Monday, November 14, 2005


Nick and I have taken the liberty of adding two new links on our sidebar.

Last night, I added St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg, where Nick (as he mentioned in his introductory post) is the newly-appointed Director of Liturgical Music. It is fitting that his parish gets added to the blog links. Now - if I was only a fly on the wall to hear the Rutter The Lord is my Shepherd at the Cathedral *sigh*!

Today, Nick added the Church of St. John Cantius in Chicago. This is THE parish that REALLY has something for everybody, and NO! I don't mean "cathedral and pilgrim styles". On a typical weekend schedule they have three Novus Ordo Masses (one in Latin, two in English), and two Latin Tridentine Masses (one Low, one High). Their current weekend schedule is:

Saturday: 5:00 PM - Novus Ordo in English
Sunday: 7:30 AM - Tridentine Low Mass
- 9:00 AM - Novus Ordo in English
- 11:00 AM - Novus Ordo in Latin
- 12:30 PM - Tridentine High Mass

There are several choirs and the music is top notch. Check it out!

+In Christ,


Cathy said...

SJC is my parish!
Hopefully it will become the model for parishes everywhere, and in 100 years, Marty Haugen's music will be a distant memory, like Polio and Smallpox.

Brian Michael Page said...

It should be the model. Obviously I haven't been to Cantius (I'm east coast), but have seen a clip on the web of the Sanctus from Mozart's Requiem. I remember singing that in the high school chorus (public HS, mind you). I fell in love with it then, and still love that piece now.

Hopefully the Haugen crap, along with that of C. Landry, the St. Louis Jesuits, etc., will be gone a heck of a lot sooner than 100 years.

BTW, How is the music at their English Masses? I always see their Latin Mass (both the Trid High and Novus Ordo) music features listed, but not for English.


Cathy said...

Hi, Brian.
The music at the 9AM Mass is standard Catholic fare.
Mostly stuff like "Hail, Holy Queen", "Holy, Holy, Holy", etc.
(I only know because I see it printed in the bulletin.)
At daily Mass, the brothers (brethren?) usually come through with "O Sanctissima" or "All Creatures of Our God and King".
Fr. Phillips studied at one time under the priest who wrote "To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King", so that's
a big hit, too. It really depends on the season, day, etc. as to what the songs will be, and that's how it should be.
No, there are no songbooks at SJC. Just the missalettes. No "Glory and Praise" or "Gather". (Deo Gratias times infinity.) :)
The recessional hymn for 9AM is always printed in the bulletin.
I, Brian, live a Haugen-free life. May the rest of the world soon join me.
Incidentally, I went to the Mozart Requiem on All Souls' Day. Holy. Cow.
It was an amazing, moving, glorious experience.
If you're ever in Chi-town....