This installment will be brought to you by the letters "L", "M", and "N", and by the number "x".
201. Laudate Dominum (Worship II, #156). Music: Psalm Tone 6F. Key of F.
202. Let All Creation Bless the Lord (Worship IV, #579). Tune: Lobt Gott den Herren (Who remembers Into Our Hearts, O Spirit Come from the old People's Mass Book?). Key of F.
203. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Worship II, #157) Tune: Picardy. Key of D minor.
204. Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise (resounding...) (Worship IV, #905). Tune: Somenis Haec Festivitas (see Vatican II Hymnal, page 302) (Worship III uses Eisenach, Worship IV uses Truro). Key of D.
205. Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise (to sing...) (Worship II, #158). Replace "Jehovah's" with "Redeemer's" in verse 1. Tune: Old Hundred Thirteenth. Key of D.
206. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (First Tune) (Worship I, #85). Tune: All the World (Robert McCutchan). Key of D.
207. Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (Second Tune) (Worship II, #159). Tune: MacDougall (Calvin Hampton). Key of E-flat.
208. Let All Things Now Living (Worship III, #559) Restore text from old We Celebrate (1976, 1979). Tune: Ash Grove. Key of G in people's book, with "low key option" in F in the organ book.
209. Let All Together Praise Our God (Worship II, #160). Tune: Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen. Key of E.
210. Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing (Worship III, #741). Tune: Dundee. Key of D with footnote: "for higher key, see Maker of All, to You We Give".
211. Let There Be Light, Lord God of Hosts (Worship II, #160). Tune: Pentecost. Key of G.
212. Lift High the Cross (Worship III, #704). Tune: Crucifer. Key of C.
213. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates (Worship II, #163). Tune: Truro. Key of C.
214. Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming (Worship II, #164, plus third verse from Worship III, #374). Tune: Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen. Key of F.
215. Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious (First tune) (Worship III, #468) Appears in Worship III as Look, O LOOK, the Sight is Glorious. Tune: Bryn Calfaria. Key of G minor.
216. Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious (Second tune) See notes in #213 about title change. Tune: Coronae (appears in Hymnal 1940). Key of F.
217. Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace (Worship III, #691). Tune: Morning Song (called Consolation in the early We Celebrate issues). Key: F min.
218. Lord Christ, the Father's Mighty Son (Worship II, #165). Tune: Hampton Poyle. Key: F.
219. Lord, Here Is One to Be Baptized (Worship II, #166). Tune: Font. Key of C.
220. Lord Jesus, Think on Me (Worship II, #167). Tune: Southwell. Key of E minor.
221. Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace (Worship IV, #755). Tune: Cor Dulcis, Cor Amabile (appears in Pius X Hymnal and The New St. Basil Hymnal; Worship IV uses O Waly Waly). Key of D.
222. Lord, May Their Lives (Worship II, #168). Tune by J. Robert Carroll. Key of B-flat.
223. Lord of All Hopefulness (Worship II, #169). Tune: Slane. Key of E-flat.
224. Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace (Worship II, #170). Tune: Beatus Vir. Key of D.
225. Lord of the Living (Worship III, #739). Tune: Integer Vitae (appears in Pilgrim Hymnal), with footnote: "Alternate tune: Christe Sanctorum, see Father, We Praise Thee". Key of A-flat.
226. Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray (Worship IV, #954). Appears in Worship IV as Lord, Who at YOUR First Eucharist DID Pray. We'll restore the more prayerful/less conversational language here. Tune: Unde et Memores. Key of D.
227. Lord, Who throughout these Forty Days (Worship II, #171). Tune: St. Flavian. Key: F.
228. Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service (Worship III, #630). Tune: Beach Spring, with footnote: "Alternate tune: In Babilone, see There's a Wideness in God's Mercy". Key of F.
229. Lord, You Give the Great Commission (Worship III, #470). Tune: Abbot's Leigh, with footnote: "Alternate tune: Austria, see Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken". Key of C.
230. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (First Tune) (Worship II, #172) Tune: Hyfrydol (the tune in Worship II). Key of F.
231. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Second Tune) (same text) Tune: Beecher (appears in Hymnal 1940). Key of A.
232. Love Is His Word (Worship III, #599). Tune by Calvin Hampton from We Celebrate (Worship III uses Julinorma). Key of E-flat.
233. Magnificat (First Tune) (Worship II, #173) Tune: Psalm Tone 6F. Key of F.
234. Magnificat (Second Tune) (same text) Tune: Psalm Tone 8G, with alternate set by Ciro Grassi (see Pius X Hymnal). Tonic: F.
235. Maker of All, to You We Give (Worship II, #174). Tune: Dundee. Key of D with footnote: "For higher key, see Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing".
236. Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works (Worship III, #503). Tune: Lacquiparle. Key of C minor.
237. Mary, How Lovely the Light of Your Glory (Worship II, #175). Tune: Chance. Key of F.
238. May the Grace of Christ Our Savior (Worship II, #176). Tune: Evening Prayer (appears in 1979 We Celebrate), with footnote: "Alternate tune: Stuttgart; see God, My King, Thy Might Confessing". Key of F.
239. 'Mid Canyons Deep of Brick and Stone (Worship II, #177). Tune: Halifax. Key of F minor, with "low key option" in E minor in the organ book.
240. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Worship II, #178). Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic. Key of B-flat.
241. Morning Glory, Starlit Sky (Worship III, #587). Tune: Bingham. Key of A-flat.
242. Morning Has Broken (Worship II, #179). Here's a hymn that made its way into hymnals long before Cat Stevens (er, Yusuf Islam) made a big hit out of it. With the right accompaniment, the hymn is fine. Tune: Bunessan (with the David Evans accompaniment). Key of C.
243. Most High Omnipotent, Good Lord (Worship II, #180). Tune: Lukkason. Key of A.
244. My Country, 'Tis of Thee (Worship II, #181). Tune: America. Key of F.
245. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (Worship III, #606). "Jehovah" was removed in verse 1, pursuant to Vatican directives. Tune: Resignation. Key of B-flat.
246. My Song Is Love Unknown (Worship III, #439). Tune: Love Unknown. Key of E-flat.
247. New Songs of Celebration Render (Worship III, #533). Tune: Rendez a Dieu. Key of G.
248. Not for Tongues of Heavens Angels (Worship III, #589). Tune: Bridegroom. Key of F.
249. Now Join We to Praise the Creator (Worship II, #187). Tune: Harvest. Key of F.
250. Now Let Us from this Table Rise (Worship III, #625). Tune: Deus Tuorum Militum. Key of C in the people's book, with "low key option" in B-flat in the organ book.
251. Now Let Your Servant Go in Peace (Worship IV, #872). Tune: Canonbury (Worship IV uses Conditor Alme Siderum, which is a fine chant, but one which I'd rather save for Advent. Key of G.
252. Now on Sea and Land Descending (Worship II, #188). Tune: Vesper Hymn. Key of D.
253. Now Thank We All Our God (Worship II, #189). Tune: Nun Danket. Key of E-flat.
254. Now the Green Blade Riseth (Worship III, #453). Appears in hymnal as Now the Green Blade RISES. Tune: Noel Nouvelet. Key of E minor with footnote: "For higher key, see Sing We Now of Christmas".
I'll be back tomorrow with the big bad "O" section.
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