Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Finally, we got a DSL connection and got out of the dial-up syndrome. Pages fly, downloads fly, over 50 times faster - I'm still getting used to this "Internet on steroids". My wife's in heaven, as she often does voice conferences with her out-of-state relatives and the dial-up (which is about as slow as granny's erratic driving) would distort, twist, garble up, you name it, to anything my wife says.

The benefit on my end is that I got to download some new web-authoring software. A new CHRISTUS VINCIT NETWORK is in the works and will temporarily be a GeoCities site till I get up the dough for a domain. I'll keep you posted when the network is up. This blog will be linked from it, as well as two "sub-sites" - the Holy Ghost Music Ministry, and Christus Vincit Music, which is my own little publishing outlet. Stay tuned!

I also got to listen to some of Fr. Finelli's iPadre podcasts without an hour of "buffering". Well worth the listen - check it out.

+In Christ,

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