7:00 PM (with choir)
Introit: PLEADING SAVIOR - Sing of Mary, pure and lowly (Music Issue, #699)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Gelineau/Carroll - Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds.
Alleluia: Mode IV, adapt. Page (from CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM)
Offertory: Croatian - Ave Maria/As I kneel before you
Sanctus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Anamnesis: Chant - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Concluding Doxology: single Amen
Lord's Prayer: Chant (in English)
Agnus Dei: Vermulst - People's Mass
Communion: Psalm Tone 6F - Magnificat (from Worship II)
Recessional: ES IST EIN' ROS' - Lo! how a rose e'er blooming (Missalette, #64)

Saturday 4:30 / Sunday 7:30, 9, 10:30 (10:30 is with choir)
Introit: DARWALL'S 148TH - Rejoice, the Lord is King (Music Issue, #732)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Responsorial Psalm: Gelineau/Batastini - My soul rejoices, my soul rejoices in my God.
Alleluia: Mode IV, adapt. Page (from CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM)
- (10:30) Page - Rejoice in the Lord always/Psalm 85
- (all other Masses) VENI, VENI, EMMANUEL - O come, O come, Emmanuel (Missalette, #19)
Ordinary during the Liturgy of the Eucharist: same as December 8 listings, above
- (10:30) VENI, VENI, EMMANUEL - O come, O come, Emmanuel (Missalette, #19)
- (all other Massses) Psalm Tone 6F - Magnificat (from Worship II)
Recessional: WINCHESTER NEW - On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Missalette, #21)
Of all general Marian hymns, I found Sing of Mary, pure and lowly to be especially fitting for this feast during Advent. For those using a GIA hymnal, Immaculate Mary contains a text that is very Scriptural, and very useful here.
The refrain of the Croatian Ave Maria setting, is actually the Offertory proper appointed by the Gregorian Missal. The verses are a little more on the devotional side, but the refrain is a perfect match.
For Communion, the proper in the Gregorian Missal is translated "Glorious things have been proclaimed about you, Mary; for the Almighty has done marvelous things on your behalf". The second part of that antiphon brings me to that line in the Magnificat, "The Almighty has done great things for me, and Holy is his name". This setting, set to Psalm Tone 6 in the Worship II hymnal, is in Latin, and we use the first verse Magnificat anima mea Dominum (My soul rejoices in my God) as the antiphon, so the people in the pew have something to sing while in line for Communion.
Finally, the Recessional hymn, Lo! how a rose e'er blooming, though listed under Christmas in most hymnals, can be equally useful during Advent.
The Third Sunday of Advent is known as "Gaudete Sunday", after the Introit appointed for the day: Gaudete in Domino semper! Iterum dico: Gaudete!" (Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say: Rejoice!). Plenty of opportunity to REJOICE! here.
First, the Introit hymn Rejoice! the Lord is King - the refrain is rendered Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, rejoice! Again, I say, rejoice! Verse 4 has a key Advent verse as well: Rejoice in glorious hope; the Lord, our God, shall come, and take his servants up to their eternal home.
At 10:30 Mass, the choir will premeire my own setting of Rejoice in the Lord always, which contains a translation of the Introit text from the Gregorian Missal, though we'll be using it at the Offertory.
At the non-choral Masses, the Tone 6 Magnificat will be sung during Communion. This is the same setting that we're using for Immaculate Conception.
For the Offertory at non-choral Masses (4:30/7:30/9:00) and for Communion at the choral Mass (10:30), the familiar O Come, O Come, Emmanuel will be sung. The Rejoice, rejoice! motif is a dead giveaway.
Finally, the recessional hymn, On Jordan's Bank, though not necessarily a "rejoice"-themed hymn, does summarize the Gospel reading of the day quite well.
+In Christ,
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