Friday, July 10, 2009

Tales of the Meandering Mind (Mind? WHAT Mind?)

Well, for nearly two weeks now, the boss (a.k.a. Father Glen, Pastor), has taken a vacation. It's about time, too, since he is on the go seven days a week, with rarely a break for good behavior. Since he was away, my ticker decided to take a bit of a break, as well, and that landed me in the hospital. I don't recommend the food..... now released from captivity, it's time to get working more diligently on the year to come, and what a year it's going to be! I may have to schedule my days off, too, instead of having a regular day....but that's gonna be a tough one. (My incarceration did manage to get Katie home!!! Yeeehaw). She'll leave again in about three weeks, for her dad's 93rd birthday.

Until then, we have to deal with real life, including the impending death of our beloved 16 year-old Guinivere...the cat. She's been in our lives (furniture, drawers, clothing, closets, etc.) since she was a kitten. I'd add her picture here, but don't know how (Brian, m'friend???) Prayers for all concerned are requested.

In the meantime, here's the lowdown for CTK in CC TX this week:

Entrance: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Lobe den Herren
Psalm 85: refrain loosely based on the tune Graefenburg
Alleluia: A. Gregory Murray, SJ
Offertory: How Lovely is Thy Dwelling-Place - Brother James's Air
Communion Antiphon: Tone VIII
Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name - Grosser Gott
Organ: Toccata on Grosser Gott - Flor Peeters

Perhaps I should have played Flor Peeters' music last week: He was born, and died, on July 4. Now that's patriotism.....even if he was Flemish/Belgian/Dutch....whatever. His time as cathedral organist at Mechelen spanned 63 years. A side note: Flor Peeters' organ instruction book was my first serious organ method, and I've used pieces from that collection over the past 42 years...some of them were just a variation by a great composer, and playing those led me to the complete set, and to other great composers. Peeters studied with Jean-Jacque Lemmens, who had ties with Cesar Franck, who had ties with Marcel Dupre, who taught Laurence Hedgpeth (+), who taught me. The apple falls far from the tree, when it comes to sheer talent!

For those who follow the Spanish music, here's our list....
Vienen Con Alegria
Bendito Seas Tu, Senor
Pescador de Hombres
Amor es Vida.

The Hispanic musicians had met Caesario Gabrain, who taught them the pescador song. Oddly enough, I worked with a priest who was one of Gabrain's classmates. I never got to meet him, but hear that he was a kind priest. Amazing, isn't it, the circles into which we are drawn?

Which is better than the corners I've sometimes painted myself in!!

Have a blasted weekend.... I mean a blast of a weekend.......



Brian Michael Page said...

I'd add her picture here, but don't know how (Brian, m'friend???)

Steve, in the "post edit" screen, you'll see an "upload picture" icon in the toolbar. Click that, then you can upload from there.

Anonymous said...

sounds I have to figure out what it was that I wanted to upload.....long, long, long weekend.....