Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meeting, Schmeeting, now kiss my ordained fanny

Well, he acted as though he were listening - taking notes, occasionally sitting farther back in the chair, those sort of things.

The incidents on how he treated my wife..... always an excuse....even when lies were caught and brought out.... he stuck to his guns.

Micromanagement.... that's "how I manage and I have to do it that way to make sure things go the way I want them to go." "It's not a sign of mistrust" (right. Bullshit.)

The lack of a bathroom in the portable building far, far away from the main potty place.... and even farther away from the one staff is supposed to use. I can't take my lasix if there's not a potty. Even if a volunteer was going to do all the installation work gratis! "There are other things that are higher on the priority list." "Period."

"And remember that you have to be present for the parish festival activities Friday evening... you won't have to man a booth for all 5 hours, but you need to be there."

To which I responded: I am not going to be there! There is no way that this can happen. I go home, take medicine and spend the rest the rest of the evening worshipping johnnie.....

He sat back. Then reiterated his remark, and I stood firm and said, "It's not going to happen. Period. I will not be here."

And on and on and on it went for 90 minutes, practically. And he wasn't willing to budge one inch.

This guy thinks that you sit on the bench for one hour and it takes no energy (physically, spiritual or mental) to play the liturgy...and that it takes no preparation.

He thinks that 12 hours of teaching takes no preparation - and that the kids must come in and out of the classroom in perfect formation ("like it's a liturgy"), totally coordinated postures, the same drills day in and day out.

He is, to put it mildly..... reminiscent of a person who is totally commited to himself and his ideals and goals ONLY. And that others are there only for him to do his thing.

No one else is to have a life.

There is much more to this, but..... we all know it ain't worth talking about.

However - there are two little issues he will soon have to deal with: Wage and Hour Board (since he docks salaries without people acknowledging it), and some attorney comments that were posted in the bitching section. Thanks, man! I needed this.

In the meantime, if you hear of a position.....

At the close of the school mass Friday, I had the kids sing "Glory and Praise to our God".... and sing it they did.... albeit under my direction, and bel canto.

Said pastor left the sanctuary and processed out very quickly before the second "verse" had gotten up and running well......

And Sunday....well, that's another post!

God's blessings to all of you.


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