Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sunday II at Sacred Heart (Return to Ordinary)

Back to "green season"!  Mass Ordinary for the next five Sundays are in English.


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Holy Angels Mass (Gloria/Memorial) (BMP) (PDF)
- Mass for Christian Unity (Sanctus/Agnus) (Vermulst)
- Dresden Amen

The rest:
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty ("Lobe den Herren")
Psalm 40: R./ Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Marier
O Christ, the great foundation ("Aurelia")
Communion music:
- Be thou my vision (Desrocquettes) (except 7:30)
- We have found the Messiah, the Christ (BMP) (7:30 only) (PDF)
The King of love my shepherd is ("St. Columba")
Go, make of all disciples ("Aurelia")

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

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