Sunday, February 8, 2009


Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Anticipated Mass) - February 7, 2008
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI

THAXTED...O God, beyond all praising
Alstott...Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted and Alleluia
- (After Mass I got to show Paul my knack for reharmonizing Psalm settings in the key of D whose melodies end in F-sharp, thus resulting in the Phrygian mode.)
Galliard...The Servant Song
- (This one isn't bad at all. Actually sounds like a hymn.)
Vermulst...Sanctus and Agnus Dei from "People's Mass"
Danish...Christ Has Died and Amen
Haas...You Are Mine
- (Blech! Although I have to say Paul did the tune some justice by accompanying much less legato - it sounded more like an organ accompaniment than one of those arpeggiated piano accompaniments often seen by the "big three".)
Haas/DeYoung...We are called
- (As a favor I promised to my good friend Paul, no comment. Just refer to any previous remarks I made, OK?)


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