Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Saint Leo the Great Church, Pawtucket, RI
Dominica XXI post Pentecostem, October 21, 2007

Due to the regular organist's being hospitalized (let's pray for her), yours truly will be covering at the console for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Low Mass) celebrated at St. Leo the Great Church in Pawtucket, RI this Sunday at 5 PM.

I will be accompanying a soloist this Sunday who has been at St. Leo's for a while, but she's never done the Extraordinary Form. So, over the phone, we did manage to agree on music anyways for this Sunday. The program will go like this:

O God, almighty Father..."Gott Vater, sei Gepriesen"
Ave Verum...Mozart
Pange Lingua Gloriosi...Mode III
O God, our help in ages past..."St. Anne"

Only drawbacks: an Allen organ with the infamous "Diapasons become strings" and "flutes become stopped" gadgets, and Gather Comprehensive, Second Edition (yeah, the one that GIA just spit out just a couple of years ago). Those who know me know that I work around books like that quite nicely (hey, we use the OCP Missal and Music Issue at Holy Ghost - you wouldn't think so with most of my selections there).


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