Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Covering a funeral I played this morning and the Masses for this coming weekend, all at Sacred Heart Church, West Warwick, RI

Ah, yes!  After finishing a funeral in Warren yesterday where I bit four bullets but mixed in much of what we normally do at Sacred Heart, today I did a funeral at Sacred Heart, where we bite NO bullets, even with visiting clergy.

To the casket: Requiem aeternam (Mode VI)
To the altar: At the Lamb's high feast we sing ("Salzburg") (H-89)
Psalm 23: My Shepherd is the Lord, nothing indeed shall I want (Gelineau)
Alleluia from "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II)
Offertory: Ave Maria (Arcadelt)
Sanctus and Agnus XVIII (Pro Defunctis)
Memorial: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII
Communion: Lux aeterna (Mode VIII); Jesus, Son of Mary ("Adoro Te") (H-223)
Final Commendation: I believe that my Redeemer Lives (H. St. Louis)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII/VIII)

Now for this Sunday - The Second Sunday of Easter, aka "Low Sunday", aka "Divine Mercy Sunday"

Entrance: H-88 Jesus lives, thy terrors now ("St. Albinus")
Gloria VIII
Psalm 118: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Alstott)
Alleluia from "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II)
Offertory:H-91 The strife is o'er, the battle done (using different tune: "Gelobt sei Gott")
Sanctus and Agnus from "Missa Christo Riscuciti" (Picchi)
Memorial: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: Marier
Communion: W-447 O sons and daughters ("O Filii et Filiae", starting w/v.4)
Meditation: H-97 Christians to the Paschal Victim ("Victimae Paschali Laudes")
- (Yes, the Sequence!)
Recessional: H-85 Jesus Christ is ris'n today ("Easter Hymn")


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