Friday, April 22, 2005


Read here

The above link is an editorial written in the Providence Journal by a sociology professor named David Carlin. Mr. Carlin is Catholic, is openly pro-life (as he mentioned in an interview with Dan York on WPRO-AM 630 radio), and wrote this column, not based on his thinking, but on what liberals are thinking.

First of all, for one to wish death on a Pope, or anyone for that matter, is by no means Catholic. In fact, no religion in their right mind, Islam included (I'm talking true Islam, not the terrorists' version of Islam), would even think of promoting death wishes. Surely no Christian religion, Catholic or Protestant, would promote such a thing. All Christian faiths are familiar with the commandment "Thou shalt not kill".

Abortion rights is something that will never be accepted by ANY Pope. Sorry - not going to happen. Neither will married priests, nor women priests. This is not an attempt to cast out women from the Church. There are many things women can do, including give out Holy Communion (by being an "Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion"), serve at the altar, read the readings, sing in the choir. In fact, if you ever notice, speaking of choir, most (not all) choirs have twice as many women as men. They can join the sisterhood - don't expect a guy to dress in drag and become a nun; that wouldn't look too good. But the Catholic Church dictates that priests are unmarried men.

Let me add that many Catholic musicians here in North America are unhappy about our new Pope. Why is that? Because these musicians perform music mainly contemporary in nature. Some out of ignorance, some by force, some out of being misguided by those NPM/OCP/GIA personalities that veer to the left (not all of them veer to the left, but those that do are a very vocal force with absolutely no regard for, or misinterpret to their liking, official liturgy documents). Pope Benedict XVI opposes much of the contemporary styles of music, and has pointed that out clearly in his writings.

Benedict XVI was John Paul II's enforcer, as Mr. Carlin pointed out, and as many know.

Jason Pennington, an Internet friend of mine who is a music director and organist in Louisiana, makes two very good points out.
1. "Being pastoral is not giving people what they WANT. It's giving them what they NEED".
2. "There's a name for those who don't agree with Catholic teachings. Why, they're called Protestants, and they come in many different flavors too - Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Anglican, etc."

In closing, the Pope has the great responsibility of upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church, not to bend them or water them down to the desires of special interest groups. It was most likely for this reason that Benedict XVI was chosen by the Cardinals, by way of the Holy Spirit's guidance. It is definitely for this reason that I rejoice in the selection, as do many true Catholics. Every religion has its belief and teachings. The Roman Catholic Church is no exception.

If you say you're Catholic, let's BE Catholic.

+In Christ,


Anonymous said...

email me. send me your resume. I'm hiring.

Anonymous said...

Excellent points. Just one clarification, if I may...

"But the Catholic Church dictates that priests are unmarried men."

There are Catholic churches with married priests. Most of the Eastern rites allow married priests, although they cannot remarry in the event of a wife's death and cannot rise above the rank of archpriest. It's a Roman Catholic dictum, not a Catholic-wide dictum.

That's just a personal peeve of mine since I attended a Melkite church regularly when I was a child that was served by a married priest who is possibly one of the most wonderful pastoral ministers I've ever been blessed to know.

But I agree with everything else you've said. :-)

Brian Michael Page said...

Scherza has a really good point, and I apologize for not specifying "Roman Catholic", in the paragraph he pointed out. Of course, John Paul II made an exception even in Roman Catholic circles. That exception is Episcopal/Anglican priests who converted to Catholicism. We've had two in my diocese so far.

Fr. Keyes, I take your comment as a compliment and I thank you. However, though I admire your views on liturgy and music, at this time I'm very happy at Holy Ghost. Fr. Finelli treats me very well.
