After the week of joy: a vigil Mass, a holy day of obligation, a holy day, Benediction, a wedding, a Sunday vigil, Sunday Masses, a trumpet & organ recital (hosting, playing, and stage crew), a French Mass, a wedding, a hard-drive crash (lost all my files), a disturbingly needy boss (that's getting spooky..more later), a 2-bulletin crunch week (thanks to J.S. Paluch and their famous "holiday" schedule), and 4 worship leaflet re-do's (thanks to the hard-drive crash), Jason is going on a 7 night cruise aboard the Mariner of Seas with some organist friends from South Carolina and Atlanta. I intend to try at least 7 of each of the items pictured in the above left-hand corner. The plane leaves for Orlando on Saturday morning. Finally, Summer break is here.....
Now, since I don't drink, which of those is the "dirty martini"?
snark snark!
Giggedy giggedy goo!
The Direty Martini is brownish from the olive juice, sort of like the martini in the middle, but without any garnish -- just several olives coasting at the bottom.
Have a great time, I wish had some vacation time coming up.
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