Sunday, January 8, 2006


Epiphany Sunday, Fatima Church, Lafayette

Prelude: "Lovely", Vaughan-Williams
Introit Hymn: The First Nowell
Kyrie: de Angelis
Gloria: de Angelis
Credo: III
Off: Tollite Hostias, Saint-Saens
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (Salzburg)
Sanctus: de Angelis
Mysterium: Danish
Amen: de Angelis
Pater: Mode 4
Agnus: de Angelis
Com: Bell choir: Carol of the Bells, Adeste Fideles
We Three Kings (Kings of Orient)
A Solis ortus cardine, Scheidt, versus 1
Final: Hark, the Herald (with improvised postlude)

The choir received raving reviews this Sunday from a obviously disturbed man who wandered into the church during the Holy Gospel. He was snatching at invisible butterflies throughout the Saint-Saens, after which he loudly proclaimed "THAT WAS AWESOME". Before Mass, he had been spotted by one of my sopranos whom he asked how he might be directed to the bishop immediately, as he had just witnessed tears streaming from the eyes of the statue of the Blessed Virgin of Fatima, just outside the side entrance. It was a great and miraculous Epiphany for everyone.


Brian Michael Page said...

Gotta love a good outburst. I haven't had one in a few years. This one guy kept getting up and shouting back at the pastor during his homily - stuff like "Excuse me! That's a political statement! Why don't you stick to the Bible?" He walked out after enough people told him "sit down and shut up!"

Hey, do you still use a Jubilus at the end of your alleluia (before the Gospel)? I mentioned the Jubilus in part of my latest podcast.


Jason Pennington said...

Yes, I do use a jubilus at High Mass. It usually will tie in to the improvisation for the Gospel Procession.