Friday, March 18, 2016

Liturgy Planning with "Psalm 151"
St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary (March 19, 2016)

This might be a bit late (I just finished this set last night), but if you can sight-read these in a pinch, great.  If not, save this reference for next year.  Here are the "Psalm 151" components for this Saturday (March 19), the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, thus the foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalm 92: The just shall flourish
R./ based on Miseréris ómnium, Dómine; V./ Tone 1, plus alternate original SATB tone

Psalm 89: The Son of David
R./ metrical, with descant; V/. original

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION (in lieu of Alleluia)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexílla Regis" (Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ)
R./ based on Vexílla Regis Pródeunt; V./ Tonus Peregrinus

Psalm 89: My faithfulness and mercy
R./ chant; V/. original

If Matthew Gospel is read: Psalm 112: Joseph, son of David
R./ chant; V/. original
If Luke Gospel is read: Psalm 27: Did you not know
R./ chant-style; V./ Tone 5, plus alternate original SATB tone

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