Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sunday XV


The Ordinary of the Mass:
Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Sanctus: Heritage Mass (Alstott)
Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord from Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Amen and Agnus Dei: Heritage Mass (Alstott)

Alleluia: Alstott (A-flat chant style)

Hymns, Psalms, etc.:
Prelude: Improvisation on Ubi Caritas
Love divine, all loves excelling ("Hyfrydol")
Psalm 69: R./ Turn to the Lord in your need and you will live (Richard Rice) (PDF)
The King of love my shepherd is ("St. Columba")
Elevations: Improvisation on Ubi Caritas
Ubi Caritas (Mode VI)
Blest are the pure in heart ("Franconia")
Ye holy angels bright ("Darwall's 148th")
Postlude: Improvisation on Hyfrydol

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

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