I-21-12; Church of the Sacred Heart
West Warwick, Rhode Island
(H-780) Christ is made the sure foundation / "Westminster Abbey"
Gloria (if sung): Gloria Simplex / Proulx
Psalm 25: Teach me your ways, O Lord / Alstott; "Respond and Acclaim"
Alleluia: Marier (If you have a St. Michael Hymnal, it's #223)
(H-570.2) O Jesus, I have promised / "Day of Rest"
Sanctus and Agnus Dei from "Mass for Christian Unity" / Vermulst
We proclaim your death, O Lord from "Holy Angels Mass" / BMP
Dresden Amen
In Thee is gladness / "In der ist Freude"
(H-405) I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew / "Artavia"
(H-542) Jesus shall reign wheree'er the sun / "Duke Street"
I-22-12 (Sat.): Funeral Mass at 10 AM
UPDATED I-20-12 to reflect the WSHR request line!
("SHR" stands for "Sacred Heart Radio" - hehehehehe!)
Requiem Aeternam / Mode VI
(W-524) Holy God, we praise Thy name / "Grosser Gott"
Psalm 23: My shepherd is the Lord... / Gelineau
Alleluia: Marier
Ave Maria: Schubert
Sanctus and Agnus XVIII
Morten tuam annuntiamus, Domine / "Jubilate Deo"
Dresden Amen
Lux Aeterna / Mode VIII
Panis Angelicus / Franck
I believe that my Redeemer Lives / St. Louis
How great Thou art / "O Store Gud"
H=Hymnal 1940 (Maroon) / W=Worship III
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