Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Back to the calm, cool, and somewhat collective resorts of ORDINARY TIME!!!
Both choirs are now officially on summer break, but all voices are invited to come join me in the music room at Mass and lead the singing. It's a "come as you are" type deal. Rehearsals will resume around the vicinity of Labor Day. I'm very happy with the first year with the NEW choir. A special thanks to all adults and children that took part this year. I'm optimistic that the second year will bring bigger and better things to both choirs.
Anyways, as I post the music for June 5, 2005, I tend to post the Sundays of Ordinary Time simply by its Roman numeral - that is, for the 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the simple term of "Sunday X". The 11th Sunday (June 12) will be "Sunday XI", and so on.
So - without further adieu....
JUNE 5, 2005
All Masses with organ, and whoever comes to Mass :-)
Processional hymn: LOBE DEN HERREN - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Missalette, #25)
Psalm: Page - To the upright I will show the saving power of God
Alleluia: Mode VI
Offertory hymn: ABBOT'S LEIGH - God is love, let heav'n adore him (Music Issue, #425)
Music for the Liturgy of the Eucharist: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Communion hymn: Deiss - The Spirit of God rests upon me
Recessional hymn: ICH GLAUB AN GOTT - To Jesus Christ, our Sovereign King (Music Issue, #732)
+ In Christ,
A friend of mine has what I think is a cute way of referring to the choristers who want to sing at Masses during the summer when the Parish Choir is on summer break. He calls it the "Anybody Choir," and anyone from the parish who wants to sing turns up to the choir room approximately 45 min before Mass and he goes through the music with them.
Thought that was a cute way of referring to his summer group.
My invite goes to adult choir members, junior choir members, and also for people who are considering joining for next choral season (September) who want to get a feel of singing in the choir area.
That is cute - "Anybody Choir". I've seen it referred to often as "Summer Choir" and "Family Choir".
I try not to program anything that hasn't been done before during the summer months (with the exception of the Responsorial Psalm).
B: It's without further "ado", as in Much Ado About Nothing.
LMAO excuuuuuuuuuse me! (just kidding)
My Choir doesn't even have a Summer Break. We have Full Music 12 months out of the year.
I honestly wish we could take a Break for the Summer. Have Music at the 4pm Saturday Liturgy Only, and of Course Funerals and Weddings.
It gets too hot in the Choir Loft, and we only end up singing the In Hymn, Money hymn, Communion and the Out Hymn. All Parts are recited.
We have AC at the church, but we still cut back *some*.
Cut from the normal choral-season program are the Proper Introit (which the choir would chant just before the In hymn), the Communion Proper (just as Father goes to sit), the sung Gloria and Lord's Prayer (both recited), and the pastor says the collect and preface dialogue (normally sung).
Retained are the sung Responsorial Psalm, Alleluia, Sanctus, Mysterium, Per Ipsum, and Agnus, along with hymns.
Post Diem Laborem, we'll go back to full swing. :-)
+In Christ,
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