Friday, February 3, 2012

WORSHIP IV, THE FOLLOW-UP (Part the eighteenth)

Sections covered this installment: The dreaded "Gathering", Morning, Evening
* = new to the Worship series

*828 Uyai Mose / Come All You People (Gondo) - bongo music!  ARGGGGGGGGH!
*829 Who Is This Who Breaches Borders ("Mon Dieu, Prete-Moi L'Oreille") - This tune, like any tune by Louis Bourgeois tune, is a high-quality tune.  Tune better than most from the pen of Adam Tice.
*830 Lord Christ, the People Flocked to You ("Resignation") - Not bad.  Probably not great, but not bad.
*831 As We Gather At Your Table ("Holy Manna") - text is the usual "gathering as one" dreck.
*832 We Come with Joy in Jesus Christ ("Ellacombe") - text not too bad.  Tune always fine.
*833 All Are Welcome (Haugen) - Verse 3: "A banquet hall on holy ground".  Definitely one of the worst pieces to enter into a Catholic hymnal.
*834 O Christ, within These Walls (Sensmeier) - Now that we encounter a good singable tune by Randall Sensmeier, it gets wed to a text that sings the basics of what we do at Mass.  Blech!
836 Gather Us In (Haugen) - One of the few mistakes inserted into Worship III, obviously, with the crap that we've encountered so far, was kept for Worship IV.  There is not one mention or invoking of God or Jesus in this ditty whatsoever.  Second half of the verse sounds like an excerpt of "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".
837 All People that on Earth Do Dwell ("Old Hundredth") - This hymn is always a class act.  However, the text has been bastardized (looks like the same watering down that appeared in Worship III), which makes it hard for a real organist to program the Vaughan Williams "Old Hundredth Psalm Tune" to embellish it.
*838 They Came, a Milling Crowd ("St. Thomas"/Williams) - tune: fine, text: eh?
*840 Risen Lord, We Gather 'Round You (Bob Moore) - music too Haugen-ish.
*841 I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say ("Mayedidut") - not so hot.
*842 Diverse in Culture, Nation, Race ("Tallis' Canon") - too much "about us".
*843 Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Forever / Jesuchristo Ayer (Toolan) - nope
*844 All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly ("Holy Manna") - also nope.
*845 How Shocking Were the People ("Llangloffan") - tune: nice, text: help me!
*846 To You, O God, We Sing / Cantemos al SeƱor (Rosas) - garbage/basura
*847 Morning Has Broken ("Bunessan") - when done correctly, the hymn is actually fine.  I can understand it was kind of "folk-a-sized" when Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam) made a big hit out of it.  If you use the David Evans accompaniment that appears in Worship II and "Pilgrim Hymnal" and not the Marty Haugen accompaniment that's in this volume, you'll be good to go.  Trust me.
*848 The Earth Is Turning toward the Sun ("Martyrdom") - Tune is a welcome addition.  Text is not bad either.
849 When Morning Gilds the Sky ("Laudes Domini") - appeared first in Worship III as "When Morning Gilds the SKIES", which we'll be singing in a couple of weeks (yes, I have the hymns for the rest of February, and I'll post them as they occur).  First verse bastardized big time.  Should end thus: "Alike at work and prayer, to Jesus I repair: May Jesus Christ be praised!".  Fourth verse also bastardized big time.
850 This Day God Gives Me ("Raabe") - Tune is rythmically tricky.  Better off with "Bunessan" (again, use the Evans accompaniment for best results), the tune used in Worship III.
*851 Through Silver Veils of Morning Mist (Morris) - text is strange, and the tune sounds like a theme in a Dr. Seuss cartoon.  Enough said.
*854 God of Day and God of Darkness ("Beach Spring") - not too bad.
856 Praise and Thanksgiving, Father We Offer ("Bunessan") - fine (with the Evans accompaniment - just a reminder).  Spanish added in this volume.
858 Come, You Thankful People, Come ("St. George's Windsor") - you mean "Come, YE Thankful People, Come", don't you?
859 God, Whose Farm Is All Creation ("Stuttgart") - Hymn itself is ok, though the title is a bit strange.  I think of banjos and fiddles and a square dance caller with this title (don't get me wrong, I LOVE the tune "Stuttgart", it's the title that's got me thinking comical thoughts).  Ever see Bugs Bunny call a square dance?  Hi-freakin-larious!  BTW, hymn debuted in Worship III - copyright holder of the text changed from "The Old Sun" to "Oxford University Press".

Next installment: Second Coming


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