Sunday, January 25, 2009


First - last week:

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - 10:30 AM Mass
St. Cecilia's Church, Pawtucket, RI - January 18, 2009

On the most part: crappy hymns, decent Mass settings.

Michaels...O bless the Lord, the God of all creation (blech!)
Alstott...Here am I, Lord and Alleluia (OK)
Schutte...Here I am, Lord
- (Of course, the music to the chorus should be somewhat credited to Frank DeVol)
Alstott...Heritage Mass (good!)
Joncas...I have loved you
Schutte...Glory and praise to our God (blech!)

Now, today:

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time - 10:00 AM Mass
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Providence, RI - January 25, 2009

This time, on the most part, decent hymns, crappy Mass settings.

MADRID...Come, Christians, join to sing (Nice!)
Haugen...Gloria from "Massive Cremation"
- (Despite the pastor's intoning to the tune of Alex Peloquin's "Mass of the Bells", yes, we were serenaded with "Massive Cremation" instead!)
Alstott...Teach me your ways and Alleluia (OK)
NEW BRITAIN...Amazing Grace (tolerable in limited portions)
- (At first I thought the organist had stolen the cue from either Dr. Peloquin or myself, that is, modulating from F to G. However, this guy did it a little different - he modulated to G for verse 4 and brought it back to F in verse 5. I would modulate only for the final verse.)
Schutte...Sanctus from the infamous "Jesuits Mass"
I don't know where the Memorial Acclamation (When we eat this bread) and Amen came from - sounded like it was adapted from something Hispanic. (NOTE: Two of the five Masses at OLMC are in Spanish.)
Olawski...Agnus Dei (blech!)
Farrell...Christ, be our light (tolerable in limited portions)
ST. ELIZABETH...Blessed by your sacrifice
- (I LOVE the tune! I like even more that he played it in E-flat and not the printed D!)


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