Thursday, July 24, 2008


Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ordinary Form)
St. Anthony's Church, Providence, RI
July 26/27, 2008 - 4:00 PM (Saturday) and 9:30 AM

For the next two weekends I'll be subbing at St. Anthony's Church in Providence for two Masses. The music director left all the music selections up to me (WOOHOO!).

The organ is an old two-manual analog Rodgers. The pastor is new there and, from what I was told by the music director, he has a far better appreciation for traditional than his predecessor.

That said, here are my selections for this weekend. The pew book is OCP's bilingual Unidos en Christo/United in Christ.

The Church's one foundation..."Aurelia"
Lord, I love your commands...Alstott
Alleluia...Mode VI (verse of the day to tone 6F)
All creatures of our God and King..."Lasst uns erfreuen"
People's Mass (Sanctus/Agnus)...Vermulst
- (WOOHOO! No Massive Cremation!)
Danish tone Memorial and Amen
Be thou my vision..."Slane"
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty..."Lobe den Herren"


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