Saturday, April 23, 2005

MUSIC LIST - Mass of Thanksgiving for Pope Benedict XVI

Monday, April 25, 2005 at 7 PM
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI

Processional hymn: OLD HUNDREDTH - All people that on earth do dwell (#303)
Psalm: Gelineau - My shepherd is the Lord (#749)
Alleluia: from "O Filii et Filiae" / versicle (TBA) to Tone 2
Offertory hymn: ST. AGNES - Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (#348)
Sanctus XVIII (Latin)
Mysterium: Peloquin - Dying you destroyed our death (Mass of the Bells)
Amen: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: Chant (in English)
Agnus Dei XVIII (Latin)
Communion anthem: Franck - Panis Angelicus
Recessional hymn: NUN DANKET - Now thank we all our God (#100)

In choosing the processional, Psalm, and offertory, I had the theme of "Shepherd" in mind. In the processional, I also added on the need to "come ye before him and rejoice".
I really wanted to pull off the Veni Creator Spiritus, but since I just got word of this Mass tonight, and I have to inform the choir tomorrow, and Mass in two days from now, there's no way the choir will pull this off on short notice. I highly doubt most of them know it. At least there will be a good three rehearsals before Pentecost (5/15) and Confirmation (5/18), so at least it will be ready then.
I went with the suggestion list from the OCP site in choosing the Communion anthem. They listed "Panis Angelicus" among the Communion listings. Though the numbers provided all reference to the Lambillotte tune, which is nice. But I'll admit - I'm partial to the Cesar Franck setting, and my choir knows it, so Franck it is.
The recessional is self explanatory, I think. :-)

The Gloria will be omitted. I gave the pastor the option of Latin or English for the Sanctus and Agnus. Being for Pope Benedict, and knowing his views on liturgy, I fully agree with Father's preference for the Latin.



Anonymous said...

I'm proud to report that our choir, on no notice, and not having sung it in five years so far as I know, (that's as long as I've lived here,) managed a very creditable chanted Veni Creator... on the Sunday BEFORE the election -- I'd read somewhere that it is the traditonal hymn invoking the Holy Spirit's efforts for a papal conclave.
This parish has been deprived of so much traditional music for so long. Now that I have become the director (was just a loud mouth "ringer" in the choir,) I am finding the most resisitance from the older (70ish) priest and the (musically illiterate) school liturgist.
Ah, well, plug on.

Brian Michael Page said...

This parish has been deprived of so much traditional music for so long.

We did start the Veni Creator at rehearsal last Tuesday. They would definitely need at least one more rehearsal on it.

My parish was the same way. My predecessor was there for 29 years. For the last 16 years, there was nothing but a Kurzweil keyboard there, with my predecessor's computer hooked up to it. The choir did all gospel and CCM styles, and got away with it until her final months. The current pastor, having only been there two years, had had enough, and asked her for more traditional, and more Latin. She soon gave her notice, left, and took 29 of her 30 voices with her. (Note: she left in August '04, I came on in October) The one remaining stayed on with me, and is doing very well. Otherwise, this choir, now about a dozen strong, is built entirely from scratch, as is the junior choir, about eight strong.
My pastor is only three years older than me (I'll be 41 in July). I find many of the younger priests actually getting the concept of liturgy in the TRUE spirit of Vatican II, the way Vatican II REALLY intended. Of course the ones in their 60's and 70's are still hooked on Glory and Puke.

Slow process at my parish, but I'm optimistic that it WILL get to the quality I really want in due time.

My former parish was the same way - deprived of quality traditional music for a long time. I was fired after a year of attempting to bring it back.
