This Friday, February 2, at 6 PM, we have our First Friday Sacred Heart Community Mass. On that day, we also celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, where Jesus is presented in the temple as our light. The Mass begins with a procession with candles (thus the traditional name, Candlemas).
First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
The Presentation of the Lord
Friday, II-2, at 6 PM
Mass Ordinary: Messa Populare Laus Tibi Christe (Caudana)
Psalm 24: R./ Who is this King of glory? It is the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier
Hymns, etc.:
Entrance Antiphon: The Lord will come to us (music: "Lumen ad revelationem gentium")
Procession: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates ("Truro")
Offertory: Hail to the Lord who comes ("Old 120th")
Communion anthem: Nunc Dimittis (Upton)
Meditation: In his temple now behold him ("St. Thomas")
Recessional: O Sion, open wide thy gates ("Bedford")
The Fifth Sunday of the Year
Saturday, II-3, at 5 PM; Sunday, II-4, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
- Holy Angels Mass (Gloria/Memorial) (BMP) (PDF)
- Mass for Christian Unity (Sanctus/Agnus) (Vermulst)
- Dresden Amen
Psalm 147: R./ Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier
Hymns, etc:
Entrance: Fight the good fight with all thy might ("Mendon")
Offertory: O Love, how deep, how broad, how high ("Deus Tuorum Militum")
- (except 7:30): Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice (music from Louvain)
- (7:30 only) A power came out from him which healed them all (BMP) (PDF)
Meditation: Take my life, and let it be ("Hollingside")
Recessional: Ye holy angels bright ("Darwall's 148th")
Quod scripsi, scripsi!
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