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Last of a three-part series. We play and discuss the Advent lost 45, Rorate Caeli.
Intro: 0 to 60 in just less than a year!
Feasts for the Week: St. Peter Canisius; St. John Cantius
Music Lists for Holy Mass: Third Sunday of Advent
Rejoice the Lord is King (tune: Darwall's 148th); On Jordan's Bank (tune: Winchester New)
Rorate Caeli (Chant, Mode I); Rejoice in the Lord Always (written by yours truly)
Commercials: Catholic Mormon Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Intro: 0 to 60 in just less than a year!
Feasts for the Week: St. Peter Canisius; St. John Cantius
Music Lists for Holy Mass: Third Sunday of Advent
Rejoice the Lord is King (tune: Darwall's 148th); On Jordan's Bank (tune: Winchester New)
Rorate Caeli (Chant, Mode I); Rejoice in the Lord Always (written by yours truly)
Commercials: Catholic Mormon Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones

Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin, brought to you by The Mass Communicator. Shamus wreckovates Rorate Caeli ("Kiley").
Additional Link: St. John Cantius Church, Chicago, IL
Closing notes: "Gathering Rite" rant, the Barney video described in the Liturgy 911 section of these notes, Christmas Mass and Concert Schedule at Holy Ghost Church, and more!
CVA Interactive Corner
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