Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - July 18-19, 2009
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI
For the first time since last November, I'm finally doing some substitute work at the organ this weekend. This time, at my old standby, St. John the Baptist. In the meantime, my prayers to Paul Martin (the music director/organist) as he just came back from the hospital and is recovering from illness. Paul called me up last night and it was great to find out he's home.
Anyhoo, here's the music list, as agreed upon by both of us...
Entrance hymn is I heard the voice of Jesus say ("Kingsfold")
The Psalm is The Lord is my shepherd (with the verses read for the summer), and the Alleluia, both from Respond and Acclaim (I'll be using a Psalm tone for the Alleluia verse and not that sing-songy pseudo-chant this book has.)
Offertory is The King of love my Shepherd is ("St. Columba")
Sanctus and Agnus are from People's Mass by Jan Vermulst
Memorial acclamation and Amen are the Danish tone
Communion hymn is You satisfy the hungry heart ("Bicentennial")
Finally, the recessional is The Church's one foundation ("Aurelia")
Click here for pics of the church, and the III/31 organ from Compagnie l'Orgues Canadiennes (a company founded by a former employee of Casavant Freres) that I'll be playing on.
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