus Vincit ANYWHERE! is now iSNARK! (yes, small "i", capital "SNARK", exclamation point!). :) I've merged all my old podcasts and videocasts to my new site - It includes CV Podcasting (episodes 1-48), CV ANYWHERE! (episodes 49-153), and iSNARK! (episodes 154-present 176, 177 is in the works). It also includes CVTV 1-6 and the new iSNARK! TV 7-10. You'll WANNA check these out!

PS: Great to hear from you again!

rhapsody said...

Thanks a lot, Brian! =)

I'll update the podcast and my links asap. There's more than one link I have to adjust, so thanks so much again for all the info, & the continued link to your site as well!