Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I can still remember playing the Fat Tuesday Mass at Holy Name, only to follow it with the "Bring Your Most Fattening Dessert" party in the school hall afterward! My wife used to bring in her own homemade Reese's cup treats - chocolate on top of peanut butter. MMMMMMMM!

We also made sure we had a few extra Alleluias in store. Alleluia! Song of Sweetness/Gladness (Alleluia! Dulce Carmen!) being the ideal hymn to sing before having to "put the Alleluias away" for the six weeks to follow. Other hymns like All Creatures of Our God and King, and its fivefold alleluia at the end of each verse is always nice - getting all those Alleluias out while you can!

For the Gospel Antiphon, something with as many alleluias as possible - Alex Peloquin has a couple of cool settings: 1) Mass of the Bells (fourfold - rythymically adapted to Kyrie VIII), and 2) Lyric Liturgy (fivefold - rythymically adapted to Ite Missa Est I without alleluias). Richard Proulx has a fivefold alleluia as well, I think it's from his Mass of the Redeemer, but I could be wrong (My Worship II and III are at the church).

So for one more day, let's belt it out!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used "Sing Alleluia, Sing" (Gary Ault, OCP) as the recessional on Sunday. Seven "Alleluia"s in each refrain, woohoo! (Sadly, though, there are only two verses.)

-Chris C.