Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sunday IV at Sacred Heart

The music for I-31-16, the Fourth Sunday of Ordered Time, or Fourth Sunday of the Year (following the Latin "Dominica IV per Annum").

Entrance hymn: To the Name of our salvation, "Oriel"
Gloria: Holy Angels Mass, BMP, or spoken
Psalm 71: R. I will sing of your salvation, Richard Rice
Alleluia: setting by Owen Alstott (chant-style setting in A-flat, with verse to tone 8G)
Offertory hymn: At the Name of Jesus, "King's Weston"
SanctusHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Memorial AcclamationWe proclaim your death, O Lord, BMP (Holy Angels Mass)
AmenDresden Amen, arr. by Theodore Marier
Agnus DeiHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Communion anthem: Ubi Caritas, Mode VI
Post-Communion hymn: Jesus, Name of wondrous love, "St. Bees"
Recessional hymn: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name, "Coronation"

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