Hey Nick, I beat ya to it this time - neener neener! (LOL)
DECEMBER 4, 2005
All numbers indicated are in the back of the Missalette.
Introit hymn: STUTTGART - Come, thou long-expected Jesus (#20)
Psalm: Page - Lord, let us see your kindness
Alleluia: Mode IV, adapt. Page (adapt. from "Conditor Alme Siderum")
Offertory hymn: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM - Creator of the stars of night (#35)
Sanctus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Mysterium: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: single
Lord's Prayer: chant/English
Agnus Dei: Vermulst - People's Mass
Communion hynm: VENI, VENI, EMMANUEL - O come, O come, Emmanuel (#19)
Recessional hymn: WINCHESTER NEW - On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry (#21)
My own setting of the Responsorial Psalm was written in the summer of 1995. The Alleluia adaptation dates back to 1991, and was included in a collection I later put together called "Acclamations for Advent", a complete Mass, but without the Gloria (after all, there is no Gloria during Advent except for Solemnities and Feasts).
The recessional hymn, On Jordan's Bank, sums up the Gospel reading for the day. The choice of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel as a Communion hymn is ideal for the typical hymn-oriented Communion procession. People will know the first verse, and at least chime in on the "rejoice, rejoice" for subsequent verses. Plus there are seven verses, which is great when the Communion line goes a bit long.
+In Christ,
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