Monday, November 20, 2006


at Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI

Thanksgiving Day - November 23, 2006

For the beauty of the earth (Dix)
Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever (Alstott)
Alleluia (Twynham)
Come, ye thankful people, come (St. George's Windsor)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen, Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer (chant; adapt. Snow)
Faith, hope, and love (Peloquin)
Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)

Christ the King - November 26, 2006

Dignus est Agnus (Tone 8G) (10:30)
This is the feast of victory for our God (Festival Canticle)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Gloria)
The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty (Alstott)
Alleluia (Twynham)
Hail, Redeemer, King divine (St. George's Windsor)
Jubilate Deo (1974 chant set) (Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen, Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer (chant; adapt. Snow)
Sedebit Dominus Rex in aeternum (Mode VI) (10:30)
Christus Vincit (Page)
To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King (Ich Glaub an Gott)


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