Sunday, April 24, 2005


May 1, 2005
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Music at Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI

Sat. 4:30 and Sun. 7:30 - me, myself, and I
Sun. 9:00 - Junior Choir
Sun. 10:30 - Senior Choir

Introit (9 and 10:30): Psalm Tone 8G
Speak out with a voice of joy; let it be heard to the ends of the earth: The Lord has set his people free. Alleluia.
VS. (10:30 only, add) Jubilate Deo omnis terra: psalmum dicite nomini ejus, date gloriam laudi ejus.

Processional hymn: OLD HUNDREDTH - All people that on earth do dwell (#303)
Psalm: Grail/Gelineau/Peloquin - Let all the earth cry out to God with joy, alleluia (if you have a Worship II kicking around, it's #692)
Alleluia: from "O Filii et Filiae"
Offertory hymn: ABBOT'S LEIGH - Lord, you give the great commission (#362) (new hymn for this parish)
Sanctus, Mysterium (Dying you destroyed), and Per Ipsum (Amen): Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: chanted (in English)
Agnus Dei: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Communion hymn: ST. COLUMBA - O breathe on me, O breath of God (#646)
Communion proper (9 and 10:30): Psalm Tone 8G
I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you again, alleluia; and your heart will rejoice, alleluia, alleluia.
(10:30 only, add) Non vos relinquam orphanos: veniam ad vos iterum, alleluia: et gaudebit cor vestrum, alleluia, alleluia.

Marian meditation: Ave Maria (with verse 1: As I kneel before you - composer unknown)
Recessional hymn: HYFRYDOL - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (#740)

+ In Christ,

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