Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Holy Whapping reports that our beloved Francis Cardinal Arinze has stepped down and Pope Benedict XVI has named his replacement...

Holy Whapping correspondant Matthew had this to say:
" recent Vatican news, Pope Benedict XVI ended speculation about Cardinal Arinze's replacement, announcing the new head of the Congregation for Divine Worship was an invincible Dalek warrior from the planet Skaro. Benedict explained this move would mark the beginning of a new era of decisiveness. When asked his opinion on the future of ICEL, the extraterrestrial prelate responded, 'Exterminate! Exterminate!' Commentators cautioned at reading too much into this statement, considering that is about the only thing Daleks say, until, when questioned about the USCCB, the new prefect responded 'Ineffable! Infeffable!'

Now, if "Exterminate! Exterminate!" would be his response to liturgical dance, and hippie/hootenanny music at Mass, he'd be the perfect prefect!

RSCT to Meredith at For Keats' Sake.



Puff the Magic Dragon said...

Great now I have coffee all over the screen, the keyboard, my bills and....

Brian Michael Page said...

You really didn't need those bills, did you, Puff? (snark snark!)

BMP (finally paying mine)

Chris C. said...

I thought that was a giant Candy Dots dispenser.

Jason Pennington said...

Do they also track down rogue priests? We need a few of those robots in Lafayette!


Brian Michael Page said...

Certain Southern New England dioceses can use them too.