Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Written by Georgeann Kovac, played by "Posaune16" on YouTube. Far better than what's often played today (namely the Celtic Alleluia). Though he only sang the Alleluia once the first time, I'm sure it could be intoned then repeated as well. What I really liked, besides the music being quite good (had a nice Richard Proulx flavor to it, I think), was that it was only one alleluia and not three-fold, or six-fold, or whatever. Though the word "alleluia" can be repeated multiple times, the single alleluia maintains faithfulness to both the Lectionary for Mass AND the Graduale Romanum. Anyhoo, nice work, and LMAO at how HP Photosmart is credited at the end!

PS: I subscribe to this guy's videos at YouTube!

1 comment:

Dad29 said...


My Liber (Graduale) specifies 2 Alleluias (one with lenghty jubilus), then versicle, then Alleluia w/jubilus again.

Same-o for Nervous Order, (Latin), by the way.