That's right, folks! The Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy not only has a new look (and a much better bishop leading the pack), but a new name, too: The USCCB Committee on Divine Worship.
Chairman is Bp. Serratelli of Paterson, NJ.
Other members consist of Cdl. Rigali of Philly, Abp. Buechlein of Indy, Abp. Chaput of Denver, Abp. Niederauer of San Francisco, Bp. Farrell of Dallas, Bp. Herzog of Alexandria, LA, Bp. Cisneros, Auxiliary of Brooklyn, and one last member yet to be determined.
The Subcommittee on Liturgy for Hispanics consists of Bp. Cisneros (chairman), and other members to be determined.
The lineup looks like one helluvan improvement until you start reading below:
Consultants to the new CDW are Cdl. Mahony of Los Angeles, home of abundant Kool-Aid pitchers and infamous Religious Misedumacation Conventions, and Abp. Vlazny of Portland, OR, home of OCP, publishers of the infamous Alleluia Chee-Chee.
Patriots Helmet Tip (PHT) to Jeffrey Tucker (NLM).
The two 'termites' are there for a variety of reasons.
1) LA is a very large Diocese and buys a LOT of hymnbooks/missalettes. Getting Mahony to buy-in is critical.
2) OCP is a major publisher; note that Cd. George has GIA in his Diocese.
3) They're window-dressing for the Left/Libbies...
George also has WLP. So that's all the big three.
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