Saturday, October 6, 2007


What next? Liturgical lap dancing?

This in from the California Catholic Daily. RSCT to the Catholic Caveman.

A bishop who said he has been “addicted to the desert” is leaving it. Francis A. Quinn, retired bishop of Sacramento, is returning to Sacramento, according to an Oct. 1 diocesan news release. Quinn, 86, has spent the last 13 years working with the Yaqui and Tohono O’odham Indian nations in the deserts of southern Arizona.

The Yaquis, said Quinn, “are Roman Catholic to the core.” Their liturgies have been inculturated, including rope dancing at the offertory (WTF???), he said, and “doing smoke blessings in the four directions instead of the penitential rite.” (OK - nothing against the Indians here, but the IGMR gives only two options at that point - Penitential or Sprinkling.)

Quinn said his spiritual life developed in working with the Indians. He used to find the Liturgy of the Hours “more of a burden,” but “now I get something out of reading it” -- even at night, when he normally would be reading Robert Ludlum or John Grisham. (Why is it that when it comes to things liturgical that one has to "get something out of it", besides what is already offered?)

Quinn said he thought lay involvement in the Church “a beautiful development.” “I think God has allowed this shortage of clergy and religious for a reason,” he said. “We can learn so much from laypeople.” (Again, WTF??? I suppose he supports the lay liturgy movement going on in the Netherlands too.)

Finally, this blurb on giving Communion to those who blatantly support abortion:

As for giving communion to politicians who are pro-abortion, “in most cases,” he said, “you should not deny Communion publicly to anyone who comes to the Communion rail, because you do not know the present state of their conscience…” When, in 1989, San Diego’s Bishop Leo Maher refused communion to pro-abortion Assemblywoman Lucy Killea, Quinn welcomed her to communion. "No priest in this diocese will ever refuse to give you communion," he said at the time. (Wow! Talk about the devil coming to the rescue when God said "no"! I like Abp. Burke's stance on this issue far better.)

Gotta love a good nutcase, eh?

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