Wednesday, June 22, 2011

MUSIC FOR HOLY MASS (Double Trouble Revisited)

Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 26, 2011
Sat. Vigil 5 PM; Sun. 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM (First Communion at 11:15)
Mass in the Ordinary Form

Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates / "Truro"
Gloria (Pope Paul VI) / Connor
Praise the Lord Jerusalem/Alleluia (Respond and Acclaim) / Alstott
Alleluia! sing to Jesus / "Hyfrydol"
Sanctus/Agnus (People's) / Vermulst
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All / Donnelly

7:30 and 9:00:
O Salutaris Hostia / Duguet
Holy God, we praise Thy Name / "Grosser Gott"

5:00 (Benediction) and 11:15 (Procession):
same as 7:30 and 9, but with Tantum Ergo / "St. Thomas" sandwiched in between.

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Patronal Feast)
Friday, July 1, 2011 - 6 PM / Mass in the Extraordinary Form

Ordinary: Mass VIII / Propers: The Complete Proper of the Mass (Koch and Greene)

Processional: O Sacred Heart, O Love divine
After Offertory Proper: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
During Communion: Adoro Te Devote / Mode V
Recessional: To Jesus' Heart All-Burning

Procession follows - hymns same as the 11:15 Procession on Corpus Christi


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