Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WORSHIP - Ultimate Edition (Part VIII)

This installment will see the "P", "R", and "S" sections.  There are no "Q"s.

306. Pange Lingua Gloriosi (Worship II, #225) with English Sing, My Tongue, the Savior's Glory.  Tune: Chant, Mode III.  Tonic: D.
307. Parce, Domine (antiphon at Worship II, #226), with Latin verses of Psalm 50 (51) to Tonus Peregrinus.  Tune: Chant, Mode I.  Key of E minor.
308. Peace with the Father (Worship III, #660).  Tune: Song 46.  Key of F.
309. People, Look East (Worship III, #359).  Tune: Besancon Carol.  Key of D.
310. Praise and Thanksgiving, Father, We Offer (Worship III, #682).  Tune: Bunessan (accompaniment by David Evans). Key of C.
311. Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Worship II, #228, plus added verse from Worship III, #530).  Tune: Lauda Anima (arrangement from Worship III).  Key of D.
312. Praise the Lord, His Glories Show (Worship II, #18)  Appears as Alleluia, Alleluia, Praise the Lord, His Glories Show, with the tune Alleluia Song.  Tune here: Llanfair.  Key of F.
313. Praise the Lord of Heaven (Worship III, #551)  Tune: Une Vaine Crainte.  Key of A.
314. Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Worship I, #87).  Tune: Austria, with footnote: "Alternate tune: Hyfrydol; see Alleluia! Sing to Jesus".  Key of E-flat.
315. Praise the Spirit in Creation (Worship III, #477).  Tune: Julion.  Key of F.
316. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Worship II, #231).  Tune: Lobe den Herren. Key of F.
317. Praise We the Lord this Day (Worship II, #232).  Tune: Swabia.  Key of D.
318. Puer Natus in Bethlehem (a combination of Worship II, #233, and Worship IV, #432).  With English translations from both hymnals.  Tune: Chant, Mode I.  Key of E minor.
319. Regina Caeli (Worship III, #433) with English O Queen of Heaven.  Tune: Chant, Mode VI.  Key of F.
320. Rejoice, Angelic Choirs, Rejoice (Worship III, #455).  Tune: Mit Freuden Zart.  Key of D with footnote: "For lower key, see O Holy Lord, by All Adored".
321. Rejoice, the Lord is King (Worship II, #235).  Tune: Darwall's 148th.  Key of C.
322. Rest in Peace, Earth's Journey Ended (Worship IV, #989).  Tune: Moehr.  Key of E-flat.
323. Saint Joseph, God Has Chosen You (Worship II, #239).  Tune: London New. Key of D.
324. Saint Joseph, Mary's Faithful Spouse (Worship IV, #873).  Tune: St. Botolph with footnote: "Alternate tune: Tallis' Ordinal; see O Holy Spirit, Come to Us".  Key of E-flat in people's book, with "low key option" in D in the organ book.
325. Salve Regina (Worship II, #240).  Tune: Chant, Mode V.  Key of C.
326. Savior of the Nations, Come (Worship II, #241).  Tune: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland. Key of G minor.
327. See, amid the Winter's Snow (Worship III, #375).  Tune: Humility. Key of G.
328. Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless (Worship II, #242). Tune: St. Agnes. Key of G.
329. Shepherds Left Their Flocks A-Straying (Worship II, #243).  Tune: Quem Pastores. Key of F.
330. Shout for Joy, Loud and Long (Worship III, #540). Tune: Personet Hodie. Tonic: E.
331. Silence, Frenzied Unclean Spirit (Worship IV, #666).  Tune: Dohmnach Trionoide with footnote: "Alternate tune: Ebenezer; see Thy Strong Word Didst Cleave the Darkness".  Key of F minor.
332. Silent Night (Worship II, #242), with original German Stille Nacht.  Tune: Stille Nacht.  Key of B-flat.
333. Since Our Great High Priest Christ Jesus (Worship IV, #531). Tune: All Saints (titled in some hymnals as Zeuch Mich, Zeuch Mich). Key: B-flat.
334. Sing a New Song to the Lord (Worship II, #245).  Tune: Cantate Domino (lately titled as Onslow Square).  Key of G.
335. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord (Worship II, #246).  Tune: Lobt Gott in Seinem Heiligtum.  Key of E minor.
336. Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle (Worship II, #247).  Tune: Fortunatus New.  Key of D minor.
337. Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly (Worship II, #248).  Tune: Pleading Savior.  Key of F.
338. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above (Worship II, #249).  Tune: Mit Freuden Zart.  Key of D with footnote: "For lower key, see O Holy Lord, by All Adored".
339. Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song (Worship II, #250).  Tune: Gonfalon Royal. Key of G.
340. Sing We Now of Christmas (Worship IV, #422).  Tune: Noel Nouvelet.  Key of F minor, with footnote: "For lower key, see Now the Green Blade Riseth".
341. Sing We of the Blessed Mother (Worship III, #714). Tune: Omni Die Dic Mariae. Key: F.
342. Sing with All the Sons of Glory (Worship II, #252).  Tune: Hymn to Joy. Key of G.
343. Son of God, Eternal Savior (Worship II, #254).  Tune: Lord, Revive Us, with footnote: "Alternate tune: Pleading Savior; see Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly".  Key of F.
344. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (Worship II, #255).  Tune: Salzburg. Key of D.
345. Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers (Worship II, #257).  Tune: Graefenberg, with footnote: "Alternate tune: St. Agnes; see "Shepherd of Souls, Refresh and Bless".  Key of F.
346. Spirit of God within Me (Worship III, #480).  Tune: Escambia. Key of C.
347. Stainless the Maiden (Worship IV, #900). Add missing verse from We Celebrate.  Tune: Serdeczna Matko.  Key of D.
348. Surely It Is God Who Saves Me (Worship III, #584).  Tune: Raquel.  Key of A-flat.

More tomorrow!

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