Sunday, March 15, 2009


Third Sunday of Lent - March 15, 2009 (Ordinary Form)
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI - 9:30 AM

Paul Martin actually gets it when it comes to toning down for Lent. He simply took some off the organ instead of reverting to a piano (and goofy songs like Ashes) like I've had the misfortune of hearing in some parishes.


"St. Flavian"...Lord, who throughout these forty days
Alstott...Kyrie from "Heritage Mass" (The best metrical setting with an OCP copyright, IMO)
Alstott...Lord you have the words; Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
- (The former is fine. The latter reminds me too much of Mary had a little lamb.)
B. Farrell...O Lord, you search me
- (An excellent piece - hard to believe it came from the pen of the same composer that gave us goofy stuff like God beyond all names, which is one of the biggest run-on sentences in church music, and God has chosen me)
Vermulst...Sanctus and Agnus Dei from "People's Mass"
Danish...Memorial Acclamation C and Amen
"Deirdre"...Christ be with me
- (Too bad this isn't in the music issue. Same with the tune's counterpart "St. Patrick's Breastplate". Too good, I guess. Sounded great in parts!)


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