Yes, chant camp - for the kids! David Hughes at St. Mary's in Norwalk, CT held one of those. That's about as ingenious as they come! Big time kudos. This is excellent!
Pictures here. RSCT to Jeffrey Tucker.
PS: Think someone in my diocese or its neighbors to the north or east will follow suit? Or perhaps NaPalM?
How about you, Brian?
I know you don't have a regular church gig right now, but that actually makes it easier (I'd likely be fired from mine if I tried to do something like this.)
You have kids, you have a sense of humor, (and a sense of snark,) and you know music -- what more do you need to start?
(Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
Free time - that's what I need. I'm working nearly 60 hours a week now.
Last I checked there are 168 hours in a week. What's your excuse for the other 108? ;-)
Let's see now... family time, sleep, Christus Vincit ANYWHERE!, sleep, doze off, slumber... :P
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