Sunday, August 30, 2009


Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 30, 2009
St. Joan of Arc Church, Cumberland, RI

I had this weekend off at St. John the Baptist for reasons that will be explained later (rest assured, nothing negative). So I took my mom Mass at St. Joan's, where I haven't been since I started filling in for Paul Martin, who died after my first Mass at St. John's. The young curate at St. Joan's, Fr. Giacomo Capoverdi, was just transferred over to St. Leo's, where Fr. Kevin Fisette was removed due to an allegation from 27 years ago. You'll never convince me that someone who makes an allegation against a good man like Fr. Fisette and waits 27 years to tell the tale isn't full of shit. Now, when I say this, I have no intentions of taking away from Fr. Capoverdi, who, like Fr. Fisette, is a very good and holy priest of God who says Holy Mass like it's Holy Mass and not some game show, and has a very high appreciation for things traditional to the Church.

The pastor at St. Joan's, Fr. Norman Bourdon also says Mass with class. Unfortunately, we didn't get him for a celebrant either. Instead, we got the retired monsignor in residence, who ad libbed and added words to the Mass like it was a talk show.

Anyhoo, here's the music:
"Bunessan"...Morning has broken
Alstott...The one who does justice / Alleluia
"Heismann"...All good gifts
- (This is the hymn We plow the fields and scatter, set to a tune by Kevin Keil. The music for the verses isn't too bad - maybe a little too simple for my liking, but not bad. The music for the refrain isn't so hot, IMHO. Too sing-songy. For a much better tune, I recommend "Wir Pflugen".)
Alstott...Sanctus / Christ has died / Amen ("Heritage Mass")
Agnus Dei XVIII
Haas...Blest are they (blech!)
"Grosser Gott"...Holy God, we praise thy Name
- (Always a favorite, but a bit rushed, almost as rushed as you'll hear at the 3-minute mark in this clip of Ted Kennedy's funeral Mass. I was hoping for a little more stately tempo, which can still be achieved without dragging.)


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