Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sunday III at Sacred Heart

Here it is, the music for Sunday I-24-16, the Third Sunday of (not so) Ordinary Time.

Entrance Hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, "Lauda Anima"
Gloria: Holy Angels Mass, BMP
Psalm 19: R./ Your words, Lord, are Spirit, and life, BMP
Alleluia: setting by Owen Alstott (chant-style setting in A-flat, with verse to tone 8G)
Offertory hymnCome, Holy Ghost, Louis Lambillotte
SanctusHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Memorial AcclamationWe proclaim your death, O Lord, BMP (Holy Angels Mass)
AmenDresden Amen, arr. by Theodore Marier
Agnus DeiHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Communion anthem: In thee is gladness, Giovanni Gastoldi
Post-Communion hymn: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, "Sweet Sacrament"
Recessional hymn: Rejoice, the Lord is King, "Darwall's 148th"


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